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Everything posted by WarlordGhrom

  1. *Shrugs* I can't see them throwing away the square base armies in existence (or not depending on how you read the fluff). I can see them having both the big armies we know and a smaller skirmish rule set though. Either way I'll just wait to see what happens when 9th does come out. As for the story, I enjoyed that something finally did happen in the WH universe. Was getting stale with nothing really changing from a territory standpoint.
  2. I got the slayers beat. Old school (all metal) skaven army. Totally bends your display carrying case and pokey as all &*%$. Not to mention over 300 models...
  3. Phoenixbone Dancers Rangers of Secrets Rider of Bloodpox Not bad. Some definitely sound legit.
  4. I think I'll have my 6th grade daughter who is taking German try to translate this tonight...
  5. I have a bunch of heavy gear stuff I believe. PM me on what you are looking for.
  6. I was thinking Brettonians for WHFB and Sisters of Battle (if you saw her smack down Chris Brown)...
  7. I love the fact that Adele plays minis ;) She rocks even more now!
  8. Yes, it is NSFW, but it is friggin awesome for a kids show :) I would of totally watch PRs back in the day if it was anything like this.
  9. I may have one if Burk doesn't as well.
  10. Is Justin Timberlake hosting? If yes, then yes it is funny. If no, probably not though once in a while they have a good skit. I think alot of it really comes down to the host. Most the "players" need someone else to push them into the funny side...
  11. Sick this week, hoping to get better and come back...
  12. Wet Coast or West Coast? Wet Coast and gamers scares me a little if there is a tshirt contest involved....
  13. unfortunately I know have the image of a selection of Ordo individuals dancing around the tables....*shivers*
  14. Thank you all for the thoughts on Eldar. I'll be playing and aiming for OFCC/friend friendly lists. So all Knights and Serpents are not my thing. With that said I will probably be taking 2-3 serpents and 1 knight. I think I may lean towards more Aspect Warriors and Guardians than spirit warriors and flyers. Will have to see. Any kits on Autaurchs that people like?
  15. So I am taking part in the 40k escalation league to get myself reacquainted with Eldar as it has been close to a decade since I really played them. And I'm starting to get to the point I would like to hear from other Eldar players on what units/compositions/wargear work and what does not. I am not aiming to WAAC, but at the same time I do want to know what units/gear works and what is a waste of my time. I do have limited time to play being a family man, so I would prefer not to spin my cycles on wasted units/gear. I have access to almost everything except hornets, eldar flghters/bombers and a titan. Everything else I probably have or can make, though my jetbikes need some work. Thanks for your time and input. Seth AKA the WarlordGhrom
  16. Ordo gear is good I agree. Dice, templates, shirts? Gift certificates are always useful if they are local. Should raffle off at least one dinner out with Burk as well.
  17. Update from week 2 game and new thoughts. I played against Khan/Cahn/Kann/Cann(sp?) and his fun Genestealer Cult army last Tuesday. I brought something like the following as I don't have my list with me at the moment: Farseer - runes of Witnessing 7 DireAvengers 7(with exarch) in WaveSerpent with tw BL/cannon upgrade 5 Rangers (which I forgot to deploy and I realized about them around turn 3) 10 Warpspiders with Exarch 6 Firedragons with Exarch in WaveSerpent with tw StarCannon/cannon upgrade 7 Scorpions with Exarch w Claw There was assorted extra wargear but don't remember them off the top of my head. My opponent had a big blob of termagents with assorted weapons, flying lord, small genestealer group w/ leader, the new T drop bod with nasty vehicle/mc inside, 2 zoanthropes, 1 something else that had a few wounds but did nothing (so no idea what it was). I setup with Dire Avengers on my left, WarpSpiders and FDs on the right. The Farseer was with the DAs. He setup with the blob on my right in a building/objective, his flyrant behind the building, the 2 zoanthropes and the unknown mob in the middle. For infiltrators I setup my Scorps middle of the table on the right. My rangers decided to camp out in my carrying cases. Turn one I setup and went first. Did a wound to a Zoanthrope. Moved the Scorpions up to a building/objective on my right (his side of table), WarpS took a hill/trees in the middle with another objective. FDs stayed in their vehicle and moved a little. DAs stayed in their vehicle and moved closer to another objective on my left deployment zone. His turn his flyrant began his flying. One Z attempted to take down a WSerpent but failed in the psychic and melee (charged) phases. Turn two I unloaded and killed both Zs. DAs got out of their WaveS. His turn two he brought the Genes on and took out the scorps. He also brought on his drop bod and in turn annihilated my DAs and Farseer. Turn three I moved I was able to take out his MC with my FDs, WarpSpiders and a WaveS. My rangers decided to walk onto the table board at this point. Also during this period I was able to put a wound or two on his Flyrant. His turn three his Flyrant flew into the middle of my WarpS, , FDs and the 2 remaining DAs and rolled 10, 12 and 11 on a psychic scream which killed about 10 models or so from the three units, leaving shells/husks. Turn 4-5 I was able to take out his drop bod and put another wound on his Flyrant. His blob moved out and was able to take the middle objective but left the building one unguarded which my WSerpent took after killing the lone model hiding behind a pillar. The game ended at that point and I had about twice the objectives/maelstrom points as he did do to being able to get to the objectives easier (Waves) and better deployment. I had a good fun game and learned a bit more on the Eldar army and the "new" 40k from my standpoint. For Week 3 if I can make it I will be taking the new Eldar WraithKnight model which AgentP just picked up for me as a belated bday gift. Looking forward to seeing that thing in action.
  18. I'm going to try and make it, but will be closer to 6-7. So looking for late game.
  19. It's the Xmas table cloth that does it for me. Wonder if that is included.
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