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Everything posted by Burk

  1. Use the video game to understand how to block, how you get assist, etc. you wont see tactics on there from the AI, but it gives you the basics.
  2. Yes the video game plays like the boardgame, but a caution, the level of play vastly differs. those of us that have been playing the board game along time...and I mean a long time, 20+ years for me now, see the videogame as not even a little bit competitive (vs computer). the AI does not understand how to the play the game competitively. This is going to sound like a brag, but take it as a critique of the AI, but on the hardest level of difficulty I can count the number of games lost on one hand (of probably 500+), and usually to wood elfs. the computer does things in the wrong order or wrong priority compared to someone who would play competitvely. so please be aware of that. order of operations is what BB is about. when to move what and at what level of failure. the computer game does not get that.
  3. Seth, that is a wording error, it is a singles event.
  4. rules As to models, really just make a team out of WFB models, or frankly find out what you want to play and a guarantee one of us has a team you can borrow. If you are a new player I suggest humans or orcs. If you want to get adventurous, perhaps amazons or undead as they are fairly forgiving. just be very careful some players want to start with their favorite race, which can sound fun, but some teams are a challenge to play, not due to un-balance but because of the very strategic thinking you have to have to play them. example dwarfs, tough as nails, but their speed means you have to really plan our your moves and think many turns ahead. Another example on the opposite side is Wood Elfs, fast and easy to do what you want, but more often that not you will be playing with a player disadvantage as your players get hurt. Being able to score with just 3-5 elfs is doable, but you have to be good to make it happen consistently, and honestly in a game where you guys die....regularly, playing a team that is known for the way to beat them is to "beat them down", can be frustrating.
  5. I think I have one in my da's. I will take a look for ya.
  6. is xboxone the current? I thought xbox 360...
  7. these two run at the same time, but there may be a friday open also. TBD
  8. PM'd for if/when you split it up.
  9. I need a landraider equivalent and that is perfect. I will take scratchbuilt, but am impatient when it comes to models.
  10. Any chance this is on sale anywhere? totally admech looking...but looks like he just makes renders for himself.
  11. Started at 1, left at 12:30AM......long day. I just wanted to get in a few games.... (famous last words)....lol
  12. 26 players at Dice Age Games. My list: Echo w/ VI, ACD, Recon specialist Whisper w/ VI, ACD Academy pilots x 2 99 points. Mentally exhausting, and 8 games later I wanted to just fall asleep......
  13. ill be there at 3ish ready to play.
  14. I will play Scum probably more than I play rebels (spit)..... Mainly because I value maneuverability. I love that style of play (and consequently, despise turrets ships, and outright hate turrets with Ion (double spit)). With that said, I see some IG88 and starviper love with their new maneuvers.
  15. the land of milk and honey does not have them....that i can find. I am always up for a link to be PM'd....for research only.
  16. your original list was illegal. warriors are min 10 now.
  17. Do they have one for dark elder? and does it look like the necron one?
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