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Warhamsters Winter Mordheim Campaign


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Oh henchmen groups can only get one upgrade in a category. I hate to ask this but can someone roll an advance for my shades from my most recent game? Anything but an 8 is good to go as they've already upped their leadership in their first advance. Sorry guys.


Nevermind I was good to go I got an initiative up. I misread the conversation.

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Holy cow, that rule means if you take a BS and WS increase for a henchman, the next time you roll that increase, you can boost any other stat, like wounds. Hmmm... I'm going to not roll again, and make my flagellants BS 1. It's useless as they can't use missile weapons, but it's a path to two-wound flagellants.

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Hmmm... I'm going to not roll again, and make my flagellants BS 1. It's useless as they can't use missile weapons, but it's a path to two-wound flagellants.

Hmm... e5017366.gif.


How about this?


My proposal is to apply a rule similar to the Characteristic Increase rule to henchmen groups that have reached their capped WS or BS. If a henchmen group's WS or BS is capped and a subsequent advance roll result is a 6 or 7, then the player can elect to increase that henchman groups' uncapped WS or BS stat or simply roll again. If a henchmen group's WS and BS are both capped and an advance roll indicates a WS/BS increase, then roll again.

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Just a quick reminder to everyone that we are taking a mid campaign month long break. The campaign will resume on January 3rd. In the meantime people are more than welcome to do some make up games to get caught up. At this point people can have a max of 6 games under their belt. Everyone can of course feel free to build secondary warbands if you are caught up and need your treasure hunting fix before January.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heeeeeey Koyote - turns out you were right: my Champions DID need advancement rolls - and they one who took out Erasmus needs 2! Would you mind rolling for me? 1 for the halberd champ, 2 for the great weapon champ. I must not have been reading the boxes correctly on my ipad.

Halberd Champion: +1 toughness (if he's already T4 then +1 wound)

GW Champion: New Skill & +1 strength (if he's already S4 then +1 attack)


I want to purchase a repeating crossbow. It's rare 8. I have four heroes who didn't go out of action. Please let me know if I find one.


Also, my assassin didn't go out of action so he is going to use his Master of Poisons skill to make d3-1 doses of Black Venom. Please roll that for me as well.

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If anyone needs a make up game or a game with their alternate warband, Areon Spinehorn and his (novice) Dark Elf reavers will be stalking the streets of Mordheim next Tuesday, looking for wyrdstone and slaves.




Dark Elf Warband


Areon Spinehorn High Born: dark elf blade (sword), dagger, & repeating x-bow

Fekke Fellblade: double-handed weapon (axe) and dagger

Sizan Witchborn Fellblade: sword and dagger

Imexe the Huntress Beastmaster: sword, axe, and dagger

Datra Sorceress: sword, dagger, and spell (soul stealer)


The Serpents 1 Corsair (Henchman): sword and dagger (+1 IN)

The Reavers 1 Corsair (Henchman): sword and dagger (+1 WS)


Morvael Dark Elf Assassin (Hired Sword): dark elf blade (sword), dagger, repeating x-bow, light armor, dark cloak, & 1 dose dark venom (Master of Poisons)


Warband Rating: 137 (one game)

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Tuesday, a number of us played The Great Library scenario (Fanatic Magazine Issue #46), which incorporates the Random Happenings rules (on steroids). Instead of rolling at the beginning of each player's turn to determine whether or not a 'random happening' occurs (on a 1 you roll on the table), the rules for The Great Library scenario states that as soon as the first tome is recovered, a new 'random happening' automatically occurs at the start of each player's turn. The result of all these 'random happenings' was a lot of craziness. It rained fish. A fountain of blood sprang up every time a model was taken out of action. A chaos storm blasted the most heavily armored model with lighting bolts. Evil trees took out Munkie's Slayer and Sherbert's captain. The ground opened up beneath on of my Corsairs and he fell down into some catacombs and died (I whiffed an Initiative test for a model with an Initiative 6, so I kinda deserved it).


If you haven't used these rules before you should know that the 'random happenings' aren't all bad. Some of the rolls result in a model finding something good, like a wyrdstone, random item, or a peddler who will sell you items at a discount. An '11' results in an Ogre Mercenary walking onto the table and offering his assistance to the warband with the lowest warband rating. A '45' results in a Pit Fighter who does the same. A '54' unleashes a crazed Sigmarite Matriarch on the warbands, but if she is taken out of action, you can loot her body (heavy armor, helmet, holy relic, blessed water & a Sigmarite Hammer).


