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Codex Deathwatch and new Campaign Box (DW vs Eldar)


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This weekends preorders are:

DEATHWATCH KILL TEAM 27/08/2016 Deathwatch £22.00
DEATHWATCH CORVUS BLACKSTAR 27/08/2016 Deathwatch £40.00
DEATHWATCH WATCH MASTER 27/08/2016 Deathwatch £15.00
DEATHWATCH VANGUARD VETERANS 27/08/2016 Deathwatch £28.00
DEATHWATCH TERMINATORS 27/08/2016 Deathwatch £30.00
DEATHWATCH CHAPLAIN 27/08/2016 Deathwatch £15.00

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"Join the Deathwatch!  We don't care about your geneseed, or saving it!"

I did find the lack of Apothecaries interesting. I wonder if some Chapters remove the Progenoids before sending Marines to the DW (it's not brought up often, but if a Marine is old enough, it is possible to remove the Progenoids while they're still alive), or if minor geneseed anomalies are sometimes a factor in selecting a Marine for DW duty.


I do also sort of prefer the older fluff where Marines were seconded to the DW for shorter terms, and would often return to their home Chapter if they survived, to help disseminate Anti-Xenos knowledge more broadly through the Astartes.


Why GW? Why?


Why in the hell would you put doors in front of Hellstorm/Hurricane/Godhammer weapon systems on a Land Raider.


"Brothers! Destroy the Xenos! For the Emperor! Follow me and destr(insert Whoosh for Hellstorm, Dakka Dakka Dakka for Hurricanes, or FREEEEM! for Godhammers here)...."


Looks like Brother Captain So-and-so stepped out in the middle of a warzone. Who knew?

I can kind of see it with the Lascannon version, because they're mounted up high enough that ducking is an option, and even fluff-wise, they're probably not firing directly forward at the moment of disembarkation. But for the others, it's just idiotic.


Of course, we know that the real reason is that the Model looks cooler with the wider portion at the back, and for GW, that trumps everything.

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I do also sort of prefer the older fluff where Marines were seconded to the DW for shorter terms, and would often return to their home Chapter if they survived, to help disseminate Anti-Xenos knowledge more broadly through the Astartes.


Having only read what the priesthood has deemed to share with the flock, I haven't been privileged enough to see the entirety of the text.  Has this changed in the new book? 

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Having only read what the priesthood has deemed to share with the flock, I haven't been privileged enough to see the entirety of the text.  Has this changed in the new book? 

In the last few hours, I read more of it, and my earlier post is actually not quite accurate. The early parts of the book imply that most never return to their Chapters, but later parts make it clear that that a) "most" is an exaggeration, and b) it's generally not because their secondment is indefinite, but just because the DeathWatch have such high casualty rates.

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"Captain!  Brother Latius is at it again."


"Dammit.  Conscript him to the Watch."


"But, Sir!  He may not come ba....oh.  Yes, sir!"

That's literally how Drenn Redblade from DW:OK ended up in the DeathWatch, even tho he's just a Blood Claw. His Wolf Lord was just tired of him generally being a pain, and shipped him off to be someone else's discipline problem.

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Why GW? Why?


Why in the hell would you put doors in front of Hellstorm/Hurricane/Godhammer weapon systems on a Land Raider.


"Brothers! Destroy the Xenos! For the Emperor! Follow me and destr(insert Whoosh for Hellstorm, Dakka Dakka Dakka for Hurricanes, or FREEEEM! for Godhammers here)...."


Looks like Brother Captain So-and-so stepped out in the middle of a warzone. Who knew?

Don't be silly. LRs are 14 on all sides and Space Marines are good at everything. So, LRs drive backwards....

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Hurricane Bolters don't get SIA?

Nope. Those I can actually sort of see, since SIA is supposed to be very time- and resource-consuming to manufacture, and Hurricane Bolters are basically just spray 'n pray sort of things. At least with Storm Bolters, the Terminators are doing some pretty solid aiming, but Hurricane Bolters are more a matter of just "point it in the right direction and let it rip."

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Space Marines should be so deep in enemy territory that the bulk of hostiles are behind them. Backward Raiders makes more sense to me than I'd like to admit!


I have run this tactic in games of 40k before. It is viable if the opponent has superior shooting, but can't reliably explode the LR. This one also requires the opponent to have a mostly static position on which you can advance upon. There isn't a huge loss in shooting for the Land Raider and when the LR is wrecked, the embarked marines can use the LR's shell to hide from enemy TLOS (using disembarking to put the wreck in between the enemy and the previously embarked unit). 


If the opponent doesn't have much shooting, or can reliably explode the LR (Melta, Lances and D weapons, mainly), or is just very mobile, then this tactic is mostly wasted. LRs are a waste, in general, if the opponent can reliably explode them. 


Regarding the Redeemer, this one is more viable if the sponsons are mounted as close to the back as possible. 

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  So how do all these "mixed unit type" units work?..have they made some rule changes for DW on this or is it pretty much as its always been.If so it seems being forced to have bikes in with foot sloggers is more of a tax than anything else.


The whole squad can deep strike if you take the Black Spear detachment.  Otherwise, I see it as a tax, personally, being forced to mix squads like that.  Mixing the PA and TDA isn't so bad, but the Jump Infantry and Bikes makes it weird.  Like I said earlier in the thread, though, you could use it to your advantage, and have a micro-blob that has the ability to reach out and touch things via appendages. 

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  So how do all these "mixed unit type" units work?..have they made some rule changes for DW on this or is it pretty much as its always been.If so it seems being forced to have bikes in with foot sloggers is more of a tax than anything else.

I need to play around with them a bit, but I see the Biker as paying 8 more Points for one Veteran to twin-link his Bolter, add Split Fire to the Unit, and have one dude who's capable of generating a 3+ Cover Save for himself whenever he wants. Plus, he can zip from one side of the Unit to the other, and his Base size plus that can potentially take like 5" off a Charge you need to make. Also, if you pick up a Power Weapon for him, he's actually a couple of Points cheaper than if you'd added a regular Vet with Power Weapon.


Similar story with Vanguard Vets. They can take a couple inches off a Charge, provide Pseudo-Fleet, and let you Multi-Charge without penalty.


The big issue is that they deny you the use of most Transports, but the Detachment does offer some way around that, and other than that, I think they have some pretty cool possibilities.


That said, this is also why the Aquila and Furor are my favorites of the Kill Teams, because they have the least onerous Restrictions on their composition, and you can just take a Librarian or Terminator in there.

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