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W: Female GSC Heads


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I know it's a little early, since the first of these kits isn't even released until tomorrow, but I wanted to throw this out there. If anyone is getting any of the new GSC kits that come with female head options (AFAIK, the Atalan Jackals and the Achilles Ridgerunner), and isn't going to be using them, I'd love to get more of them to add some more variation to my Neophytes.

I've got a fairly extensive bitz collection, with at least something from almost every Faction. Let me know if you're looking for something, and I'll see if I have it around. Thanks!

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Statuesque or Victoria female heads on standard Cadian Guard or Scion bodies look great. Flak jackets, armored breastplates, and fatigues are pretty much unisex. The Statuesque Wide Heroic heads also fit Space Marine bodies just fine, if you want to annoy the heck out of a certain sort of player.

There’s even a guy over on Yak Tribe that’s been mixing Statuesque heads, various other bits, and Necromunda bodies to make female Goliath gangers!


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1 hour ago, WestRider said:

Yep, like I said, plenty of options for more or less normal humans. What I need these for is Stealer Hybrids, which don't currently have any 3rd party equivalents I can find.

Given how extremely mutated Hybrids are from baseline humans, you could easily get away with just using the regular heads... they’re pretty far gone at that point, feminine facial characteristics are probably not going to be prominent.

Although, I suppose if you did want something for prominently feminine, but still with an alien ridged forehead you might try Klingons. Surely somebody on Shapeways or Thingiverse is selling miniature Klingon heads, right?

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24 minutes ago, PumpkinHead said:

I bought a box of jackals, though now after reading a bunch of reviews and reading the rules myself, I don't really want to put them together. So I can open the box and find the female heads for you.

Sweet! Let me know what you want for them.

EDIT: Actually, if you really don't want them, I'll buy the whole box off you. I want to make some Orlock Bikers for Necromunda.

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2 hours ago, Brother Glacius said:

what's wrong with the bikers?

Their stat line sucks, they are a guardsman on a bike. They get heavy weapons or a shotgun, and they take penalties for moving and shooting heavies unless they are taken in The Rusted Claw. So they don't kill things well, they die to a stiff breeze, they don't offer any benefits that I can tell. I will run them a few times and try them out, but I don't expect much.


5 hours ago, WestRider said:

Sweet! Let me know what you want for them.

EDIT: Actually, if you really don't want them, I'll buy the whole box off you. I want to make some Orlock Bikers for Necromunda.

I love the  models. I think they look fantastic. So I will assemble them and paint them and then let them sit on the shelf until they are FAQed.  But you can have the heads.

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2 hours ago, PumpkinHead said:

Their stat line sucks, they are a guardsman on a bike. They get heavy weapons or a shotgun, and they take penalties for moving and shooting heavies unless they are taken in The Rusted Claw. So they don't kill things well, they die to a stiff breeze, they don't offer any benefits that I can tell. I will run them a few times and try them out, but I don't expect much.

You get what you pay for. They're also dirt cheap. Close to half the price of any other Bike Unit in the Game. They're the same Points per Wound as Neophytes, but they're also T4. Half the firepower output on a per-Point basis, but 2.5x the speed.

All that said, I'm planning on going Rusted Claw all the way, so I do view them through that lens. But even without that, I don't think they're terrible.

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On 2/12/2019 at 1:36 PM, PumpkinHead said:

Their stat line sucks, they are a guardsman on a bike. They get heavy weapons or a shotgun, and they take penalties for moving and shooting heavies unless they are taken in The Rusted Claw. So they don't kill things well, they die to a stiff breeze, they don't offer any benefits that I can tell. I will run them a few times and try them out, but I don't exp

So they are GSC rough riders?

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35 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

So they are GSC rough riders?

They're significantly better, but more or less, yeah.

23 hours ago, PumpkinHead said:

-1 to hit, T4, 2W, 5+ save. They will die in a flurry to the new beta bolter rules.

This is true of essentially everything in the GSC Dex. On a per-Point basis, the Jackals are actually more durable against shooting than any other non-Character, non-Vehicle Unit in the Army.

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