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Everything posted by tombking

  1. Nah, right around 25 is when your body decides, yep this will take awhile to quit hurting.
  2. WTF, I just had to peek at the other items. $356 for Assault on Black Reach and a savings of $18.75.
  3. You need to see the 2nd movie. It ties up the stuff that left going umm what? at the end of the first.
  4. Seen both of them and actually before I read the books. They use elements of the first book only and do different things with the story. The 3rd book makes reference to the movies as dream by one of the minor characters.
  5. Just burned through New Watch and it as nice solid new story with Anton at the center of things and ties back into the scheming of Night Watch the first book of series. If you have not read the Watch books, then get out and read them. Described elsewhere as Harry Potter for grownups or Harry Potter meets Gorky Park. Both are good descriptions but mostly it is a very Russian take modern day fantasy and it is very good.
  6. Meh, Boeing is huge and I am a small specialized gear. In some ways I was happy I had one server that just balked at the install as it sat long enough to get security settings pushed before I ran the updates. Also they are a picky enough customer that where the driver did install but has a 'do you want to run this' pop up when trying to log into the server they want that properly gone as well so I had enough of a hammer to make the guys who are supposed to make sure this kind of thing does not get into production releases to wake up. It was a nice change of pace for a few days what was truly annoying were the totally useless error messages from the installer, from windows, from the scripting logs, and nonexistent logging in the event logs. Do any of them say anything remotely related to 'untrusted cert, stopping now'. Nope, Sucks to be you doesn't it.
  7. That sir makes for a completely sucky day. Worse than my current pain of HP giving us an improperly signed file in a driver package and it holding up turning over a box to the customer.
  8. Yes a special geeky dialect. I understood it.
  9. Oh my I think that may require me to go get the brain bleach.
  10. how about David Lynch does Star Wars
  11. I sort of agree with you there. But with his new cost and the change of bolter drill rules, well he can be a bit of a point sink for a list under 2000 points.
  12. Any doubles! ouch so that makes ensuring you cast by adding more dice quite a bit risky. Interesting.
  13. hah considering paynotmypal years ago decided for no readily apparent reason it didn't like my credit card and no i can't challenge, account is locked forever and you don't have any recourse. happily i didn't have any funds in it. ebay has been pretty useless for me since then.
  14. I have never minded the fluff bit, the 6th hardcover was huuuge and made it a pain to tote around though. Now they have it in 3 books so you don't need to bring the whole mess with you. That would be a wise move for Fantasy in the future as well.
  15. Yeah right now I have long been at the limit of single income and choosing my purchases with care and have been wanting to actually get a bit more caught up with the unpainted stuff and sadly things like TSHFT and OFCC are not in the running after bills and savings. I would like to get out more to play but that just does not seem to happen as often as I would like. And if that is true about 6th then that makes some sense and if the case then I wonder why they didn't just punt and postpone it till they got this edition wrapped up?
  16. Thats pretty much what I will be doing for awhile.
  17. Actually the first movie (and not the Raymond Burr U.S. edit) is plays as a horror film and Godzilla is the thing tying together how they act and work together and you don't see him proper till the 2nd act of the film. Just about all have a theme about what humans do to each other or the planet have a story around the humans who are fighting against the monsters and are not just an excuse for big monster fights though some are admittedly better than others at it.
  18. OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies : 8/10 : James Bond perfectly mashed up with Inspector Clouseau and really there isn't much else to be said about it. Well acted, the 1950's look is wonderfully done and bumbling idiot of a spy who manages to get through his cases on pure luck and even dumber enemies.
  19. I like both. I have found using my nook color really sweet for reading and like it a lot for things that would be standard paperback fare. The idea of fitting all the tomes in the small format is very appealing. However I also still love physical books especially one like the rule books. I get just as much enjoyment from sitting down and just reading through the tome and admiring the layout and pictures as I do from playing a game, but with the current hardback only rulebook and codex, etc, It makes having ones that you can pull up on a small tablet or such very handy. What would be ideal is getting a coupon/discount for the digital version when you buy the physical copy though I could see where that could lead to abuse or just pricing the digital version such that one would go ahead and buy both versions.
  20. It is about a half hour drive south of I-90 in South Dakota so not a listed state and probably more than out of the way.
  21. I do like the fact that the rules and fluff are separated but not happy at only 2 years and brand new rules set.
  22. Depending on the route through Utah/Colorado Dinosaur National Monument is pretty cool. Edit, http://www.nerdydaytrips.com/ is an awesome resource.
  23. Dude I have LEAD stuff that is still unpainted. I got some RT era plastic ork boys that are sitting in a box. It is a byproduct of the addiction. On the plus side the kid is interested again so I am getting some work done on the orks.
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