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The Age of Sigmar begins...

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I'm stoked to just look over those lists esp for Bretonnia (lol).  Must wait until after OFCC though, seriously I gotta use my free time to paint not learn AoS :)

I fear for you Ntk, you and your Bretonnians. As they never got a current book, they may not get included in the "All current models" that the scrolls cover...


Wow. Holy frakkin wow. Just read the rules for AoS, and it is a game I will not be playing, unless my judgement ends up being horribly off. There are so many good skirmish games out there already, and AoS does not appear to be one of them. Maybe the Warscrolls will add great tactical depth, but.... Geh. No thanks.

Jim, you are wrong about Malifaux M2E... dead wrong... but I fear you may be correct on this one... if truly 4 pages are the base rules, and each unit has only a couple special rules (per the previews so far)... It will be a race to the best War scrolls with all else left behind. I don't mind a simple game, and I mean to give this a try (Free rules, why not), but I do not see this scratching my WFB itch, or being more than a beer and pretzels fest for me. On the plus side I'll hazard that my drunkenness will effect my tactics a whole lot less... so there is that...

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Especially from the pictures, the game play looks too simple and the way they have it set up seems like a way to try and pump money.


The astetic is also just turning me off, it looks more sci-fi than fantasy magic world. I understand using the same artists cost wise for 40k and WFB/AoS but it's just too similar for me.


I am very curious to see future are for pre-existing factions. What will art for the elves look like? Skaven? dwarves?


Very curious.

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Ughhhh I thought seeing the actual game play might change my mind. I can't believe the lack of depth to this game.


They essentially turned fantasy into 40k without vehicles. With a dumbed down movement phase, psychic phase, shooting phase and assault phase.


Hopefully the majority of people feel the way I do and vote no on this garbage by refusing to buy this product. I really hope this thing is a complete failure.

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They essentially turned fantasy into 40k without vehicles. With a dumbed down movement phase, psychic phase, shooting phase and assault phase.

To be fair, I've always thought of WH fantasy as 40k without vehicles (you know, like as if every army was tyranids....).

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Watched both Batreps,the 1.5 hour one was a bit hard to stick with mainly due to them working through the rules though.


In defence of the game at this point I can say Ive done a lot of small battle setups like the ones that come in starter boxes(40k and Fantasy) as those last about as long as my kids attention span will allow and honestly that's the way most of those battles end up,that being with a big melee in the middle.


That said I can see this game will certainly need more elaborate victory conditions straight away,objectives to occupy,priority unit/model kills and likely turn limits or game ending thresholds.Think about how a system of Tactical Objective cards for each faction could work into a game like this.


And yes,without seeing all the Warscrolls,as it stands now theres not much reason to take anything other than the most elite models/units you can,likely going for a MSU approach.



So whos staying up till midnight to DL the scrolls???

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And yes,without seeing all the Warscrolls,as it stands now theres not much reason to take anything other than the most elite models/units you can,likely going for a MSU approach.



So whos staying up till midnight to DL the scrolls???


I am always up super-late on weekends, and I'll be looking.


But some rumors over on other sites seem to indicate it might not be RIGHT at midnight, but rather tomorrow morning sometime (10am EST someone posted - but again, RUMOR).

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Again from Mikhaila:


After Battle thoughts...

First, Khorne sent those sigmarsissie boys back to their side of the bubble with tails between their legs. There was some ebb and flow to the battle, but then my mighty Khorne lord smacked him with his axe and banished him from existance. The khorne lord looks inferior to the sigmarite battlecat, until that is you look at the special abilitie of the axe. If he wounds you can basically get instant death if he rolls a 5+ at the end of the round. Giving him a huge equalizer.

This brings up Point #1: The special abilities on the warscrolls are the real rules. Just like in Warmachine, the special rules and inter actions between those rules are going to be huge.

Point #2: Position is important. It isn't a rush to the center. We had no objectives at all, and yet the terrain on the board and how we moved around it added a lot to to the tactics. I tried to draw off two of his small units with my 5 chaos warriors, and then managed to get the charge on the guys with wings, killing two. His heavy guys with 2 handed hammers then tore stuff up harshly because of their "roll a 6 and take 2 mortal wound rule". 6's to hit basically took out two of my warriors each turn. I only had some parity because my Khorne here with the whip came in and got lucky on some roles.

Point #3: Special rules for your army are huge, pay attention to them. The khornate troops work well together, i kept my force within range of both the banner and the lord. I got better charges and movement, and lots of extra attacks. My opponent now knows to burn down that banner with holy lightning as fast as he can. On turn 1 my Blood Reavers made it 15" across the field, whipped along by khornes fury and a 6 on the run dice. I was in hand to hand on turn 2.

Point #4: It was fun as hell. I can't wait to see what my large collection of models get for special abilities. The game actually has some legs. I think position and movement are huge. Interaction between abilities is huge. How you time your charges and attacks is huge. In fact, almost all the things we did made a difference in the game. I had to really think about some things, and know i'm barely scratching the surface of the game.

How to balance armies? Well, I have no Fething Clue yet. But i'm getting to work on it and the first tournament at my shop is next Sunday.

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Looks like some of the Warscrolls are going up.






Looks like they're all up if you go to GW's site, and choose the UK version, then click on a race's battalion boxed-set. That's how I found the Skaven list.




and Beastmen



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