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More FAQs: Stealer Cult, DeathWatch, and Imperial Knights


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I can see it both ways for the GSC and the allies matrix:  BB vs AoC.  Its not like putting invisibility on a "good" tyranid unit was going to help the army much.  But it would have been nice seeing how other armies are getting crazy shenanigans.  Guess mixing of the units won't be happening and my OFCC list is kind of boned a bit... Oh well.

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One persons post had the images embedded due to how he copied the information. The other one took the lazy route and expected us to do all the work.

It's actually a lot easier than it used to be, which is why I do so much reposting here. You can actually highlight and copy the page without doing the img tags and ordo figures it out.
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Ouch, reading the facebook page about the GSC and Tyranids makes me want to cry as allies of convenience kicks the GSC square in the nuts. Being affected by Shadows in the warp, not being able to infiltrate within 18" of Tyranids, and hitting each other with shriek will suck!  My OFCC list is straight up boned if the GW FAQ in its current incarnation is used. :(

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Ouch, reading the facebook page about the GSC and Tyranids makes me want to cry as allies of convenience kicks the GSC square in the nuts. Being affected by Shadows in the warp, not being able to infiltrate within 18" of Tyranids, and hitting each other with shriek will suck!  My OFCC list is straight up boned if the GW FAQ in its current incarnation is used. :(

Yeah, that was really a terrible decision on their part. I think they just wanted people to not be able to mix n match ICs and use powers on each other, but it ends up doing much more.

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Ouch, reading the facebook page about the GSC and Tyranids makes me want to cry as allies of convenience kicks the GSC square in the nuts. Being affected by Shadows in the warp, not being able to infiltrate within 18" of Tyranids, and hitting each other with shriek will suck! 


It's okay, Shadow is a joke of a rule anyways, so it really doesn't hurt you much!

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Regarding the fluff, doesn't the Genestealer cult precede the swarm, so the two wouldn't really be present at the same time?


GW's FAQs always seem more related to intended fluff than they do regarding game balance.

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They establish themselves ahead of the main body of a Tyranid invasion, yes, but once the hive fleet arrives they fight rabidly against the planet's defenders in order to weaken them so that the main Tyranid forces can more easily overpower any resistance.  GSC allied with Tyranids would presumably represent this stage of an invasion, where the hive fleet had made planetfall and the GSC had outed themselves through sabotage and betrayal of the defensive forces, and working alongside their alien masters.


Going purely by the fluff, the GSC should absolutely be Battle Brothers with Tyranids- they are suicidally devoted to them and literally have no thoughts but to serve their purposes.

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