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A Leap of Faith


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Fellow hamsters,


While these forums and the Tuesday night threads can be a great resource for setting up games, some of us have noticed a trend developing.


Every week we set up games with each other and we have a good turn out. But there are number of people that come in for pick-up games and are unable to find an opponent. Everyone is already spoken for. They'll come in for a few weeks, leave disappointed, and eventually stop showing up.


Sure we tell them the steps to join the forums to set up games, and some of them do. But should gamers have to go through these steps just to get a game in?


Our club is strong, but the tabletop gaming outside of our club is pitifully weak. That shouldn't be.


While there are a lot of factors, one we can easily control is opening ourselves up to more pick-up games. All that takes is not scheduling a game in advance.


If you want to play a niche game that doesn't have many players, by all means schedule it. Have a long commute and are worried about showing up for nothing? The forum should and will continue to be a resource for you. Have tournament coming up and you know JUST the opponent to help you practice? Set it up!


But for people that want to play popular games like Warhammer fantasy, 40k, or X-wing it really shouldn't be hard to grab a game.


Show up with the game you'd prefer to play, bring a backup, and maybe bring a board game too (and remember DTG has free to play board games too).


I'm confident that everyone showing up will still get games in. It might not be the game you expected to play, but that's not a bad thing! You might discover your new favorite game, or you might discover a new potential Warhamster, who knows.


We're not banning the Tuesday threads and we bear no ill will towards those who want to continue to rely on them, I just ask anyone to willing to partake in this social experiment to take this leap of faith for a few weeks.


Resist the urge to make yourself unavailable to any non-forum user by scheduling games.


We're all here to roll dice anyway, let's take a chance.


Thank you,


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I do have high hopes that this can work. Hopefully we can inject a little more life into the Bham gaming community. I love our club currently but I am always happy to welcome new players. I won't be using the Tuesday threads for a while, maybe not until Infinity 3rd edition comes out. And for everyone in general including those of you who still need/want to use the Tuesday threads I would ask that you introduce yourself to new people and tell them about the club. Let's get a bigger, healthier gaming community going.

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Im going to join the experiment as well as I truly believe that we lose out on a lot of new blood because they feel excluded by not getting in games. Joining the forum and posting on it might not seem like a lot for some, but for new gamers it can be intimidating and a deterrent. Bellingham is the only place out of the half dozen game shops that ive gamed at where scheduled games are the norm. The more people that try out pick up games, the more chance we have at it working. If its just Joey, Kevin and I than its doomed to fail. 

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I'm on board. I'll try to bring multiple lists so that team games are more viable as well if an odd number of players shows up for 40k. Speaking as a new player, I didn't feel unwelcome but not knowing of the forums prior meant my first few Tuesdays were gameless.


It's also admittedly difficult to welcome a new player when trying to concentrate on rules heavy games I've found so far.


I'll bring 40k and some board games. Mage knight anyone? Hard to convince the gf to play it :P its a fun light rpg hex game. Allows for up to 4 players, so exclusion wouldnt be a huge issue, fairly intuitive, card based.

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I would say that  not having a store site/ forum for gaming is an issue here as well. We are an invite only club and that brings issues with getting folks on the boards. Some may not know about it and some may shy away from the process as they feel there might be a lengthy invite process, though I know there is not. Just a factor to limiting the amount of exposure that is possible. I am not saying our way is bad, just something to think about.


I think having an open area for folks to schedule games would help in this. I am horrible at starting a pick up game, as I am introverted as hell in face to face times. I prefer to setup my game ahead of time knowing that I won't waste time going down there. Having a better pool of folks that see the site would be helpful. 


I agree though that this is a great idea to create a better community as a whole. 

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I agree with all here but I think Eli has a great point. How are people supposed to know about gaming if we have no advertisements aside from word of mouth. Which is great to get members in if and only if they are in the back room asking questions. Even then most of the gamers are to into games to answer. I believe some type of logo, or poster should be put up (with the approval of Nathaniel).


The bad part of pick-up games, as Russ has stated and has happened to me every night where I had no game pre-planned, is that people stand around like a freshman prom date choking on their own gag reflex, sweating bullets with a urine stain on the front of their tuxes wondering what young pretty lass is going to skip over and ask them to dance. Of course no one ever does skip over and instead nerds just stand around in a circle molesting each other's eyeballs until they can't bear it and leave. I know some people try to help out with this but their games do take precedence. Until we can change THIS, Kevin Sekac 2015 "Change You Can Believe In", I think pick-up games are going to be a constant battle.


Now not to whine without a solution, maybe we have a game coordinator that can help out. Maybe this would be the ambassadors job, wink, wink. All I am saying is someone has to help out otherwise we have flash backs to rejection in high school. I cant handle that man. I'm just not ready. 

