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Warhamsters Winter Mordheim Campaign


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Do we still have access to rare items?

After a game, each hero who was not taken out of action during the game may make one attempt to find a rare item (SEE p.145 of rulebook).


I believe that Joey gave us permission to search for items found in the Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe and Opulent Goods articles. The Empire in Flames rules include some additional items, but unless you are interested in buying a steed or a boat, the only items that will interest you are the torch (2gc common) or the horseman's hammer (30gc rare 10).

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Week 2 scenario: Following a lead.


Using your newly established contacts near the city you hear rumors of a wealthy sorcerer that used to conduct research and experiments at several locations around the city. Your contact warns you that these locations haven't been thoroughly looted because the sorcerer was very paranoid and prone to setting traps to safeguard his research.


Place a medium sized building with good cover in the center of the table. Place a treasure chest token in the exact center of that building. Also place 2 pieces of wyrdstone on the center line of the table 10" from either edge.


Deployment: please use the modified deployment rules on the first post of this thread.


First turn and deployment: roll a die to decide who chooses which side they would like. That player deploys first. Then roll a die to decide first turn. High roll decides.


Victory: the game ends when one of the warbands routs or one side gets the treasure chest off of their own table edge.


Interacting with the objectives: Any warrior may pick up a piece of wyrdstone simply by moving over it.


A model must end it's movement in contact with the chest in order to pick it up. A model that picks up the chest only moves at half rate and suffers a -1 to hit penalty in close combat as it is distracted with carrying the chest. In addition models may only fire 1 handed weapons (pistols, thrown weapons, slings etc...)while in possession of the chest. 2 models may carry the chest together to negate the movement penalty. A model may choose to drop the chest as a charge reaction if they don't wish to receive the hit penalty.


a model that is taken out of action while carrying either the chest or wyrdstone drops the item where they were slain. A model that routs while carrying wyrdstone retains it whereas a warrior that routs while carrying the chest drops it.


Warbeasts may not carry the chest.


The winning warband uses the loot chart in the scenario Hidden Treasure to determine what the chest contains. There is one exception though. Instead of having a chance to find a sword, the winning warband automatically receives a master mordheim map that only lasts for the duration of the campaign.


Trapped!: The wizards lab in the center of the table is filled with booby traps. The first time each model enters the center building roll a d6. On a 2-6 nothing happens, on a 1 that model takes a str d3+1 hit.



+1 for surviving

+1 for each model taken out of action by a hero

+1 for winning leader

+2 for any hero that carries the chest off the edge. In the case of it being carried off by 2 heroes then you may choose who receives it.


In the case of people wishing to play with more than 2 players then extend the table to be 4' by 6' and use the chaos in the streets rules

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+1 for surviving

+1 for each model taken out of action by a hero

+1 for winning leader

+2 for any hero that carries the chest off the edge. In the case of it being carried off by 2 heroes then you may choose who receives it.


In the case of people wishing to play with more than 2 players then extend the table to be 4' by 6' and use the chaos in the streets rules


Am I reading this wrong? If one of my models gets taken out of action by an enemy hero, they get an XP? I'm assuming this is a typo...

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Hey whoever reads this first! Please roll a pair of 2d6 4 times and let me know the results. My heroes from last game are searching for a brace of dueling pistols, and I have 4 chances at a 9 to but them (Rare 10 - the merchant bonus).


2, 2, 2, and 2.  Too bad for you.


I responded second, but read it first, so it counts.


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Question about Warband Rating - Inspired by the fear, that after adding a bad-ass Paul Bonner Ogre miniature (Mordecai Witch-Bane) to my warband, that my warband might be a 217 rating.


How do hired swords work re: warband rating?


For example, is it correct that my Elf Ranger counts as 21 = 12 (merc cost) + 5 (for being an additional model) + 4 (accumulated XP)? Or is the 5 for a member of my warband included in the 12?


