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The Age of Sigmar begins...

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I read the rules multiple times and they are terrible. I am done with fantasy unless a more robust version drops later on.


I would like to start playing 40k more. PM me if you would like to play some 40k and school a newbie.

Why not just continue to play 8th edition?  Sure, it's not going to be supported; however, we have the neccessary tools to continue playing 8th edition.

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Why not just continue to play 8th edition?  Sure, it's not going to be supported; however, we have the neccessary tools to continue playing 8th edition.

Yeah, just because the books aren't being sold anymore,that doesn't mean anyone's rulebooks just disappear. You can still use them to play games, provided you can find an opponent.  :smile:


I wonder though, would everyone want to still play 8th? Maybe 7th? How about 4th or even 3rd edition WFB?

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To each there own.  I will purchase and play AoS, that's a fact.  As for the 4 page rules.  I kind of like that.  Most of the rules (abilites) are going to be on scrolls.  How many of the special rules do you use with your current army?  All it does is take the special rules and put them on scrolls.  I'm really looking forward to seeing these scrolls.


It's an interesting design...


Base rules are 4 pages. But looking at some of their boxed-set 'warscrolls', some of those units have 'special rules' of their own. So instead of referring to the Big Book for all the special rules, they'll be on your unit card (warscroll).


Each unit still has plenty of stats. The interesting thing is the model you're fighting has no inherent WS or Toughness: Your own model lists a 'To hit' and 'To wound' value. Of course, some opposing units might have 'special rules' that alter that, of course. But this obviously means there's no more 'Toughness 10' or 'WS 10'. Which, if you think about it for WS especially, you always hit on either a 3, 4, or 5 anyway. The new stats remove the 'comparison' and instead give you a flat number. I am going to go out on a limb and guess 'To hit: 4+' is average. 3+ is for stuff better than average, and 5+ is for scrubs.


For whatever reason, they went with the 'random charge distance' mechanic which I think is stupid. But, oh well.


You -can- apparently make your units pretty big - some of them specifically say 'as many as you want', and adding more and more figs doesn't 'cost anything... except, apparently if you outnumber your opponent by a substantial amount, they acquire other methods of winning the game in order to give smaller forces a fighting chance. I still don't know how this is going to work: If I know I am going to outnumber you that badly - then why not just go balls-out and outnumber you 5 to 1? 10 to 1? Will the benefit of sheer numbers be greater than the 'boost benefit' that the smaller force gains for being smaller?


Lastly... with the rules and warscrolls for current minis being free... I have zero reason to buy the boxed-set. That's the first time this has happened for me in a very, very long time. Usually, even to get the mini-rulebook and some terrain, I - like a lot of people - would suck-up the $ and buy the boxed set and then dump the minis on friends/ebay/etc to recoup some of the $. This time... I have zero reason to buy it. I hate chaos, I don't care for the sigmarites decked in their sigmarite regalia fighting for their sigmarite beliefs protected by their sigmarite battle-gear made of pure sigmarite. I -suppose- I should be grateful? Maybe I am just... stunned, still? Stunned at free rules, warscrolls for all existing minis? I, like many of you, don't have to spend a single -penny- to try it out... and we don't even have to use proxies?


To me, the writing is on the wall. Either this game flounders and fails and WHFB dies a very inglorious death.... or, it does really well, helps pull GW out of their tail-spin.... and the design studio begins to eye 40K when 8th edition whispers start to fill the hallowed halls of GW-HQ....



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Hmmmm...it all is looking pretty disappointing to me at the moment. I suppose I'll just read the 4 pages of rules and play a few games and then decide. As Mr. Ninja wrote, there is nothing that sez you can't keep playing an older game. The problem with that is an inevitable shrinking community of players.


I am quite bummed out about this at the moment.


On the bright side...perhaps the 2015 OFCC will be the last hurrah for Warhammer Fantasy. I plan to have fun....

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Why not just continue to play 8th edition? Sure, it's not going to be supported; however, we have the neccessary tools to continue playing 8th edition.


If enough people got together and committed to continue to have 8th ed events. I would consider it.


I just don't see how I can muster the desire to finish painting my army if I can't guarentee I can find a game. I also don't want to keep playing games with half painted models. Not to mention without new releases at least once a year things start to get old.


I guess it's possible but I think putting my hobby time into 40k is safer at this point.


I am already bummed that even I have had time off for OFCC all year and still do. I Wil be sitting at home because I have no team a half painted army and will miss seeing all you guys and playing games :'(

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I will be happy to get some games in with this system to see how it goes.  The base rules look pretty thin, so it seems that most of the game is dictated by the way that each unit works.  I do see the potential for a lot of unique lists (something I would never have assumed until seeing the rules).


