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Ordo Bowl Stunty Leeg 2016 Fall


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The POW crew took advantage of an undermanned (or rather, under-Beasted) Honk Honk squad last night. The lack of a second S5 mound of tentacles allowed the ravenous squigs to run free and chomp at will. This resulted in a number of casualties that the blessed of Nurgle recovered from thanks to their patron of foul replenishment. The highlight of this match was definitely the Mouth of the Midway (Jaws the squig) continuing his eating streak by downing Honk Honk's remaining Beast of Nurgle whole. Apparently no creature is too large - or too smelly - to spoil his appetite. That makes 5 players Jaws has swallowed down. Unfortunately this time, the Beast regenerated inside Jaws's stomach, causing him to miss the rest of the match with indigestion. 

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Few games in human history are instant classics: Cubs vs cleveland 2016, Bears superbowl 85. University of Washington versus anyone.  Well you can add Reavers vs Scaled to size 2016 to the list.  


The game starts with Scaled getting a kill on first blitz of the game of one of the Reavers kickers, where 5 of the 6 rolls made were 6's.  A quick score on turn 4 followed for the Scaled.  Luckily only one secret weapon was on the pitch for the Reavers which was promptly ejected.  Reavers started a methodical push up the field, after a blitz by the opponents, with 4 secret weapons on the pitch only leaving the fanatic with block off for the 2nd half.  


Sadly things deteriorated and the reavers were running for their lives to try an score before the end of half.  Seeing things were dicey to hold out to turn 8, the Reavers were forced to sprint twice to score in turn 7.  Coach Burk immediately regretted this decision as it would mean that unless he got real lucky on the secret weapon rules, the one remaining fanatic would have to hit the pitch for the last turn of the first half.....he was not lucky and all his secret weapons were disqualified.  On the final turn of the half, the the lone secret weapon fanatic did knock a player out but was promptly ejected.  


This left the Reavers with a familiar situation, starting the 2nd half down players and no secret weapons.  With but 6 gobbos, 1 kicker and a pogo facing the full weight of the skink horde the 2nd half kicked off to the Gobbos.  The gobbos had but one chance....give the ball to the blodger pogo and hope to withstand the onslaught and dodge like a mother to get down the field.  This worked for 5 turns and pushing back up to the line of scrimmage until the double failed dodge put the ball on the carpet.....uh oh.  Luckily the skinks failed to capitalize and failed an action to give the gobbos a reprieve.  


The Gobbos had to scramble and were able to use this time to move the ball down field to within 2 paces of the end zone.  The skins used their superior speed to get back to the ball and knock it loose on the 1 pace line.  The next turn they picked it up and had a setup to move it down and score with a short pass and a hand off.  They needed a 5+ to pass, but alas it was not to be and the ball scatted and landed next to 1 player of each team.


1 turn, a block, a dodge, a pick up, a pass and a catch is all that stood between the Reavers and glory. The block, success, the player on the ball was pushed away. A dodge, success, throwing player was clear.  The pickup, failed till the re-roll needed for the throw was used.  The throw, needing a 5+; a SIX! Cheers erupt from the coach Bigglesworth while coach Burk points at him and says, dont jinx it...it aint over yet. Still need to catch.  The catch, a 3, success TOUCHDOWN! Both coach double high five at the improbably result.  Coach Burk exclaims CUBS WIN CUBS WIN HOLY COW CUBS WIN.  


Teams setup for the final turn, skinks needing a riot with a dice roll of 2 and 1 to try to tie.  Dice is thrown a 1...........and a 3 perfect defense.  So ends a game that will live in infamy.

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