The frequency of the 'random happenings' in The Great Library scenario is meant to balance out the scenario's potential rewards, but in "normal" game play the one in six chance of a 'random happening' occurring each player's turn is quite manageable. Also, the Random Happenings rules state that, "no more than one random encounter will ever take place in a single game," so this can also serve as a way to limit the mayhem. Personally, I feel that the craziness is a good reflection of a city saturated with chaos, so my house rule has always been to disregard the one encounter per game limit.


If you like your Mordheim unpredictable, I recommend giving these rules a try. Doing so is certain to bring a smile to Tzeentch's face (beak).





I've attached to this post a pdf copy of the rules.

Random Happenings.pdf

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I don't know when (or if) I will get around to painting my Random Happenings models, but I figure at the very least, I can put them on proper bases.  The wolves are the 'Dog Pack' and the plague doctors are my stand-ins for the 'Plague Victims'.  Instead of a 80mm x 120mm Swarm of Rats,' I've opted for a 100mm x 100mm rat swarm. 


My third Flagellant and Sigmarite Matriarch are on the way.


I have the skellies, but they are still on the sprues.  I have a lot to assemble and paint, so I may stick with my zombie stand-in models for now.



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I feel like the random happenings should happen whenever a tome is picked up. Luckily I rolled well on my injuries after the game, but I didn't feel like I was playing a two player game. It was two different player v. board single player games occurring simultaneously on the same table.


I like wacky scenarios but not ones where there's so much going on that interaction with my opponent is another level of complexity I can't afford.

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Scenario 4: Warp Storm


After getting a taste for fame and fortune on the streets of mordheim you and your warband have decided it's time for a big score. After some time with the map looted from the wizards study you've deciphered that he seems to have been doing some sort of experiments with wyrdstone. On the map you see several points in the city noting some strange looking obelisks on the way to the main compound. Your warband departs for the obelisks with the uneasy feeling that you are being followed by some of the hostile groups you've encountered so far. Just before you arrive ominous looking green clouds appear overhead.




Set up the board with three small obelisks. One in the center of the table and the other 2 10" to either side on the center line. Each warband deploys 8" in from their table edge. The warband with the mordheim map may choose their side and who goes first. In the case of both players or neither having a map then roll off.


The obelisks have a toughness of 5, 3 wounds and a 3+ armor save. The obelisks are automatically hit but cannot be critically hit. You may charge an obelisk as if it were an enemy model. When an obelisk is destroyed replace it with d3+1 wyrdstone shards. These can be picked up as per usual in following turns.


Warp lightning


At the end of every round roll 2d6 and a scatter die or some other way of determining a random direction and measure from the center of the board. Place a marker, this is where the lightning strikes. If the lightning strikes within 1" of a model then it hits that model. In the case of multiple models being in range it will hit the model with the highest armor save. In the case of equal saves then randomly determine the model hit. A model hit by lightning takes a single strength 4 hit. If a model ends its move in contact with a marker roll a die, on a 4+ they have discovered a shard of Wyrdstone. Either way the marker is then removed whether or not a shard was found.


If the lightning strikes within 3" of an obelisk a gateway temporarily opens at the obelisk struck. Roll a d6, on a 1-4 a plaguebearer appears and immediately charges the closest model from either warband. On a 5-6 a bloodletter appears and immediately charges according to his own target priority. If the demons cannot charge then they walk towards the closest model of either warband


The rules for the plaguebearer may be found in the carnival of chaos warband list. The rules for the bloodletter may be found in the random happenings section of the mordheim annual.


The game lasts for 8 turns as the storm eventually increases in intensity so much that only a mad man would think of remaining any longer. Wyrdstone still left on the board at the end may not be retrieved.


The winner is determined by being the last player on the board or by having the most shards at the end of turn 8.



+1 for winning leader

+1 for your heroes that take an enemy out of action

+1 for surviving

+1 for surviving and carrying a shard (max +1 per model)

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Scenario 4: Warp Storm


After getting a taste for fame and fortune on the streets of mordheim you and your warband have decided it's time for a big score. After some time with the map looted from the wizards study you've deciphered that he seems to have been doing some sort of experiments with wyrdstone. On the map you see several points in the city noting some strange looking obelisks on the way to the main compound. Your warband departs for the obelisks with the uneasy feeling that you are being followed by some of the hostile groups you've encountered so far. Just before you arrive ominous looking green clouds appear overhead.





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Scenario 5: Open the gate.


