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Everything posted by tombking

  1. I had forgotten about this site. http://bettermyths.com/beowulf-can-kick-an-ass-so-hard-it-flies-into-orbit-at-such-high-speeds-that-it-turns-back-time-to-a-point-just-before-it-was-kicked-and-then-beowulf-kicks-it-again/
  2. It almost is always on shuffle anyway Windows media player starting up this morning. Magnificat Antiphons (7) for chorus: No. 1, O Weisheit: O Weisheit -Theater of Voices/Avro Part Mohawk - Charlie Parker Goin' Away Blues - Lottie Kimrough My portable Space Patrol - Man or Astro-Man? La Drole de Fin - Sylvie Vartan Magic Fly - Space
  3. That is sometimes hard to find as well. I tend to buy larger shirts just for the length and shoulder width more than for the tummy room but more than a few of those guys were wearing shirts that were too short and were never going to stay tucked in.
  4. Yes this. I mean totally not nice to the people being made fun of but wearing clothes that fit properly should not be that hard.
  5. I discovered him while reading various books to the kid in his younger years, Even his picture books are full of things that are wonderfully odd. If you haven't read Lizard Music you probably should read it first, then Bushman Lives as they are related. Tangentially in between The Neddiad, The Yggysy, and The Adventures of a Cat Whiskered Girl. Not sure if The Education of Robert NIfkin fits in but it takes place in Chicago as well in the same time period.
  6. His new book, the sequel to Bushman Lives is being tweeted... https://twitter.com/danielpinkwater
  7. 15th Anniversary of Back To The Future 2 which came out when these are supposed to be 'released' edit : from a friend on the moo i hang out on rgm [to you]: re: huvr - it's the 15-year anniversary of Back To The Future II in november of this year, which is coincidentally when the domain record for huvrtech.com expires. I can't really explain the "Dec 2014" in their masthead though, unless it matches the movie or is "close enough to nov." or something
  8. resurrecting this as today I found out there is such a thing as kawaii metal
  9. I was aware. However it was short table edges for deployment. There were no buildings only rock/mountain terrain. I had a 60+ model marine army only half of that was in a Rhino. As stated earlier I could have reserved but that would mean easily losing what was on the table right away, or the beast being 24" across the table turn 2 and me having to walk on and getting snap fire with anything that could hurt it and then it going oh look things to blow up. I did the best I could by halving my army around an LOS blocking mountain. But it basically zoomed up 12 inches crippled one half then zipped over and crippled the other half and then it was more or less end of effective game. The ork stompa was on a different table but still no ruins just jungle and hills. I did better with cover and assault with my dreads. Still it was hard to do 12 hull points in one go as with all the meks they just come right back and as stated before if I am moving all the time to hide, keep away that pretty much negates any heavy weapons I can bring to bear on the thing and negates me being able to stay put on a objective. I think there are some new toys that could help, Stormraven, Centurions, the uber heavy dread that I just don't have the models for yet.
  10. These were dropping the 10" one on me. It was not amusing from a player morale view. My opponents were nice and they were good games, just kinda hard to be excited about the game when oh those 2 sqauds just went poof before you even get to move and so did your only chance at actually hurting this beast. On the other hand I actually got to play and that was an important bit and 2 games were against regular armies so I wasn't the only one without a big model.
  11. The Escalation pie plates are the big Apocalypse pie plates not the large blast from the basic rules, you can easily fit a 20+ boy mob under them and they are all gonna die. I had 3 squads pretty much become useless after one shot from the Necron starchild thing before I even got to my half of turn one as I had to be bunched up on the short table edge for deployment.
  12. And most of the standard things that small arms didn't hurt like Wraitlords, Carnifexes, etc usually die pretty easily to standard heavy weapons, missile/plasma/las which are just going to annoy the Knight.
  13. This. From the Card Kingdom tourney, one battle against the necron starchild thing. Between being forced on the short board edges with a large army and then that thing can move 12" and shoot giant pie plate 38" admittely not D but not that I got a save against it out in the open. Oh look 2 squads gone (including the one that was the most threat to it) and a maybe a 3rd from the 17" flame template. I could have reserved but then that risks him jumping on and wiping out the few units on the table before everyone else comes on and oh look monster in the deployment zone that I can only snap fire against that is going just eat me up as I come on. I got long table edge against the stompa so was able to move a bit and hide but still nothing that can hit it hard enough in one turn to take it down and then it has 4 mek boys so it gets those hull points right back. Then the 12 inch move and being able to fire a whole lot of things including a ranged big pie plate and big flame it can catch up and do damage to the stuff trying to run away which isn't doing any damage as it is moving and only able to fire small arms and not able to sit on an objective. The other side of the coin, the games that had the big toys in their armies were over in one or two turns as big thing takes out other big thing then you just stomp the rest of the army. For example the Khorne engine killed the star child turn 1 which blew up in a big enough area to take out the rest of the necron army. Ooops. Fun for a change up of things but not on a regular basis. I don't think that Escalation and Stronghold are bad things but at first glance they don't seem to integrate well with a bog standard 40K army.
