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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. The Djanzaban box is coming out soon..............
  2. Hello! This event is this weekend! I am stoked to find my Saturday free! I am in! Who else will be playing. Nate Roberts will be there. I know several guys from San Francisco are coming up. Who else? George, John Allen, My Left Nut!???
  3. December Bakunin Started Box: Female Moderator Male Moderator Riot Girl Die Morlock Gruppe ( Looks like Colossus from the X-men) Reverend Moira Sin Eater HMG ......... The 3 D rend of the female Bandit is cool.
  4. September releases: Taskmasters, Bakunin. Overdron Battle Droids, Combined Krakot Renegades, Zhanshi box, Yu-Jing Garuda Tactbots with a Spitfire, Aleph.
  5. Group 2 Foxtrot, 17 Foxtrot, Forward Observer, 18 points Marauder, Boarding Shotgun, 22 points Devil Dog and Antipode, 30 points Minuteman, AP HMG, 34 points, 1.5 SWC Van Zant, 38 points Maverick , Light Rocker Launcer, 22 pts, .5 SWC. That gives you a total of 300 points and 5.5 SWC with a lot of tools and options
  6. A fireteam means the Grunts are all in a sub unit. They must all stay with in 8 inches. The three of the can use one order and shoot. A team leader is nominated, the group all moves together, but the leader does the shooting. The team get bonuses for shooting depending on the number. A fire team of 3 get and extra shot increasingly their burst by one in the active and reactive phases. A teamof 5 ( the max) gets an additional + 3 to hit and the extra shot! If the link leader goes down, the link is lost and the models move as individuals again!
  7. Think of total as an unlimited number of the same unit. Most forces have one unit that is total like Fusilliers for Pan-O or Alguciles for Nomads.
  8. I would start a list like this Group One: Grunt, LT, 14 pts, 1 Swc Grunt, flame thrower, 10 pts . Grunt, rifle, 10 points, Grunt, rifle, 10 points, Grunt, forward observer, 11 pts Grunt, paramedic, 12 points Grunt, Infiltrator, 11 points, .5 swc Grunt, Infiltrator, 11 points, .5 seconds Grunt, HMG, 21 points, 1 swc Grunt, Sniper, 18 points, .5 swc That gives you a full command group for 128 points And 3.5 SWC.
  9. Karl, First, you need to always have an LT. for your entire force. Looking at the US Ranger Force list, I see an Grunt LT cost 14 points and one SWC. He comes with a rifle and light grenade launcher. Next, you can spam out a squad of like armed Grunts, but your force is more flexible than a 40K unit. More importantly, you want a group of Grunts with different roles. Think of an army Infinity is like a football team. You need people for different roles. You want a wide receiver, a running back, a tight end, in addition to your lineman. So having a few riflemen and flame thrower guys at 10 points is great, but you also may want a Forward Observer and a Paramedic. Both these guys are specialist troopers. Think wide receivers or kickers. Since they are specialists , they can push buttons and help directly accomplish missions. In Infinty, killing is rarely the mission. Missions involve setting up communication relays or raiding supplies. The forward observer can spotlight troops, to make it easier for other troops to shoot at them or do the same to High Value Targets for secondary mission objectives. A paramedics can heal down troops and bring them back into the fight! Next, the Infiltrator is cool. Think of a soldier sneaking up into a forward position, to get a better chance of ambushing opponents. since he is an inferior infiltrator, he cannot do it all the time, but with a flame thrower and light shotgun, he can make it very uncomfortable for an opponent to get too close. Then, we need to take about range bands. When you look at weapon profiles, you can see each weapon has a modifier at different ranges. Rifles have no modifier up to eight inches. From eight to sixteen inches, you can shoot them at a +3 bonus, but after that they suffer to hit a longer ranges. A Heavy machine gun, does not shoot well at short ranges, but from 16-32 inches it has a +3 to hit. A rifle is better than the HMG at short ranges, but the HMG is much better at longer ranges.. If you are try to achieve and objective by facing models at long range and you do not have a weapon meant to be used at long range, then you will not do as well as you need.
  10. I am busy til Monday, but I can let the models go for a song and some goodwill.
  11. Bashi Bazouks and the 1.5 pluck foam, please.
  12. Nate, I will call you Monday. We should get lunch. Eric
  13. I have a metric ton I would trade for 40k tank bits and the like..... I will busy the next two weekends, but then, I can meet you at a Sunday at the club. I am also looking for Mantic Deadzone Terrain bits, or anything else that can make as Sci-Fi terrain.
  14. My OFCC Goal for next year. 1. To play on a team with Evan and Pete: Team EPE. It would be great if we all played Haqq, but that would be pushing the matter. 2. To have a painted display board for my army. 3. To get one favorite opponent pin. 4. To limit my exclamations, to non-curse words. 5. To properly complete my table with a fully painted and detailed control room and surrounding gantries and conveyor belts. 6. To have Chris Matthews attend! 7. To help George where and how I can including planning.
  15. But it s was in the FAQ.....
  16. ????????????????????????????????
  17. The Nomad Zonds TR and missile Zonds are for sale!
  18. Ladies and Gents, As fall approaches, I am looking on running another Escalation League ending in another Rampage. The league will start on September 18th with an Infinity boot camp and end on 12/03/16 with the Rampage. More details will soon follow.
  19. As long as somebody is willing to put on an event and players are willing to come, we are willing to add it. We have added Infinity, Malifaux, and 9th Age in the last few years. A game does not have to be as big as 40K, to be at the OFCC.
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