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Everything posted by galahad911

  1. There was no reason not to take them, they were unkillable. Veil got you a 14 inch range usually. You got shot once before charging most times if you were just walking. With the Falcon you just set it next to your opponent's army one turn, watch him be completely unable to do anything but shake it, get out and charge on the following turn. Falcon Flies away and spend the rest of the game shooting and tank shocking stuff and continuing to be unkillable. Win win
  2. I remember Harlies being something people were scared of. But that was in 4th edition with unkillable holo falcons dropping them anywhere you wanted, the Harlies being able to clear the kill zones at initiative and the enemy not being able to retaliate, and being able to consolidate into new combats. None of that is true anymore. Good luck?
  3. Assault squads as troops, or any other slot, are still assault squads which really aren't very good. That GK book was good at the time, but the the things that were making that book strong back then are really not strong now. 4 TL Str8 shots is just not impressive anymore. A mid point between what is good now and the things Ward wrote would put Ward on the weak end of the conversation.
  4. Loosely translated, because it's a remake, it had no chance. But then every other opinion of it I've heard thus far has been overwhelmingly positive. Funny that.
  5. I'll be straight with you here man. You have gaunts in bulk, genestealers, and warriors witch no one uses. A metal Tyrant that doesn't have wings and is going to be much more difficult to get wings for it than the newer kit. and a few other MCs. You're going to struggle to get half of what you're asking for for this since the vast majority of the models you have are so bad with the current rule set. If you can get it more power to you tho. Good luck with that.
  6. But they're invisible... And re-rolling their saves. Your shooting is completely wasted on those Imperial DS. That you're under the impression that you can damage one of these things with the 1 exorcist and 12 meltaguns you have total leads me to wonder if you've ever actually seen one of the DS's in question.
  7. God, the Tyranid player in me, who's watched Toxicrenes die in one round to tactical squads before I could swing because of the assaulting through terrain rules, is thrilled with the grenade nerf.
  8. There was Dornish ships in that armada at the end of the episode. I would say he rode one of those.
  9. If the dreads could buzzsaw units like old blood talon BA dreads could and you'd have something there. Unfortunately GW has made dreads less and less relevant. It would be lucky to get through a combat squad in 2 assault rounds. It's just not enough damage to warrant anything more than incidental fire.
  10. Why not? It's not really all that difficult to hit a guy with str8+ to get rid of the FnP roll. Given that that unit is more or less your only threatening unit I don't see a problem here.
  11. Don't get me wrong, I'm usually just running Flyrants and this stuff doesn't concern me too much, but I see what it does to other players and it doesn't look good.
  12. And then you scatter your drop pods all over the board and have threat range to basically everywhere late game. I'm sure it's fun as hell for the guy who gets to punch everything to death, but a [big bad swear word] show to the guy getting punched.
  13. So, wait, Talon you like the idea of a Thundercav Deathstar catapulting around a table and assaulting things the whole game? That sounds like a fun thing to play against to you?
  14. But if you're harnessing on a 2+ you likely only need 1-2 dice more than WC to get it done. If you're harnessing on a 2+ you can throw 4 dice at a summoning, have a pretty damn good shot and getting it off, and an okay chance at maybe not losing a wound to perils.
  15. I can totally understand your frustration when it comes to incredibly resilient units and the frustration it can cause seeing a unit like that stroll around killing my models and feeling helpless. It sucks and is almost game ruiningly unfun. At the same time, escalating the firepower in the game is not the answer. It's a safe bet that in the not so distant future you'll play someone with a "normal" army build and if you were playing this LoW unit you would destroy large portions of their army in every turn you fired the gun, and given it's defensive abilities they would be powerless to stop the onslaught. So now you are the one playing the thing that is game ruiningly unfun. Do you really want to be the guy doing that to someone else?
  16. Bolding of text done by me. When you say things like this. It makes you look like an... Oh, nevermind, now I'm wasting my time too.
  17. I'm pretty sure you're wasting your time here dude.
  18. Derek, who are you playing against that is roflstomping you all the time with deathstars to have you be so salty about them? Are the people you're playing against regularly totally unwilling to do anything else? Maybe your issue is more along the lines of that you're playing against a group of d-bags. Really though, what ML said is the actual answer to the typical deathstar army builds. Kill everything else and win on the objectives. That unit can't hold more than 1 at a time and the vast majority of the deathstars out there don't have ObSec. Instead of introducing even bigger beatsticks that will be game breakingly OP against an opponent who isn't bringing the deathstar build, why not learn to play around them? The first time you fielded one of these things against, for instance a tyranid army and it killed a third to half of the bug army every shooting phase, you would be doing to that person what the deathstars are seemingly doing to you. Do you really want to be "TFG" just because someone else is pooping in your Cheerios? Let's break the cycle of d-baggery!
  19. For the people who are complaining based solely on there being a FAQ and their not wanting to be bothered to read it, it kind of is since you're asking them to read an FAQ *and then* read addendum to the FAQ. If they are getting upset about having to read anything at all this is adding an extra step that they can't be bothered to make.
  20. 30-60 minutes? It's 24 pages, and you only need to read the section pertaining to your own army. This is not a huge investment of time. Whether or not you can get good games with your buddies in a garage has exactly zero relevance to whether or not an event needs to use a given FAQ. I'm sorry, but I'm just going to be straight up honest with you here. If a person cannot even be bothered to read a few pages of text, and that is literally the only reason they have for throwing a fit and saying they aren't going to come to OFCC... If there really isn't ANY other complaint other than I don't want to have to bother reading a 24 page document... I mean, really? How effing childish or self-centered can you possibly be? If someone had issue with the actual content. If the changes themselves were causing the problem, I could understand the complaint. But you just don't want to have to read a few pages? Wow...
  21. If they're not using the missions, then why would they use... O.o
  22. Complaining about something being changed that has zero effect on you is silly. If there was a change that directly affected someone at the OFCC I could understand the problem. But there hasn't been any major changes that are going to have any bearing on OFCC armies. Essentially, bitching about the ITC changes is bitching that they took away your 2+ rerolled saves, or that they took away book invisibility, or your ability to kill whatever a D weapon is pointed at nearly without fail. All of those things are *terrible* for the game and, to a much greater extent, terrible for the guy on the other side of the table that is having his game ruined by unkillable units and weapons that destroy his models with no recourse. The things they've taken out of the game with the changes made have been for the betterment of the game as a whole. Screaming "OMG they're changing rules! BAD!" when you seemingly have no idea what they've changed is really, really childish.
  23. Wow, that's phenomenal! I have a Tau army too and was completely unaware. Thanks! lol
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