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Everything posted by WarlordGhrom

  1. Couldn't find link to recipe, but then again doesnt look hard to figure out how to make...
  2. Agree with MN and not Kremmet. Mounts don't get it whether they use it or not.
  3. MN - I'll RD state it officially, but I think he is saying yes they can and would be considered a charge per their normal rules of moving into contact during the random movement.
  4. This thread is almost at epic level. Just needs a few more... I offer up the following which isnt as awesome, but in the spirit.
  5. I can't like this as it has Celine...but the concept is awesome.
  6. I agree with MN. I think this will be fine from a rating standpoint, so I would just go with it.
  7. 40 shots vs 40 shots with poison. Also totally different units in regards to how they would be played/engaged in combat. I would prefer to face the 40 CDs vs the 4 units of skinks...
  8. @ Failed Charge - good explanation of your thoughts. My concern on the other dino is that as he is ambushing you won't have those first two rounds to potentially soften him up. Probably just 1 round to try to do something about him before he comes in the backside.
  9. I could be wrong and I'm not on the rating committee, so take everything I say with a grain of tequila and salt. My thoughts: 1) Poison - 40 poison throwers seems like a lot for the amount of monsters that OFCC brings out 2) 3 Big Monsters - 3 itself doesn't bother me so much as the size of two of them. Over a 1000 points in monsters and 950 of that in two of them. Yes, there are armies that will have a good chance to deal with them as they have enough shooting, or chaff to give them time to deal with them. But many armies don't field shooting or chaff, so having those in your units (units that the Lizards choose based off movement) early or before you have a chance to adjust (ambusher) can make for a very sad opponent. Now with that said ambusher is going to delay how many rounds you get to use that unit or where it shows up, so that could cause a benefit for the opponent. 3) Your two big units are not death stars per se, but both are killy in their own right and hard to dislodge points. Im ok with these two units actually, but just stating overall thoughts. 4) 5 speed bumps that can kill. Unlike most speed bumps in armies, yours actually can do a decent amount of hurt prior to dying. And the fact that there is 5 of them which is more than most armies field for redirectors/chaff it will make it hard to get to grips with the actual points of your army. It will also allow the user to setup the favorable matchups for the big beasties. Perhaps I overreacted, but I would still probably rate this 3.9-4.2 currently. Especially based off some of the other lists posted that seemed more friendly.
  10. I agree with thatdave. Even with no ethereal this is a strong 4 in my books. Have a long ways to go before getting back in the reasonable 3s. If that is what you are going for fine, but no that you you will be rated that way as well. A lot of armies will have little ways to deal with this army.
  11. Lacks variety, but isn't over the top in power especially for CDs. I think it is fine for OFCC, but don't necessarily like it as an army...
  12. Finally a good ruling on the Abomb. Never made sense why it couldn't move into contact with someone 1 inch away based off the random distance.
  13. Filled with Exile. Thanks Myster2 for the offer as well.
  14. Play it Friday in the open and bring a toned down army for the OFCC...
  15. Updated Roster for Team Ordo Alpha Player: Warlord Ghrom (Seth Chamberlin) / Captain Army: Skaven Player: AgentP (Bronson James) / Lawyer Army: Ogres Player: Raindog (Eric Weber) / Enforcer Army: Wood Elves Player: Exile (TBA) / Ringer Army: High Elves
  16. Great stuff, though not sure if I like the tiered or not...
  17. Unfortunately, this is a great theme army, but it is not OFCC material as the others have said. This will not be fun for alot of armies to play against. And pretty sure this list would get the big rejection hammer upon submission.
  18. We had one of our members drop out and need another to fill out the Team Ordo Alpha. Currently myself, Raindog and AgentP as members. Please send me a PM if interested.
  19. As team captain, I need to get my [big bad swear word] together ASAP
  20. Don't even get me started...a bit older than you but my MS is starting to kick in a lot more in regards to soreness and tightness. I get up from sleeping and can barely stumble to the bathroom. Gets better after moving for a while, but I hear ya.
  21. Team Ordo Alpha is looking for another as Rings dropped out. So me, Raindog and AgentP are taking auditions for placement in a previous winning team (2012)
  22. Only if you have a bagpipe and unicycle.
  23. How many standards do you have in the army for the blood and glory scenario? A little worried on how fragile you could be in getting wiped early in that one.
  24. Team Ordo Alpha has two challenges we wish to throw out. 1) Dimension Cascade Podcast! - See AgentP's post above 2) ThatDave's Momma's Boyz Team - Raindog is coming for ya!
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