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Everything posted by MikhailLenin

  1. Added Lord Celestant and Lord Relictor!
  2. Warning: Salamander FNP only works on Flamers and Heavy Flamers and not stuff like a Helldrake Baleflamer.
  3. I feel the same way, I need to play more of the new Book Scenarios and see if I can incorporate their win mechanic in the Primary portion of the Missions.
  4. Hey Guys, I am actually one of those in the camp that Age of Sigmar is a wonderful game that just needs more content to shine but until we can get some content to formalize around, I wanted to see if I could try my hand at creating some material for the Event. I am coming to AoS from a warhammer 40k mindset and thus I turned to something I am familiar with which is the ITC Format missions for 40k. It dawned on me that aside form just setting up and killing each other, the only form of somewhat organized play missions would be coming from the book scenarios which I hope to incorporate more into the format but for now I wanted to see what people original view of this would be. Link to File
  5. First night went well, we had a total attendance of 5 folks. I got to try out my Sigmarines versus Sylvos and found out that the Judicators with Skybolt Bows are quite nasty.
  6. I present Thee Sigmarines! https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B367ZG_lXQDEfndZT25ObDJMSm9GSzh2dlNObl9VV3lQRC1iX2phX0g4cm5oSFR2NTAxZGs Lord Celestant on Dracoth: (Dracoth WIP) Front Rear Lord Relictor: Front Rear Prosecutor: Retributors: Liberators
  7. Here are my WIP Sigmarines as well Link
  8. I actually watched almost the entirety of the game as they were playing and here some massive take away i got from it. While Dwarf shooting was devastating it was also kinda shocking how resilient all those multi-wounds cav were against it. The Sudden Victory mechanic was actually not that stupid IMO. Had Fixxer taken the one regarding holding down a piece of terrain by turn 4, he would have to force the Dwarves down the table made it less of a Shooting Gallery. The Longbeards as I expected were incredibly resilient and deadly, their peers the Ironbreakers are even scarier imo. Fixxer actually rolled fairly poorly with his Demon Prince and Giant to kill off the Longbears which is what I think cost him the game but then again having both of them on the table meant the Berserkers were immune to battleshock and considering the Block Size, you dont want to be fighting those. A Strategy that emerged for me after watching that game was setting up either Ironbreakers or Longbears in a V formation while Dragonslayers or Ungrim characters sit in the middle of the formation so that way when the Breakers or Longbeards receive the charge, the characters can consolidate into the fray and those punks hit like trucks. Had Fixxer had any range unit that could come down on the table like Stormcast, he could have definitely done an assassinate attempt on the Engineer. Or any shooting to actually shoot at the Crew.
  9. I am coming down as well to play some AoS around noon
  10. Yeah, I see the step by step logic but Step 4 seems contradictory but I can see that as a good Rules backer
  11. Not to burst your bubble its not actually not so clear: So I do not see much in here that clarifies any of my previous inquiry.
  12. Not to be contrarian but can you find the passage in the Rules were it says that. I would love it.
  13. Right but I just literally spelled to you the rules from the RB and it says specifically each successful hit inflicts number of wounds equal to the damage of the weapon. So in your scenario 1. Hit 2a. Multiple Hits * Dmg 2b. Roll to Wound
  14. Well the problem is at which step do you determine how many wounds are there before or after you roll to wound
  15. First up, I actually think AoS will be a great complex game once more of the new Scrolls come out but for the moment I am enjoying the fast paced and fun gameplay. My question comes from the way you resolve Saves when it comes from a weapon that does multiple wounds. Lets take Ungrim as an example. His weapon has 2 Dmg and he has 4 attacks, the way I have resolved him in melee is the following Process of Operation: Scenario A: 4 Attacks, Hitting on 3+ -> 3 Hits, Wounding on 3+ -> 2 Success, 2 Dmg -> 4 Wounds My opponent than takes 4 Saves. Etc... But I have concerned that perhaps it should be played the following: Scenario B: 4 Attacks, Hitting on 3+ -> 3 Hits, Wounding on 3+ -> 2 Success, 2 Dmg My opponent than takes 2 Saves and if he fails any than he takes the Dmg amount. Scenario C: 4 Attacks, Hitting on 3+ -> 3 Hits, 2DMG Weapon must not roll 6 Wound Rolls on 3+ -> 4 Wounds My opponent than takes 4 Saves. Though I cannot find anywhere in the rules where it would say the game should be resolved like B and I feel that it jut feel that way cause thats how it was done in Fantasy for multiwounds. In the Rulebook under Section 4: As you can see it feels to me that the order of operation is Hits Scored * Dmg = Wounds Rolls. What does everyone think?
  16. I like it Bronson, Keep in mind the Support Squadron can only Ravenshield (aka fire overwatch support) Ravenwing units.
  17. I believe this event is about to reach 50% capacity, Sign up early if you want to get in guarateed!
  18. Hmm, I think a Destroyer Cult would better fit your list.
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