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New ITC Poll

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I'd also like to see stomps can only impact the unit/units the Knight is locked in combat with. I actually end up doing this as wounds would be impacted and I'm not cheesy enough to shop for the sixes across the board...


Been a bit since I read the itc closely might already be in there

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I'd also like to see stomps can only impact the unit/units the Knight is locked in combat with. I actually end up doing this as wounds would be impacted and I'm not cheesy enough to shop for the sixes across the board...


Been a bit since I read the itc closely might already be in there

It is.

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Well, results are in:



JetBikes stay as-is by the slimmest of margins. I'm going to agree with Reece here and speculate it's because people just aren't getting it, as they haven't played it yet. It will probably go the way of invisibility (first poll kept it, second poll nerfed it by a huge margin).

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More are up in arms about Scouting / Scoring Fortifications, though.


Shooty Drop Pods are more par for the course.  I didn't know about the Flesh Tearers formation until I read his list, though.


I wonder what the Sternguard will get swapped out for since the combi-gravs were apparently lackluster.

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It's more that they are in a drop pod so they are close up and are AP2.  They function about the same as a combiplas without getting hot, only lose 3" of range for those 2 shots, and wound nasties like Wraithlords/Barbed Hierodules on 3s/2s instead of 5s.  

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It's more that they are in a drop pod so they are close up and are AP2. They function about the same as a combiplas without getting hot, only lose 3" of range for those 2 shots, and wound nasties like Wraithlords/Barbed Hierodules on 3s/2s instead of 5s.


Centurions do it better comparable costs


Edit: you can go "cheap" on the sternguard but you get what you pay for sacrificial bad on range centurions could pod in safer and are tougher

Edited by VonVilkee
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