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Fun, 6 crisis suit Kill Team list suggestions?


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Looking to build a 6 suit team for Kill zone at OFCC but I have zero Tau experience. Any suggestions on how to arm them?

Further info. I picked up a box of the Regult Battlesuits from the Robotech fiasco for a good price. Plan on making them into grot walkers but I'm stuck on what weapons to build.

Only played kill team a few times under the new rules. Still, as I've found it, the strongest kill teams are spaming lots of models, just because the melee and shooting rules don't work well with lots of single model units. If you do go with Crisis Suits, I suggest that upgrade that allows them to split fire and the upgrade that gives them drones. 

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If you want 6 crisis suits you're largely limited to burst canons as ranged weapons due to the points involved. 200 point cap. Crisis Suit is 22 points, and cheapest ranged weapon is 8. They're decent anti-infantry with 4 shots each and 4 of them puts you at 120 points. Another 44 for the base crisis suits gets you to 164, and that leaves you with 36 points for two 15 point weapons of your choice and a 5 point upgrade or one twin-linked weapon and a single one. Choose your poison. There's a little bit of play if you want to twin-link some burst cannons in exchange for a heavier weapon but otherwise unless you want to devote a suit to running across the table and flamethrower-ing someone that's about all the choice you have with 6 suits on the table.

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It is! I love running a single suit plus the contents of the kill team box. Drones are surprisingly super good too. My meta has a number of people running transports tho so my suit is equipped for dealing with that missle pods and such. Making him the specialist with feel no pain is pretty awesome. Either way suits get really good with specialist upgrades.

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I'm cool with 5 suits too. Just mentioned 6 because that's how many models I have.

Playing with Battlescribe gives me:

Suit, tl plasma

Suit, tl plasma

Suit, tl burst

Suit, tl burst

Suit, tl missile pod


How's that sound? It's for a friendly so I'm not worried about min/max, just something presentable. Should I drop the twin linking and add some drones/greebles/second guns?


Played around a bit more with Battlescribe and took some advice. How's this sound?

Suit, burst cannon

Suit, burst cannon

Suit, burst cannon

Suit, plasma rifle

Suit, missile pod

Suit, flamer

197 points, one more suit

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You don't have to worry about 2+ saves so plasma is less necessary. I would highly recommend some drones for more board presence, also some more long range to have some hang back. Specialist choices really matter for equipment have you given thought to that? I'd also consider switching plasma to Melta for something to deal with armor and feel no pain guys. Tau plasma at str 6 is less versatile...

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I'm cool with 5 suits too. Just mentioned 6 because that's how many models I have.

Playing with Battlescribe gives me:

Suit, tl plasma

Suit, tl plasma

Suit, tl burst

Suit, tl burst

Suit, tl missile pod


How's that sound? It's for a friendly so I'm not worried about min/max, just something presentable. Should I drop the twin linking and add some drones/greebles/second guns?


Played around a bit more with Battlescribe and took some advice. How's this sound?

Suit, burst cannon

Suit, burst cannon

Suit, burst cannon

Suit, plasma rifle

Suit, missile pod

Suit, flamer

197 points, one more suit

So for kill team, this means you can only engage 6 models per turn, since each model in the opponent's kill team will be a different unit. So, in example, facing 20 IG camoline veterans is a reasonable opponent for kill team. And 6 per turn is plenty, provided you can keep that up for about 4 turns of 6 enemies killed per turn. Kill team often has more cover, so don't expect weak targets to drop easily. 


Oh, and a big one, no deep strike in kill team. Can't deep strike your suits, they'll be foot slogging all game. 

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Alright, think I have it dialed in

Suit, burst cannon

Suit, burst cannon

Suit, burst cannon

Suit, missile pod

Suit, airburst thingee

Gun drone

Gun drone


Still only 7 bodies, no upgrades.

Thinking the no cover save specialist for a burst cannon, airburst has it as a weapon rule. No idea for other two specialist rules though.


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Suit, missile pod

Missile Pod is S7, right? That one unit should be enough anti-tank in rare off chance that the opponent brings a tank. Although your list would be fine, I had amazing results with a TL heavy flamer Razorback in kill team. Just ruined a Dark Eldar kill team. 


As for list suggestions, not sure how viable they are, but you could look into a Shield Drone being a specialist since they don't actually have the normal limitations of the unit (like having to stay near their suits). I actually ran a Mucloid Spore Mine as a specialist in kill team, once. It was interesting, to be sure. 

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