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Everything posted by tombking

  1. It was a good movie this week. Them! :8/10: The first and probably the best of the giant insect movies. James Arness and James Whitmore battle against giant mutant ants resulting from the Trinity test 9 years earlier. A nice use of the LA river sewer system for the finale. This was a box office hit and made big money for Warner Brothers. Fun fact Uncle Walt who had studios next door had asked for an early print to watch and when he returned it he asked if he could have the nice young actor for the upcoming Davy Crockett series and Warner's had assumed he meant James Arness but no Walt wanted Fess Parker who had a bit part as a Texas pilot who spotted one of the escaped flying queen ants and was stuck in the rubber room. Also if you watch closely you can see Leonard Nimoy as an Air Force Sergent. Next week is a Larry Buchanan film to make up for how good this one was.
  2. That still does not excuse them for making it a pain for someone who has long ago let things expire and after a few years comes back for a NEW DIFFERENT GAME and they go, oh hey, yeah, jump though some annoying painful hoops for us just so you can use what you have already paid for.
  3. No the real moral is the DRM/anti-piracy crap only hurts the paying customers.
  4. Second on the Simple Green as it works well even if you may have to do multiple soaks and it has the bonus of not being full of things you probably don't want to dump into the water supply or soaking into your skin but gloves are probably a good thing as it is pretty strong. If you are impatient or having a hard time with Simple Green then oven cleaner will cut through it all in 2 treatments at most but you wanna use it outside/with very good ventilation and wear gloves. Just coat liberally and ignore it for an hour or so then rinse with water and scrub up with a toothbrush. It will weaken any superglue bonds so the model will most likely come apart as well but it will strip paint quite nicely.
  5. after missing out on the spring and summer 'classes' it is bad movie review time. The Wild World of Batwoman : 3/10 : This one was pretty incoherent possibly helped by using footage from other films for filler that just confused for the most part instead of filling in. I don't know how the director/writer/producer Jerry Mitchell got away with the footage of The Mole People but DC comics did sue over the movie name AND LOST as a title can not be copyrighted and Jerry being a man of principle I guess turned down $300,000 in 1965 (just over 2 million today adjusted for inflation) to not release and destroy the prints. He couldn't have spent that much on it and for sure didn't make that much. Anyway if you feel the need to watch this I highly suggest the MST3K version as even bikini clad dancing batgirls do not help with how bad this was.
  6. Bump for my new tie for favorite music podcast with El Diabolik. Crayons to Perfume at WFMU's Rock and Soul Ichiban a weekly dose of girl groups around the world from the 50s and 60s.
  7. Also the F-111 And the Panavia Tornado
  8. I spend my working day doing server builds and related records "paperwork" updates. My personal PC time is for watching video and playing shooty boomy games.
  9. They are definitely worth it based on previous set and those look to be the same ones.
  10. Well I would like that option. I don't need to duplicate what I already have.
  11. I have been losing so much free time thanks to that free weekend/sale.
  12. So yeah while wandering through copyright violations on you tube I stumbled on a Jess Franco German production. The Devil Came From Akasava which I had the music for already on this CD. It was not good. Something about a stone that will turn anything to gold, except for humans who just get a major tan and zombie like demeanor and Scotland Yard and the Secret Service trying to get it from the bad guy. The only thing I can say to almost recommend the film is you get to see Soledad Miranda in the nude quite a bit and the totally trippy and out there soundtrack. 4/10
  13. Sadly Clink will only offer me 3mb at the best. They seem to think that is blazing fast from their advertising, sorry no and doubly so no when I have to add in the overhead of the VPN to telecommute so I am stuck with Comcrap.
  14. If you are sports specific there are legal season subscriptions for streaming directly from the league, well I know for sure the NHL has it as thats the one the kid is interested in. I think baseball has one too and not insanely expensive compared to a cable subscription. I will admit that getting a chromecast considering the price to just screw around with has tempted me.
  15. I liked the Dalek episode. I think he is older in the sense of realizing no matter how hard he tries that things do not turn out for the best and he has seen a lot of that now and it happens in this episode as well as a hint back to the Eccleston Dalek episode in the hate he has for them. Eccleston is the doctor fresh from the time war (and there is a lot of official cannon with Paul McGann in novels and radio dramas) still thinking he exterminated his own race. He is bitter and grim and is quite ready to commit xenocide again so he feels older in the seen too many bad things sense which the doctor eases out of in the next incarnations but ending his supposedly last on Trenzelor (or however you spell that), there are hints in the movie with Paul McGann that the doctor is a bit more than a Time Lord which may be the deal of why he was able to regenerate again with help from whoever is on the other side of the rift.
  16. Saw it monday evening at the movie theater. It was fun. Not the one of the best episodes but I think I am going to like Peter Capaldi as the doctor and a hint at a new story arc at the end.
  17. I am looking forward to it, though as stated before it will be some time before I quit expecting the doctor to say stuff like 'You dalek, if I tell you to f*** off what do you do?' after seeing so much of In The Thick Of It. NSFW
  18. Finally saw it last night with the kid. It was just crazy fun. I think just enough character development to move the story along and a good roller coaster ride of a movie.
  19. only 10, you got work to do yet... Congrats! Scarily I am coming up on 20 years next week.
  20. Oh god no not Thomas Covenant... Well okay one series of oh woe is me, life sucks all the time was okay and it was an interesting take on a fantasy setting cause Thomas was the only one being all goth sorry for himself. But oh man the 2nd chronicles, and in particular the 2nd book.... cause everyone is all mopey dopey woe is me feeling guilty/sorry for themselves, and it all takes place on a boat with not much happening except the moping and then to top it off they find out what they are searching for wont isn't there/won't work/was sitting with them the whole time.... aaaarrrgh. No really if you want to read them skip that book and read the summary in book three. I have a hard time wanting to read his other works thanks to that. In other readings, I recently ran through a space opera that was fun pulp level writing but bit came close to romance novel in parts of it. The Sirantha Jax books by Ann Aguirre. And right now I am reading The Atrocity Archive by Charlie Stross and as a computer geek and eldrich horror fan it is a great fun and has me laughing out loud as some of the bits.
  21. Oh heck the kid now has my pile of legos, and then some now. Maybe it is more the tactile physical thing for me as opposed to on the computer I get much more enjoyment out of the stupidity of TF2.
  22. Oh I am aware of what it is... Just not sure of the why he has fun with it.
  23. Oh man, I used to have that grenadier mammoth on the right. So so so so long ago.
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