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So, I need help in fleshing out the war convocation.  The basic formation clocks in at 1455pts.  That includes the following:


10 Vanguard

5 rangers

5 infiltrators

5 ruststalkers

1 dunecrawler

1 dragoon

1 dominus

2x3 destoyers

1 knight paladin


The question is what to do with the residual 395 pts.  Now, let me state at the outset that I'd prefer not to go the drop pod allied route.  As I see it, there are a number of options, but I'm not sure which is best from a competitive standpoint (and I'm building this for competitive)



1. Add another knight.  


2. I change to a knight errant, expand the dragoons to a unit of 3, expand the rangers to a full 10 (allowing 3 special weapons), add a third unit of destroyers, and add a second dune crawler.


3. Add a kastelen robot unit and expand the dragoons to a unit of 3


4. ...some other combination.

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After getting briefly distracted by the new marine codex, I'm back on the hobby horse (pun!) with my war conclave.  I love painting this army.  It paints well, and quickly, and is looking great.  Here's the painting list for my collection:





Kataphron Destoryers DONE

Kataphron Destoryers

Kataphron Destoryers

Kataphron Breachers

Kastelen Maniple (ranged) DONE

Kastelen Maniple (close combat)

10 Vanguard DONE

10 Rangers

Dunecrawler DONE





Knight DONE

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I'd put the destroyer squads up to 5 man squads. That's an additional 4 Destoyers - but they'll cover much more space and put out LOTS of shots. Additionally if you lose 1 you don't need to check morale.


More INFILTRATORS! They are fast, and very shooty/punchy but need numbers. The aura they project can win games- exploit it with max numbers.


Another Dominus? Another Relic? Cognis Heavy Grav Cannons on a 5 man squad of Destoyers?

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Having seen Infiltrators in action a number of times recently in our league games... I'm not impressed. They're just so fragile for how much they cost, and while they are reasonably quick, that one turn of shooting they have to weather will often do them in.


I feel like the Castellan plays best to the army's strengths, at least outside of adding Drop Pods (which is the "right" answer to a lot of your problems, but it's understandable that you're trying to avoid it.)

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I feel like the Castellan plays best to the army's strengths, at least outside of adding Drop Pods (which is the "right" answer to a lot of your problems, but it's understandable that you're trying to avoid it.)

Pods can't transport MCs. Dreadnoughts, but not MCs...


Not sure if you were suggesting it or not.

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Having seen Infiltrators in action a number of times recently in our league games... I'm not impressed. They're just so fragile for how much they cost, and while they are reasonably quick, that one turn of shooting they have to weather will often do them in.


I feel like the Castellan plays best to the army's strengths, at least outside of adding Drop Pods (which is the "right" answer to a lot of your problems, but it's understandable that you're trying to avoid it.)

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Having seen Infiltrators in action a number of times recently in our league games... I'm not impressed. They're just so fragile for how much they cost, and while they are reasonably quick, that one turn of shooting they have to weather will often do them in.


I feel like the Castellan plays best to the army's strengths, at least outside of adding Drop Pods (which is the "right" answer to a lot of your problems, but it's understandable that you're trying to avoid it.)

I've not had much issue with their survivibity 4+6++, feel no pain, 2 wounds and stealth. They have always done me right- and I've got 6 games in with them now. Granted my first 3 games were a tourney and I was running a silly list- but by the third game I had em together enough to pull off a tie. Sure they drop to s6 fire- but they have a few tricks up their sleeves and give you a really quick moving option to an otherwise brutally slow army


I've got a number of games in with the KASTELANS and I'm just ok with them. They are a very Death Star feeling unit. They are hard to kill- but also don't really do much other than very slowly slog around the field and soak up fire. I think 1 maniple of them would really bun me out with it's damage output for the points investment.

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The Kastelen Robot Maniple? Interesting.  I'm curious to hear your thoughts on that.  I love those models.


The big advantage to the Kastelans is that they shoot hard, melee hard, and are hard to kill (when kitted right.) BS3 is obviously a big limiter, but T7/3+/5++ is hard to break, and the ability to "reflect" shots on 6s with saves- any 6, remember, no matter the kind of save you're taking- is a big discouragement for a lot of things shooting at them. With most MCs, throwing random Boltgun wounds at them will often plink off a wound or two, but with a Kastelan it can be rather counterproductive. Moreover, when given a pair of Phosphex guns, they spew out rather a lot of AP3 shots per turn and add some utility to the rest of your army with the cover reduction/charge reroll. Being able to swap modes makes them very flexible as well- you can bunker up in the early turns as you advance, then take a spot on an objective and throw nine AP3 shots downrange in the mid-game, and if a charge goes off, you can always swap over to bonus attacks.


They're good for your army because they support two of your major themes (shooting/melee hybrid, tough targets.) They give you some much-needed anti-light vehicle firepower and another countercharge unit to help support the Knights and Sicarians. And, while they're hardly cheap, it's hard to beat the efficiency of a 120pt MC with bonus stats and rules.



I've not had much issue with their survivibity 4+6++, feel no pain, 2 wounds and stealth. They have always done me right- and I've got 6 games in with them now. Granted my first 3 games were a tourney and I was running a silly list- but by the third game I had em together enough to pull off a tie. Sure they drop to s6 fire- but they have a few tricks up their sleeves and give you a really quick moving option to an otherwise brutally slow army


I've got a number of games in with the KASTELANS and I'm just ok with them. They are a very Death Star feeling unit. They are hard to kill- but also don't really do much other than very slowly slog around the field and soak up fire. I think 1 maniple of them would really bun me out with it's damage output for the points investment.


I would disagree very strongly on the Infiltrators; S6 shooting is extremely common in tournaments (not the least because of Eldar), and many armies bring ways to ignore cover in one form or another- they have a few good survivability tricks, but they are extremely vulnerable to some of the most common guns around. Moreover, while they are not slouches in a fight, neither are they particularly exciting in most cases, especially as you pay Terminator prices for them. They are relatively fast (especially with Scout), but that alone isn't enough to get them to the enemy given their vulnerability to enemy shooting and morale/pinning.


Kastelans aren't really quite a deathstar, at least when run in a minimum-sized unit (2 robit + 1 nerd). Expensive, certainly, but very hard to drag down and able to project a large "Do Not Enter" bubble around themselves for most infantry. Even without any charges or special modes they are easily enough to shred most infantry and vehicles (as well as a lot of other MCs) in combat. Area denial tools can be a good thing to have.

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It's not "they're T3 and thus worthless," because being T3 is only a minor strike against Vanguard/Rangers (and both of those are pretty good units.) The problem is that most of their defenses (FNP, W2, sometimes armor as well) are negated by very common weapons in the game, so you're effectively paying 35pts for a one-wound guy with a 4+ save.


I'm not saying that they haven't worked out well for you, but I am saying that for someone going to tournaments, they're going to regularly run into weapons that will scythe through Infiltrators like they weren't even there. A minimum-sized unit of Eldar Jetbikes, for example (81pts) will kill most of the squad in a single volley of shooting from 36" away. Broadsides, Heldrakes, Fire Raptors, Knight Wardens, Thunderfire Cannons, Brainleech Devourers, Arc Rifles, and many, many other staples of the tournament scene will do the same.

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