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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Raindog


    I hung out with him until 1 AM. 1) The infection causing the surgery is probably e.coli. 2) He was able to sit up for an hour. 3) He is not a swollen as he could be. 4) He can talk. 5) He sleep a good portion of the time he was not being attended to by the staff at OHSU, albeit very lightly. 6) The man in the room next to him screams for hours at a time. 7) His room has a cool view of the tram, the ross island bridge, omsi, and the tillikum crossing.
  2. Bless you. I think you just sneezed sand.
  3. Is that pill that puts you back in the Matrix?
  4. Okay gamers, this is Saturday. Who is attending?
  5. It was great to see the big room packed: 4 games of Blood Bowl, One game of KILL TEAM, and Evil B fixing the Corner of Unconsciousness.
  6. After talking with Jay this weekend, I thought it was time to change the title of this thread. It is a go. I am in. Now, it is time to run.
  7. Raindog


    PH, He will have to retrain his leg to hold the weight. And he is back in surgery......The second set of transplanted arteries did not work.
  8. Raindog


    Hello, My brother's titanium and cadaver bone jaw did not take. He was having massive infections, so today he went to OHSU to have a huge surgery. The removed the implants, titanium, and cadaver bone and cleaned up his jaw line. They found more bullet fragments and cleaned those out. Then, they remove his fibula from his leg including the arteries and used it to make his new jaw. This required a tracheotomy. The surgery lasted 11 hours. Then, in post op, they discovered the new arteries were not bleeding, so he had a second surgery. That was another 3 hours. He is resting now.
  9. Jeff, That crud is awful! Take care and get better. See you for the start of the League!
  10. More OFCC plotting? Check. OFCC Patches designed and ordered. Done. Sprayed a bunch terrain. Yup. Redid, the Infinity Resources Page. Yes. Almost finished painting a new building? Done. Played a great game with Jay! Oh, yeah. I used the same list as above, swapping out Switch for Cypher.
  11. I managed to get Spotlight on and guided fire a few smart missiles in....... but the Assault Hackers were less than optimal on both sides. It was fun to try to duel with them.
  12. Yes. Not a problem. When they done, I will give you the amount of shipping and cost. Eric
  13. In fact, I am designing a gantry system to go around the control room.
  14. I am going to add to my skittles colored, industrial Infinity table for this year. Yesterday, I sprayed a giant gantry, a smaller walk-way, and an industrial pipe work. I am almost done painting a power plant building.
  15. Wooooooo-hooooooooo. Thank you!
  16. Thank you Darron, Jay, and Evan! I had a great game with Jay. It had the most hacking (from both sides) that I have ever had in one game. Yeah! Having the tables be only one level was a fun and new tactical challenge. Navigating the table with out the ability to go up forced firefights in highly contested corridors. Next, week, is the start of Jay's league.
  17. There will be Ordo Infinity Patches for sale at the event this year.
  18. I liked reading the tournament report from LVO since he played Nathan Robert and Dactyl Dave and I have heard their versions of the games......
  19. Okay Gents, We are on the edge of the weekend. Who is attending? Justin, Edward, Josh, Joel, Darron, Evan, and Ian I would love to see you! If you have not attended before, you are most welcome. Come check us out!
  20. Yes, an objective room does need to be incorporated. You need one. Have fun with it.
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