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Everything posted by WarlordGhrom

  1. Not going to swap out the WK as it is the centerpiece. What is the worse payload? I thought the suncannon would be it as no D.
  2. Working on my OFCC list I had a few goals/limits on making the list. Goals/Limits 1) Use only my existing models 2) Aim for a Tier 1 level army. Could it be done with the new OP Eldar codex?!?!?! 3) Aspects, Aspects, Aspects. Use as many as possible. 4) Take as many Exarchs as I could to add flavor (visually and theme) to the units. 4A) Use all Aspects if possible minus Shining Spears as don't own them. 5) Take as close to a highlander list as possible. 6) Stay away from the whole D discussion/fear. 7) Use my new center piece Wraightknight 8) Make a list that would be fun to play as well as fun to play against. Below is my thoughts/proposal on the Army... Army - Eldar Craftworlds - The Burning Star Craftworld (1999 pts) CAD (1222) HQ Farseer - Skyrunner (115) Autaurch - Wings, Fusion Pistol, PW, Banshee Mask (115) Troops 10 Dire Avengers - Exarch w/ Scattershield/PW (160) Wave Serpent - SCannon, Brightlance (125) 5 Rangers (60) 3 Windriders - 1 w/ SCannon (61) Fast 6 Swooping Hawks - Exarch w/ Hawks Talon (116) Heavy Falcon - Scatter Laser and SCannon (135) Wraithknight - Suncannon/Shield w/ StarCannons (335) Aspect Host (+1 BS) (416) 8 Warp Spiders - Exarch w/ TW DSpinners (167) 5 Fire Dragons - Exarch w/ FirePike (135) 3 Dark Reapers - Starshot missles, Exarch (114) Aspect Host (+1 WS) (361) 6 Striking Scorpions - Exarch w/ Claw (159) 5 Striking Scorpions - Exarch (95) 8 Banshees - Exarch w/ Executioner (124) Thoughts on the army in no particular order Fire Dragons will ride in the Falcon SS (both units) will infiltrate in to get objectives or early charges Rangers will deploy back on an objective hopefully (OBSEC) Anti-vehicle/big armor/toughness - FireDragons, DarkReapers, Falcon Anti-flyer - DarkReapers? Anti-Troops/horder - Dire Avengers, Warp Spiders, Wave Serpent Use Autaurch where needed as has the 18" wings Jetbikes and Farseer will zoom around for objectives as needed This was as fluffy as I could get with the models I had, while still building a list which I think would be fun to play (lots of variety). I fully expect to lose most my games as I'm by far the least experienced player in our group with the new edition. But I have been playing Eldar since Rogue Trader days and can't not play them in a fun format like OFCC. Thoughts/comments welcome
  3. I think the subtitle nails it! "Too late, the enemy realize the Eldar Windriders are upon them! (With 40 Scatter Lasers)"
  4. Love that McConaughey clip. And I am more excited for this than anything else this year....
  5. To make it for me they need to add this to the end: Fade in: JarJar looking concerned. "Meezas Peoples going to die?" From off camera... "No JarJar, just you....just you."
  6. Well said Sylvos! I thought your post was excellent in that you gave real insight into the work you have put into the rule pack this year for the Fantasy event. I am sure all those playing will have a blast. Myself I'm going to give my first love a try and play on the 40k team event. Good luck all and may Skaven always tip/cheat the odds in their favor!
  7. Damn that looks like it is great, but will crush my dreams with a JarJar.
  8. could be typos as well in the white dwarf. We have seen it before. I'll wait for the codex before I scream (happily as an Eldar player or in terror as everyone else).
  9. I am planning on buying the new codex, but where is a good place to get pdfs for printing out? @Pretre - could you IM me the site?
  10. Ugg just saw that rumor as well. Well dang, will have to see but that sounds scary and I play Eldar.
  11. Jetbikes can get Shuriken Cannons, not Scatter Lasers. Warwalkers can have SLs. SCs are nowhere as nice as SLs in my book based off special rule bonus.
  12. No shining spears and don't really want them. I could add banshees and maybe dark reapers though. Guess it all depends on the new book in 5 days now...
  13. Below is the current list I am contemplating for the OFCC. I would love your feedback on power level and thoughts. I'm looking to provide a fun list that is not too powerful, but also is not too weak. Note only at 1761 pts at moment, so have another 239 to play with. HQ Farseer w Runes of Witnessing and Warding 125 Autaurch w MofLG, Fusion Gun, SHWs, PW 150 Troops Dire Avengers (9 inc Exarch w. PW SS) 147 Wave Serpent w/ Scatter Laser 120 Wind Rider Jetbikes (3) 1 w/ Cannon 61 Rangers (5) 51 Storm Guardians (10 w fusiongun and flamer) 105 Wave Serpent w/ Star Cannon 120 Elits Scorpions (6 inc Exarch w Claw) 125 Fire Dragons (6 inc Exarch w FP and Fastshot) 167 Fast Swooping Hawks (7 inc Exarch w Hawk Talon) 148 Warp Spider (8 inc Exarch w Dual Spinners) 167 Heavy Wraith Knight (standard payload) 240 Falcon w/ Scatter Laser 135 With the remaining points I could add any of the following based off models I have: Guardians, Harliequins, DAs, FDs, Banshees, Dark Reapers, more jetbikes or a vyper, another wave seperent or fire prism, warlocks. Thoughts? Suggestions on what to add to the list?
  14. Seems to be approaching no-no land if you bring broadsides in my book as well.
  15. Remember it is OFCC. Any End Times List is going to be severely muted in power to be able to make the tourney. Also remember the rules in regards to comp and you should be coming out ahead.
  16. Im so looking forward to this full length Gwar rock video. Looks amazing.
  17. I'll be there tonight probably around 6:30-7 for a 40k game with AgentP
  18. Got to agree with Swan. If this is OFCC, you're goal is not to make a power army. If you follow a lot of the advice above your comp score is going to drop. Play what you have and have fun doing it.
  19. I play Skaven because they are the &*$%ing the best! That and they are so cutthroat they make US CEOs seem like Bretonnian knights. PS - I do love Secret of Nimh, but it isn't my reason for doing them ;)
  20. Well not sure what to post after that Sylvos post. Damn I want some of what he is smoking. As for Skaven, GO FOR IT!!!! I love my Skaven army and you can have a blast with it. The pain though is painting 300 minis..
  21. I'm going to try to be there tonight. Hoping to hook up with Chappy to go over my Wraithknight. Will be there around 6:30-7
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