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Everything posted by tombking

  1. one of these days I will have to see what my kid finds so addictive about it.
  2. Now that is good work and a cool bit modular work.
  3. Yeah simple text on the back of the base is fine and easiest thing to do. I have done that in the past to mark squads.
  4. From my inner 8 year old today... hurrr they said butt...
  5. Seconded. That looks like a plain plastic miniature through the whole video.
  6. Well suck. My thoughts and wishes to your family. Hopefully the reschedule will not interfere with my parental units visiting me.
  7. Here is the national anthem... sorta... and a belated Canada Day song as well... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4amzqqpY8a4
  8. No fluger you need this one NSFW/Language
  9. So I yielded to temptation, just under $15 after tax for space hulk and all the extra mission packs.
  10. Yeah just saw that, soooo sooo tempted. Under $20 for the game and all the extras as well.
  11. I got it penciled in on the calendar.
  12. Oh jeez, everything is a rip off of folklore, etc. GW/Blizzard was dismissed as pure conjecture way back then. Look it isn't like space suit/power armor infantry is new. It was old news even in Starship Troopers. This is why public domain is a good thing you can take things previously created and throw em in a cultural blender and come up with new things. Tyranids have their roots in yes Aliens but that has it's roots in the crazy world of insects itself. They are big intergalactic locusts. Even Tolkien took a lot from folklore (man a lot of the creation myth in The Silmarillion runs like Paradise Lost, great god, angels created to help and sing praises, favored angel rebels and is tossed into the underworld, no no parallels here at all. move along). Heck pay attention to a lot of early music. What GW did do is take from a lot of existing sources and mix it up into something new with the 40K universe and that evolved and fleshed out over many years. Heck look at Mantic, You could claim they are ripping off GW with their SciFi game as it has stuff that comes almost too close in look, but then they are actually doing something new with the world setting but still seem to have pace dwarfs and space orks, but dwarfs, orks, elves, etc are all from folklore. What is wrong is taking the time effort GW put into the model design and production and then just copying that and undercutting them. In the early days authors were lucky to make much as printers would buy a copy, then set up their own run of a book and the author got nothing. This is where Copyright came from, it gives the creator a LIMITED time to have exclusive right to production.so you can actually make a living at producing works of art and after that time it becomes part of the commons and open for all people to enjoy. I have no problem with copyright, just the god awful long life of creator+70 years crap (thanks Disney and Sonny Bono, Bob forbid Steamboat Willie becomes property of the commons). We are actually losing a lot of stuff creatively now as things are hung up in copyright and can't be used. Sherlock Holmes is good example, that work is now public domain (except a few later stories and then only in Mexico) and look at the 2 new TV shows Sherlock and Elementary that are taking Holmes and Watson as character ideas and making it modern and doing pretty good jobs of it as well but if the Doyle estate still had rights and they just didn't like the idea of a modern Holmes and Watson the shows would never see the light of day.
  13. I gave the post a like that but I will get nitpicky, copying is not theft. It is copyright infringement but not theft. If I steal your Ork Stompa, you are out the item you are at a loss. If I by chance of miracle had a 3d printer that gave the same quality of detail and made a duplicate, you still have the original, nothing has been stolen all you are out is a potential sale, but laws have been broken and copyright has gone too far in the power of corporations all in the cause to keep Mickey Mouse from the public domain. I disagree with the length of copyright terms but I am still not going to support pirate copies of models. I don't think GW is evil and I do like 40K a lot. I just wish I got to play more often to feel like I get some value out of the expenditure. Back to the original, I admit rules/codexes/supplies has been what I have been buying mostly as I am trying to get caught up with the models I have and want to repaint as I am better at it now than I was in the Rogue Trader days. I think the book costs are what is making me pause a bit. If they plan on longer release times between editions (as well as Marine Codexes) I can deal with the hardcovers.
  14. No, not sure how far along the game was. The screen was behind me and I glanced back just to see what was on and only saw enough to go oh look Spain is getting it's butt handed to it on a platter then back to working on a Friday crossword with my wife.
  15. Well he is old enough now, but when I said it not so much. Today as he had homework he had been putting off he did that with mom doing the slave driving while I got to go see Godzilla finally.
  16. Or not.... as stated while playing 40k some years ago on Fathers Day.... I boody spend time with the family every day, I can do what I want today and today I want to play 40k...
  17. I caught a glimpse of the Netherlands, Spain game friday afternoon while having lunch. All I could think was ouch poor Spain as they were losing 1 to 5.
  18. Yeah, squeezed out is about right. Every time I check an inflation calculator the base plastic models track pretty well but with the new book pricing and new let use $100 uber models in regular armies I am beginning to feel meh about a game I have loved for 20+ years now though I do like the new base rules so far from what I have read. Then couple that with being on my income only for more than a few years, mortgage, child, various property owning related expenses, etc. Then the only way it seems to get a pay raise anymore is change employers rather than even get anything to match cost of living inflation heck the raise pools are usually less than half cost of living most years and real wages haven't kept up with inflation for a long time now and I find I have less and less budget and time for toys. Honesty when I price most other games at least the per figure cost isn't any cheaper just less models required for a usable army on the table (and really you can play 40K at less than 2000pts easily), for the most part though stuff like Bolt Action will be cheaper as there is no one supplier only as you cant copyright/trademark a u.s. infantryman or german afrika korps image so you are not stuck to one vendor for models and of late I just have not been able to schedule regular gaming for 40k so why should I bother to buy into say Warmahordes if I am not going to get any more playtime out of it than GW games.
  19. I am surprised nobody has said his name was PRick with a silent P. For those who know that one.
  20. Sir Mix-A-Lot with the Seattle Symphony
  21. One of my online mud friends said long ago now about the editing of the later books something to the effect of what's next? 300 pages of character X contemplating what kind of toast to have for breakfast?
  22. That counts as Ordnance and he may not be able to use it if he has moved. But I haven't used it since the old codex and you could not move if you used that.
  23. Meh, I will still use mine. If I get around to painting them, after the lead marines, and orks, and etc.
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