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The bad part of pick-up games, as Russ has stated and has happened to me every night where I had no game pre-planned, is that people stand around like a freshman prom date choking on their own gag reflex, sweating bullets with a urine stain on the front of their tuxes wondering what young pretty lass is going to skip over and ask them to dance. Of course no one ever does skip over and instead nerds just stand around in a circle molesting each other's eyeballs until they can't bear it and leave. I know some people try to help out with this but their games do take precedence. Until we can change THIS, Kevin Sekac 2015 "Change You Can Believe In", I think pick-up games are going to be a constant battle.




I think that the reason that people dont get games in unless they have scheduled one is because everyone schedules them in advance. I know I have come in a couple of times without games scheduled and just sat around because there wasnt anyone left to play. If more people walk in for pick up games then I know that this problem will dwindle down a lot. 

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I'm on board. I'll try to bring multiple lists so that team games are more viable as well if an odd number of players shows up for 40k. Speaking as a new player, I didn't feel unwelcome but not knowing of the forums prior meant my first few Tuesdays were gameless.




I think you have brought up a great point Scipiano. One of the concerns that was brought up was 40k has become a broken game and only works if you schedule a game. Bringing multiple lists could help to solve this problem. 

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I like this idea as I'm always in favor of getting new blood in the club (to spill for the Blood God of course). A few brainstorms to throw out there if we run into any issues with this new system:


Maybe have a sign in sheet every week that people looking for a game can use to write their name and what they're looking to play.


Maybe like was mentioned, have an ambassador from the hamsters (could be rotating so one person wouldn't be burdened with the job all the time) making a point to talk to people coming in and trying to get them games.


I think having some flyers put together for the club sounds great. I put together the previous flyers, but no longer have access to a printer. If someone with a printer wants to throw these together, I think that's a good idea or I'd be willing to photoshop something up and send it to someone.

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I have played just about everybody there. Best tip I can give is if you schedule grab a person that stood around last week. Big thing is if you notice someone game less schedule one the following week right then and there. Most of the newbies are playing 40k and I've been learning fantasy... I feel good enough to lose at fantasy now so I'll be back on the prowl for making sure new peeps get games.

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We could also put up a flyer in the back room for how to get on this forum.

My issue with putting up a flyer is at that point we're inviting anyone and everyone to join this forum. And if we're inviting anyone and everyone, then we might as well make it an open forum and not need to post the steps.


It's like getting a safe, then writing the combination on the door.


Personally, I would rather make ourselves open to gaming with anyone and everyone. Then offer this forum to anyone who is interested in the club, and who can be vouched for by a hamster.


Not everyone interested in gaming is interested in a club, and we shouldn't force people to join, just to get a game.

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I think that the reason that people dont get games in unless they have scheduled one is because everyone schedules them in advance. I know I have come in a couple of times without games scheduled and just sat around because there wasnt anyone left to play. If more people walk in for pick up games then I know that this problem will dwindle down a lot. 

I totally agree, up until now I've felt like unless I get a confirmed opponent on the forums, I'm probably not playing that week.  I live very close so pick up games are easy for me so the next few weeks ill just have a few different lists ready and head down at 4:30-5ish without an agenda.

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Maybe we should have a weekly forum where people can schedule games, specifically those types like Loren, who live far away and have to transport a huge army and people with schedules that only allow certain times to make it down on Tuesday, and on that same forum have people that will be down there that won't have a game scheduled. We have tried this in our general forums for Tuesday nights, but no structured format. Having, let's say a poster that a hamster can fill out of people showing up that night with no game and what time they will be down. This way pick-up people won't show up at 4:30 and leave at 5:15 because they are not sure who is going to show up.


Let's be honest though too, At least I will, there are just some people I really don't want to game with, so if I am at a pick-up game night I am a lot less likely to show for the probability that I may be paired against them with no escape. What else are you supposed to say, "no I don't want to game with you because your list sucks or I don't like the way your face looks when you roll dice or you smell like deer farts." 

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Let me clarify, I like everybody, but some people match ups can be rough. Loren I will admit our serious games get pretty tense, I'm no perfect angel. And depending on the type of gamer, ie.) Loren, Gareth are pretty competitive players. If they are coming down to try out their lists it is serving no justice for them or new players to play match-ups. Remember the 40K populations is dwindling. The choice of our players is already pretty thin. I think we would need hamsters designated to play newcomers. Personally those games I can't play. I don't have the time or patience and I know I am not the only person. Idk I am just playing devils advocate here. Just some things to think about.