  14. I thought the last episode of the current season fell flat. Like they couldn't think of a good ending.
  15. Well my Canadian spouse is pretty happy right now. To be fair that was gonna be a close hard fought game there is some serious animosity between the US and Canadian Womens hockey teams.
  16. There are some nice free password management tools that will store and generate random string passwords for you. Keepass I think comes with the portable apps suite (or used to) The other thing you can do is proper 2 factor aka chip/pin which is gonna be really hard for web based things or having keyfobs for every bank/merchant/etc. But for work I no longer have a password, I use my badge which is chipped and a PIN. So one has to have both a my physical token and my secret to get to my account. There are still some things that still require user/pass and those are either separate accounts (ooh you can close my trouble tickets for me) or things like the OS install tool, domain joins and our script tool for server builds. But for that we can have a temp random string generated as a password and that is good for 10 hours at the most. also that is an account different from my standard user account as well so I have 2 badges/chips for work one for my mail/workstation etc, and one for server access/work.
  17. Well I did do better against the stompa, but then having the long table edge gave me room to move and stay out of line of sight. Still didn't have much that could hit it hard enough in one or two turns to destroy it.
  18. Date saved as tentative. The kid has an ultimate frisbee tournament in March some time and it may be that weekend.
  19. Well that was an interesting introduction to Escalation and Lords of War. Still not sure how to avoid/hide 50+ marines moving 6 inches (12 if in a Rhino) and still fire back effectively cause snap fire for my lascannons and missile launcher sure is not effective when the other guy has a monster can move 12" and throw giant templates 36" away and shoot a giant flame template 17" as well that are ap1 if I am lucky. The only thing I can think of is a Storm Raven or two.
  20. Well here is the business end/sense of it which is how copyright is supposed to work. You do some work and plan to mass produce it. It was found long ago to make it useful to do things like that the creator was given an limited time of exclusive right to make copies/sell/whathaveyou. After that time anyone can do so. Since the GW models are works for hire GW owns the copyright not the sculptor. Anyway it used to be after say 20 or 30 years from the creation of the book, design, etc would become part of the public domain. And that is a good thing if you have a nifty thing like JMGraham's wreck markers. It would suck to find someone simply making exact copies and then undercutting his costs so it makes it hard for him to then put profits into new models and products, or even pay the mortgage. Now thanks to Disney co and Sonny Bono in 1978 (and a lot of other media players with lobbying and campaign donation money) it is life of the creator + 70 years or 95 years for a work for hire... Walt forbid Steamboat Willie falls into public domain. There are things like abandoned authorship, and screwups of notice so stuff can go public earlier. So yeah GW has exclusive rights to production for 95 years from the initial creation date (at least under US law it varies a bit by nation but the media companies are doing their best to make it world wide law for better or worse). I personally think that currently it is way too freaking long. You will have made 99.9 % any profit and then some on a work in the first 20 years give or take, after that you would have new product out there making money. Anyway it is long ugly topic and these guys are doing illegal things though nobody in China cares much about it. Hell do they even produce the original models anymore just about 30 years into the world of warhammer. Would it matter if 10 years from now someone started making their own casts of the original beakie marines? It isn't theft/stealing as that implies loss of goods and there is none. If I go to a store and shoplift a CD that is theft, physical goods are lost, but if I copy said CD from a friend the store still has the CD and not necessarily a lost sale as I may not have been able to afford purchase in the first place. Anyway it is a big area of gray gooey legal mess and I only have a basic understanding of it. Sadly the good research has shown that the at least as far as movies/music goes piracy does not seem to keep them from having bigger profits every year and the industry studies use very sketchy logic and match about what is a lost sale. Most good studies show that most people who get pirated media actually spend more real money on movies and music than those who dont.
  21. Last schlock movie of the winter quarter Beyond the Time Barrier : 7/10 (for a b movie) : The actual science is at least based in reality but they take it to extremes. Directed by Edward G Ulmer who was a predecessor to Roger Corman, He just cranked out the films 52 between 1930 and 1964. A bit slow moving, but with lines like 'What kind of female are you?' there is fun to be had. For better works by him see Detour or The Black Cat. Then for home watching. I found a gem as recommended by a married couple in the class. Rare Exports : 10/10 : Santa is real and it turns out you don't want him visiting for Christmas. Wonderful creepy Christmas fun from Finland. In the running with Gremlins for best Christmas movie ever.
  22. The company store model I thought worked better when they had high visibility store fronts like when they were in Alderwood Mall. There they get a lot of kids walking by and going oh cool and selling lots of starter boxes. The current locations they have are just kinda meh for attracting new players.
  23. That would be probably the best, a small pop from the super heated air collapsing back into the vacuum. Like thunder from a lightning bolt.
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