My big beef is that the core framework of winning and losing the game seems shaky.  How many units does each side get?  However the hell many you feel like!   Do I win if I crush my opponent?   Yes...but...maybe not...we'll get back to you.


I think scenarios and a few limitations on unit and army sizes might need to be house or club ruled, but beyond that i am willing to see the potential in this as a game.





P.S. All Eshin Skaven army?   Yes please!!

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Interestingly, the "War Scrolls" idea mimics the Malifaux system (rules are more than 4 pages, but all spacial rules are on the cards for each model). It actually works pretty well. I worry though that if 4 pages is all the base rules, how many questions will come out of special rule interactions? (with GW's track record it will be a lot)


On the plus side, if the rules and retro-war scrolls are all free downloads, and bases do not need altering, then why not give the game a go? You won't be out anything other than maybe some printer paper, and maybe you'll have a good time!

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Not to mention without new releases at least once a year things start to get old.


That's one of the things I am sure GW is counting on drawing in some of the 8th ed hold-outs...


A few months from now, a new Chaos-Toy is released. Chances are, they won't release 8th ed stats for it, so it entices you to consider the new game...


Of course, you and your friends and get the new 'thing' and 'make up' stats for it that you agree seem fair. But that's definitely one of the 'downers' about clinging to an older edition.


Honestly, though, looking at the warscrolls for the boxed-set... It wouldn't be -too- difficult to 'backward engineer' the new stuff to 8th ed...

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Dkieft you have a point. I just think the game is like dating a beautiful person with no personality. It seems really awesome at first but after a while you are going to want some actual substance. I can push some models around for 50 bucks but that was my problem with the lord of the rings skirmish game. There just wasn't enough to keep me satisfied after a few games. Sometimes when you are allowed to do whatever you want the point to doing anything is just lost.

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If enough people got together and committed to continue to have 8th ed events. I would consider it.


I just don't see how I can muster the desire to finish painting my army if I can't guarentee I can find a game. I also don't want to keep playing games with half painted models. Not to mention without new releases at least once a year things start to get old.


I guess it's possible but I think putting my hobby time into 40k is safer at this point.


I am already bummed that even I have had time off for OFCC all year and still do. I Wil be sitting at home because I have no team a half painted army and will miss seeing all you guys and playing games :'(

We can n00b it up with 40k when I move back to Eugene in a few months.

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That's what SHE said, and look where it got me...

Let me guess... you ran out of printer paper... Fool!


Maybe everyone should hold off quitting and smashing models in protest until at least we see what te whole shebang looks like. Yikes.

You're just mad cause I was smashing your models instead of my own!

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From Warseer. Season to taste. 

I have an friend that works a at small web development company in the EU. His company was contracted to develop a website which maintained a database of input values to determine a team or in this case armies value. He thought this was for an online football "soccer for us in North America" fantasy league. He didn't know anything about GW or their business. GW apparently supplied the unit values this week with names and he A and B together. 

So each month we players will pay a fee to use GW's army builder. Model points will not be available the army value will determined by an algorithm using the GW's weightings. 

This allows GW to control their information and stop online sharing of their product illegally. It also allows the company to change the game if they notice balance issues more rapidly. 

During tournaments organizers will have to authenticate each person that signs up to verify that they have a valid subscription. 

This explains why rules will now be free while creating a monthly revenue stream for GW.
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Well I think GW did a smart move here. With free rules and cards for existing models, there is no reason for current WFB players not to give this game a try. That being said, it is not going to occupy that same space as WFB. However, there are options out there. A) keep playing 8th, B) there are people out there creating something called the 9thAge, basically a tweak of 8th, C) yes, oh yes, there is Kings of War that has a new edition dropping in August.


Now, as to AoS, what really concerns me about this "model count" balance system, is that how do you handle horde armies vs elite armies? If you bring 50 chaos warriors and I bring 50 zombies, I can't imagine that is going to be anywhere close to a fair fight.


And clearly, we all know that GW's new factions and units are going to outclass most of the old stuff right from the start. That is just how they roll. I don't see AoS having a long life with people using existing models. The old armies just aren't designed that way. I think AoS will develop its own following using GW's new releases to sustain it.


If you end up not likeing AoS, or crave the massed battles game, then start looking to one of the above options. I think the 9thAge could turn out to be a really cool Living Rulebook of 8th edition. I enjoy KoW, but it doesn't have the same depth as WFB did.

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How reliable is this rumor? If that's true I am done with all GW products. I feel like you're trying to make me jump off a bridge right now lol.


I hate monthly subscriptions.

It's a random warseer rumor. I wouldn't go taking out any life insurance policies quite yet.

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