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Thanks for sharing my side Huggies


I live a half hour away, an hour full trip just to game with you guys.  This why I try to be very communicative in setting up my games and my flakes, bran dandruff you choose.  If I come in for a 'pick up game' and don't get one, i lose an hour to guide meridian traffic, so I'll be entirely honest with you, if that happens on the regular, you won't see me.  I just won't show up.  I like the idea of being available for pick up games and before my break, I played pick up games and supplied armies for pick up games, but I also put responsibility on my opponent to set up the game FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK.  We used a funny thing called a phone, we texted to confirm games.


So I applaud the missionary work, but I'll be scheduling games on the forums while I set up pick up games with responsive non-clubbers.


But honestly, I'm just better than they are and I don't like lowering myself to their standard

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Ok, here's what I think. Joey, Kevin, y'all have identified a problem. Let's lay it out and approach it all logical-like.


Problem: Need a better way to get new blood into the club, and be more welcoming of newcomers.


First off, I've got to say no one feels anxiety of the club's future more than me. I'm a B'ham lifer, and every time one of you rat bastards graduates, gets a job, and/or moves, I squirm and angst like nobody's business. Granted, I'd not describe this as problem, so much as a "growth area". As Kevin said, nights other than Tuesday might be less active (or dead), but that doesn't mean we're responsible for the health of the entire Bellingham gaming community. We can take on that role if we want, but we don't have to. So, let's restate that:


Area of potential growth: Could be nice to be more inclusive and welcoming to newcomers.


I can get behind that 100%. Don't want to do it at the expense of core, long-term members or the overall mission of the club, but I also don't think they're mutually exclusive.


One potential solution: Don't set up games ahead of time, bring lots of games and be ready to play whatever.


Pros: Lots of folks will be available for pick-up games. Newcomers will get showered with gaming requests.


Cons:  Too much crap to move around. Risk of not getting games (which matters a lot for travelers like Loren and old men like me who don't have the flexibility to play on other nights). Not knowing what you'll play can staunch enthusiasm (I like the lead-up in planning what I'm going to play). We all roll in at different times, so at what point do we decide to pair off? Puts a damper on campaigns, which can require pre-arranged games. There are some games I want to play much more than others, and week after week of sub-optimal games would be a let-down.


Hmmm... for me, the cons greatly outweigh the pros. Plus, how many people do we need available for pick-up games on any given Tuesday, anyhow? But that doesn't mean the area of potential growth isn't doable. Let's think...


An second potential solution:  Have a couple 'hamsters each week sign up as "floaters". Bring all your stuff, have filler games to plan, and work the room. Introduce yourself to new people. Offer to play games, demo stuff, etc. This used to be what the Hamsterizer did, but if that's not working, we can split the duties.


Pros:  Enough folks will be available for pick-up games. Newcomers will get gaming requests. Non-floaters can still get the certainty of a fixed game. Cons from the first solution get spread out.


Cons:  Floaters might not get a game and have crap to move around.


A third potential solution:  Have occasional (once a quarter?) open house nights. Everyone brings games and armies, and tables are going of a lot of stuff. Advertise the hell out of them. Warhamsters can have demo tables set up, or bring armies for what you want to play. Hamsterizer (or whoever) circulates, mingles, and sets new folks up with games with old salts. Advertise to the gaming clubs on campus.


Pros: Welcoming atmosphere, draws people in, doesn't monopolize every Tuesday night.


Cons:  Maybe no one comes, in which case we play with each other and drink.


A fourth potential solution: Encourage people to come on other nights. Leave Tuesday as open-gaming, but set up an X-wing league on Wednesday nights. Or a boardgame night on Monday nights.


Pros: Provides more opportunities for folks to be at DTG. More welcoming, less dilution of games across systems.


Cons:  Doing this takes a lot of motivation and work on the part of the organizers, and requires careful policing of the player-base (e.g., the problem player who chased lots of folks away from the old boardgame night).


A fifth potential solution:  Leave everything as is, but open the boards up.


Pros: More welcoming, less hurdles to get connected to the rest of us.


Cons:   The on-line feeling of just hanging out with friends might be diminished, the types of conversations we have might change (no more vetting things to just hamsters), policing of the player-base becomes impossible in a on-line setting (e.g., the problem player who chased lots of folks away from the old boardgame night)


If you have other potential solutions or other pros and cons for me to add to the above, let me know. I guess my point is, there are lots of way to work at this. Let's consider multiple approaches, and pick something (together) that we think will work. And then try it. And talk about whether it worked. And revise accordingly. We can be libertarian and independent, letting members do what they want, but from my experience the result of that tends to be fractious. Instead, I suggest we talk about it (not talk over each other at NYP) and come to a decision together.



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Though I like having a personal club forum. It is nice to have a secret illuminati group where we sacrifice the blood of young chickens in order to go fourth with our sacred meetings. Maybe not a private gaming one but I still like our being a secret. If everyone can see what's the point of joining a group.


Remember the anticipation of "death" is worse than "death" itself.

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