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Interest in a basic handgun safety class?


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Hello there,


As part of my court-ordered community service I -- um, never mind, disregard last.


Anyone interested in a basic handgun safety class?  I will happily instruct folks if the 'hamsters want it.  Kids have taken this course before with no problems and I use non-live weapon handguns for the course (Simunition handguns if you know what that is) for all the handling portions.


** This is NOT a live fire course but rather a basic introduction to safety and weapons handling **

** You need NO EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER to benefit from this course **


Let me know if folks and their kids/spouses/significant others/friends/etc. are interested and I'll happily provide instruction.  We have some SWAT medics and their spouses/kids that are interested and I figured the more the merrier.


Stay safe,




P.S.  If folks want me to list my instructor qualifications I will happily do so if that's the tipping point.  I'm confident in stating that I'm qualified but understand if folks want details.

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I too have taken this class and put the training to good use to dissuade raccoons from being too curious about my pet bunny. Not with an actual gun btw, just a cheap airsoft pistol before anybody calls PEDA. Although, mostly they just mean mug me when they realize it doesn't hurt. Damn varmints.


Regardless, would recommend the training.

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So far enough folks are interested to give it a go... would y'all be able to come up with a date?  I normally work Mondays through Fridays until 1630ish hours and have weekends open.  I can be flexible so the most folks can attend; upside to picking a weekend date is that I can get the training room at Bellingham PD reserved and not have to carry a bunch of kit everywhere.


If you fine folks are willing to come to consensus on a date or two, I'd be happy to see what I can do...



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