Likewise, with my Ogre Bodyguard, is it 50 = 25 (merc cost) + 5 (additional model) + 20 (large model)? Or the 25 merc cost is already the extra model (5) + large model (20)?

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The Ogre is not a member of your warband, so it is not tallied under the Members category.


"Hired Swords don't belong to the warband they fight with and usualy don't help the warband except by fighting.  This means that they do not count towards the maximum number of warriors or Heroes in the warband and don't affect your income from selling wyrdstone." (p.147)


Likewise, the Ogre is not tallied under the Large Creature category.  This category is intended for Large Creatures who are warband members (e.g. Trolls, Rat Ogres, Kislev bears, etc).


As stated in the rulebook, an Ogre Bodyguard increases a warband rating by 25 +1 point for each experience point the Ogre has.

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The Ogre is not a member of your warband, so it is not tallied under the Members category.


"Hired Swords don't belong to the warband they fight with and usualy don't help the warband except by fighting. This means that they do not count towards the maximum number of warriors or Heroes in the warband and don't affect your income from selling wyrdstone." (p.147)


Likewise, the Ogre is not tallied under the Large Creature category. This category is intended for Large Creatures who are warband members (e.g. Trolls, Rat Ogres, Kislev bears, etc).


As stated in the rulebook, an Ogre Bodyguard increases a warband rating by 25 +1 point for each experience point the Ogre has.

The following errata is taken from the Town Cryer 2002 Annual.




Just in case there was any remaining doubt. :)

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Scenario 3: Liquid Courage.


Whether celebrating recent victories or mourning the loss of friends, your warband has decided that tonight is a night for drinking. Some of your number beds down a bit early while the others continue getting drunk. It's brought up in conversation that supposedly there is a large amount of wyrdstone in a nearby cemetery. The same rumors also say the place is haunted but this doesn't bother your drunken warriors.


For this game follow the rules for a wyrdstone hunt in the main rulebook with the following modifications.


Zombies!: place as many zombies in the center of the table as there are wyrdstone pieces. These zombies move d6" in a random direction unless they can charge someone. Also d3 zombies appear from the center of a random table edge at the end of every round. These zombies move immediately towards the closest model of either warband. Zombies will charge models with wyrdstone first but if this is not possible then they will charge whoever is closest. Use the rules from the undead warband roster to figure out what stats the zombies have. Zombies cannot charge on the turn that they arrive.


Necromancers garden: Each time a shard of wyrdstone is picked up for the first time roll a die. If a 6 is rolled then the stone is found next to a rare plant, roll again.


1-4 you find a dose of mandrake root.

5-6 you find a dose of crimson shade.


When a model carrying a dose of either herb is killed he will drop it along with his wyrdstone. This rule applies to this scenario only.


Drunk: Split your warband in half. Choose one of these halves to be the drunken group. The drunken group deploys normally according to the scenario rules. In the case of an odd number then the larger half is the drunken group. Drunk models suffer a -1 penalty to WS, BS and I. In addition drunk models are immune to psychology. Each player rolls a die for each of their models at the beginning of every round starting with the second. On a 6 the model sobers up. The number is decreased by 1 in each subsequent round. So on round 3 the required roll will be a 5 and so on.


Reinforcements: Each player rolls a die for each hero and henchman group at the start of each of their turns beginning with the second. On the roll of a 4+ the model/models arrive on that players board edge. The difficulty of the roll is decreased by 1 each subsequent turn.


Rout checks and voluntary routing is determined by the number of your full warband.

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Looks like a good one! Drinking and zombies.


Does the reinforcements rule apply to the not-drunken half of the warband? It's a little unclear what happens to that half.


Also, is it half rounding up or down that's drunk? I'll be very disappointed in my dwarves (particularly the drunken dwarf who protects and distributes my bountiful stockpile of Bugman's ale) if less than half my warband is intoxicated.


And finally, I vote we change the title of this scenario to "Ma's Wake". I will be pretending the zombies are particularly drunk Ostlanders.

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