The storm that you and your warband managed to escape a few days ago still rages. However, it has moved on to just over the sorcerers compound and intensified. The lull in your immediate area has allowed you to scout the area outside the walls of the compound. Your men (or ladies or weird other things) have managed to find one of several entrances. The downside is that it appears to be magically sealed.


After some time searching the area you find what you determine to be magical nodes hidden in the ruins. It seems that if you were to activate all 5 nodes the gate might open. Just as you come to this realization the ground starts to violently shake. After a few moments it stops but then you hear shouts of alarm from your men. You are under attack!




Determine the attacker and defender. If you have a master map and your opponent doesn't then you have choice of attacker or defender. If neither or both of you have the map then roll off.


There are 5 nodes on the table. One is in the exact center of the board. The others are located just in from each corner. To find their exact placement measure 14" along a board edge and from there measure 14" into the board. This should have the node 14" from each table edge in its corner. The node should be placed in a building or something similarly defensible with some line of sight blocking if possible.


The defender deploys first and must separate his warband into 3 equal groups. These groups will deploy at 3 different nodes and within 5" of the node. If a model deploys in contact with the node you may start the game with it being activated.


The attacker deploys within 4" of any board edge and may split his forces to come in from several edges at once. The attacker has first turn.


Activating a node.


The gate once charged will only open to ones that the person who activated the nodes considers a friend. So it is necessary to activate them for your side.


To activate a node you only need to end your movement in contact with it while no enemy is in contact with it.




There is seismic activity in the area. At the start of each game round roll a die. On a 5+ there is a brief tremor. For the duration of both players turns all models are at -1 to hit in combat, -1BS and if elevated and within 1/2" of a ledge or window must pass an initiative test or fall.


The game lasts 8 turns or until a warband routs. At the end of 8 turns whoever has the most active nodes is the winner. The winner receives an additional d3 Wyrdstone that they find scattered along the hall just inside the gate.


Standard experience is awarded with one addition. If your side ever has all 5 nodes active and you win the game your leader gains +2 experience.

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The high point of last night's games, and probably the whole campaign, was the capture and ransoming of one of Jim Graham's witch hunters.  After a hard fought game that saw my Road Warden taken out of action (for the very first time), Jim rolled a 61 on the Heroes Serious Injury Chart for the hero Witch Hunter, Matthias Lieberstein.  Since my warband includes an actual witch, who the witch hunters had tried to kill, you can imagine my delight at the thought of taking a witch hunter prisoner.  Hmm?   e5017366.gif
WitchBrewsSmiley_zpslwurx9sd.gif...What to do?  What to do?

My Road Warden (and his horse) recovered from their wounds and the Elf Ranger who shot my hired sword in the back died from a blunderbuss blast (go Marksman!), so I was in a generous mood (truth be told, its hard not to be in a generous mood when playing Jim, he's so damn amiable).

During negotiations for Lieberstein's life, Jim tore off a piece of paper and scribbled a note.  As you can see from the photo, the note was an offer from the Witch Hunter Captain, Hieronymus Black, to wed Matthias Lieberstein to my witch, in exchange for Matthias' freedom.  Also, the Witch Hunter Captain has declared that Old Witch is "defintly [sic] not a witch."  How could a girl crone say no to that?

Needless to say, after a quick shotgun blunderbuss wedding, Matthias was released.

The post game campaign phase ended with me replacing my only casualty, a newbie Mountainguard, with a war-monkey (counts-as warhound), and naming the monkey Lil' Matthias.  Good times. e5003765.gif


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My shame is not in marrying a witch hunter to a nice old woman (with an unfortunate name), but rather in misspelling the words definitely and hereby. I blame my lack of education. Also, auto-correct.

You must be a Western grad. It's ok. It's not your fault. You are the product of sub-standard professors. e5003765.gif

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I'd like to ask you to join the The Sons of Averheim in a moment of silence to honor the dearly departed Bergjaeger, Otto (pictured left). He was a hero in the truest sense (Bergjaegers are found under the Heroes section of the Averlander warband rules). Otto was struck down on Turn 1 by an Orc crossbow bolt and died of his injuries during the campaign phase of the game. As the good book of Sigmar reads, he who lives by the crossbow shall die by the crossbow. Let this be a lesson to Bergjaegers everywhere, stick to longbows.




Otto is survived by his older brother and fellow Bergjaeger, Oswald (pictured right) and his younger brother, Ott, a novice Bergjaeger and the newest member of the Sons of Averheim.



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