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Everything posted by WarlordGhrom

  1. Its Beastmen... never OP :) Looks like a good get stuck in list. No redirectors, just charge straight ahead and roll dice :)
  2. I would call this a good OFCC WoC list. It is way to easy to hit the power curve with them if you aren't careful. I would like to see this version out there. Also you are not that soft compared to alot of the lists that will be present at OFCC. Trust me....
  3. Check your counts for Blood and Glory. Make sure you aren't too fragile as I only count 2 standards (no BSB)... You are close to failing quickly in that one.
  4. One suggestion on teh watchtower scenario. As each team is 4 players, perhaps have half of each team get the watch tower to start? Team captains could roll off which 2 players on their team gets the tower. Just a thought....
  5. Some questions/clarifications I have on Scenario 3 1) Can you draw up a diagram map example please for deployment 2) Is there a max bonus points? Usually it seems like its 10 per scenario...
  6. Second the UWiz. That defense line is so much win.
  7. I love the fact that you have so many different types of units. That is the OFCC spirit in regards to not focusing on just the power house units. Love that part. As for dwarves... I think they need to burn/die/etc ;)
  8. Only time I played a CHOP player was a year previous at the OFCC. Day 2 game, so fighting a canuck with a hangover was pretty easy in my book :) I'm all for moderation when it comes to army lists though. So looking forward to this years attempt at comping.
  9. should we use any acronyms in regards to command models, i.e. FC for full command, M for Musician, S for standard? Or do you prefer the full word on them?
  10. Looking forward to this being part of our team showing.
  11. I vote for Grudgethrower. Good warmachine and love the idea of a multiple axe thrower.
  12. I think this is the one reason I like Allen Iverson. Everything else about him is meh. This is pure genius.
  13. Personally I always thought the "bus" term in Fantasy was to refer to a unit that was used as a vehicle to deliver a fighty character into combat so they could not be targeted on their own. Thinking Mino bus to deliver killy Minolord.
  14. Practice!?! Practice??!?! We are talking about practice here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d29VsG35DQM
  15. Umm yeah about that....you haven't seen him lately have you?
  16. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1317724211/covr-photo-an-iphone-case-with-a-built-in-prism-le This is an invention/kickstarter from someone I went to High School with. I don't own an iPhone, but otherwise I would sponser it.
  17. Mr Lucky was good, but both my opponent and I forgot to use him more often than not. I like blood and glory. I'll pass on Watchtower as the unit size limitations really mess with horde armies and favor some armies in my findings. The magic fulcrums was meh.
  18. LoF is my forum hero for the day with the above two posts.
  19. I dont care if it's "meh". I WANT. I WANT NOW! TAKE MY MONEY!!!!
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