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Everything posted by tombking

  1. Man I would have given up years ago if I used that kind of reasoning. In St. Louis I used to game with a guy who's tabletop work was amazing and he had several 1st place awards from local game cons. When I was in the local shop during my last few days before moving to Seattle he said he was going to Games Day. I told him he was gonna come home with a Daemon and he wasn't so sure. So yeah fast forward a few months and what do I see in White Dwarf but his Legion of the Dammed getting 1st for 40k Squad and his Blood Bowl team getting 3rd in open competition. This is the guy who I still compare myself to in my head when I look at my models and think meh, it could be better despite all the praise I get from everyone. Keep at it Fluger. Even a mediocre painted army is better than a table of gray plastic. On topic those are some nice models and I am impressed at the quality of the 3d printed ones.
  2. Looks like a direct transfer of the magic phase from Fantasy which will be interesting but I actually liked how psychic powers were different and worked in 40K vs magic in Fantasy.
  3. Okay that sounds sane then. There was no good from 2nd... well maybe making it of a proper organized set of rules over Rogue Trader.
  4. Umm tactics cards? Psychic Phase? WTF? 2nd edition is dead and that is a good thing. You are just trolling right?
  5. Happy wonderful fucshia! Or something. I think I ate too many of those mushrooms. I have been wondering if they have been moving to be gobbled up by a bigger overall presence. The pricing of the models has always been an issue way back to Rogue Trader days and on the whole I still feel you get a good deal for the kits they put out. The shift to hardcover only and subsequent pricing of for the rulebooks however has really made me consider things as for a long while I have been lucky to get in a gaming day every one or two months.
  6. Jeez how long ago was 6th released? If they are redoing the rulebook format it would be nice as that thing is a tome and a half to cart around. But a whole new edition/rules update?
  7. The mention of phone reminded me of one from Danny Devito, Sooo NSFW but sooo good.
  8. Yeah the new website is nice in some ways but way annoying in others that undoes the nice.
  9. Lady Terminator : part of me wants to say 3/10 another part of me wants to say 10/10 : So yeah this Indonesian mystical power rip off of Terminator opens with a sex scene with the Sea Queen and husband number whatever she is unsatisfied so her ladybits become a weapon or something and kill the poor guy with an orgasm of blood. She dismounts and comments "Will no man ever satisfy me?" and then her 100th husband steals her magic knife or something driving her out she vows revenge 100 years later. The movie gets dumber, and weirder from there. The acting is awful, the action is hilariously cheesy, and the dialog is just so so so cliche and perfect for the movie and oh yeah the Lady Terminator spends a lot of time on screen naked/topless so speaking as a hetero male that was a bonus.
  10. With the thread name I picture in my head red, green, blue and yellow terminators with screens on their bellies. Termietubbies, say, DEEEEAAAAAAAAAATH!
  11. Or the internet is cool today. Behold the Homestarrunner update!
  12. This one so so so needs to be made for real.
  13. I know I have a few kicking about that I wont be using and if I haven't used em by now I think they are better of with someone who will use them. Let me root through my bits and see what I got. Edit: more than a few definitely enough for a few Rhinos and spares.
  14. The pipe tops on the old rhinos are always coming off and removing them and putting in a small length of brass pipe looks really good also replace the stock skinny bolters with the thicker 2nd edition ones if you have them as it looks more like an actual boltgun rather than skinny blades of what are those.
  15. Journey To The West : Conquering The Demons : 10/10 : A fun new telling of the beginning of China's most epic fantasy from Stephen Chow. My kid was kinda wait thats the end? as they walked off into the sunset just beginning the actual journey. I hope Stephen Chow has more planned but I am also interested in the first of a series from the same source books that has Donnie Yen as Sun Wu-Kong and goes into his backstory in full before he sets off on the journey that is supposed to be out now but being a Hong Kong film I probably will not get a chance to see it on the big screen.
  16. Which for me isn't really fun game even if I have a big thing on my side to use. The models are neat but for someone who has been playing since Rogue Trader they are something for really huge armies on much bigger battle scales. 40K for a good 25+ years has been about smaller scale mechanized forces going over the top and getting stuck in. Flyers are a nice addition and do factor in but the big engines of war and they are trying to make them like their Epic counterparts are designed to steam roller over a regular detachment or infantry/tanks it works in Epic because you have other detachments your own big tanks and support detachments that are designed for taking down the big things at range. 40K you get basically the one detachment and are on your own so you either take your own escalation unit or make a force designed to take out the Escalation unit but then probably is not very good at taking objectives or anything else for that matter. Also for tournament stuff, note these guys have never ever written rules with that in mind to my knowledge, these have always been meant for social games with your friends. I honestly think Escalation is neat in the sense it does allow for play with stuff normally reserved for Apocalypse battles but should be an agreed upon thing rather than going oh you have a Khorne Engine, and I got nothing that can hurt it hard enough fast enough, never mind the game then.
  17. I found out the same day and they were well and truly sold out by then. I was bummed out.
  18. Ouch. Even with all the bits ouch.
  19. That is the command squad so not a standard infantry squad. And Scions/Stormtroopers at that.
  20. And at the office today so I actually have out the mp3 player. But Now I'm Back - Pink Martini The Human Calculator - Man or Astroman? Zombi [The Living Dead's Voices] - Goblin
  21. I like 40k but they are changing a lot of what the base game was with using the Knights and Escalation stuff and I don't know what to think of it. I mean it is cool that there are Stompas, Small Titans, Huge beasts available but if wanted giant robot/creature slugfest I would be playing a different game. It definitely is not the same thing it was and I am not sure I am ready to dump $100+ for a single big thing just to have an army that is playable. Having been burned out on Car Wars, Starfleet Battles and Battletech for tickybox record keeping I just get all meh about Warmachine even though I do love the models.
  22. And restarting after adding some new music Gimme That Wine - Lambert, Hendricks and Ross Don't Let It Bother You - Fat's Waller The Masochism Tango - Tom Lehrer
  23. Looks like they took the CCG and turned it into their living card game format so no having to buy buy buy boosters.
  24. And this morning starting up with Jardim Das Delicias - Quintal De Clorofila (from a Brazilian psychedelic compilation) Hey Homies! - The Aquabats (The Legend of) Johnny Kool Pt2 - Brian Setzer
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