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Everything posted by galahad911

  1. So... you're saying a knight can't move the arm the gun is attached to? O.o
  2. You want it to work. Most people that you play will allow you to assault from reserves. All AP is saying is that by strict RAW, this thing doesn't override the rule that says you can't assault from reserves, it overrides the rule that says you can't assault after disembarking. Most players don't adhere to strict RAW, so unless you plan on playing people you don't know on a regular basis then relax.
  3. Of these, I like the second one best. This is what I'm going to be running, for some perspective. Tyranids Combined Arms HQ Flyrant devourers and egrubs Flyrant devourers and egrubs Troops Ripper Swarm x3 deep strike Ripper Swarm x3 deep strike Elites Malanthrope Tyranids Hive Fleet Detachment HQ Flyrant devourers and egrubs Flyrant devourers and egrubs Flyrant devourers and egrubs Troops Ripper Swarm x3 deep strike Ripper Swarm x3 deep strike Termagaunts x16 11 fleshborers 5 devourers Heavy Support Carnifex devourers Carnifex devourers 5 Flyrants and 2 Carnies is quite a bit of str6, 5 e-grub templates for high av or 2+ crappy armor troops. 4 ripper swarms deep striking in where needed and a gaunt unit to screen the carnies/malanthrope.
  4. Possible issues with a 5 flyrant army, depending on who's going first and reserve rolls. Guess that's why we play the games. :D
  5. It wasn't playable before because you couldn't play with anything with a ranged D weapon. It is playable now, as the ranged D weapon isn't baned outright anymore. Viable, well, no, but it wasn't viable with the D rules out of the book. Focusing on this one D weapon platform, sure it looks like the D weapon nerf is heavy handed. Looking at the whole game, and all the other D weapon platforms out there, the nerf makes a lot more sense. There are more D weapon carriers than just a crappy overpriced one, like all baneblades are.
  6. Again, guys, the ban on CtA is only in relation to army list construction. Summon whatever you want.
  7. It is legal. It's not an allied detachment, it's a warhost detachment.
  8. So, rather than tell someone before hand that an all Knight army just isn't allowed, you would just put in a scenario that the all Knight army simply can't win. I'm more than sure I'd just rather not waste my time going to event to find out after the fact that my army was banned by a mission.
  9. Unless MVB changes his stance on SH LoW, there won't be any at NOVA. lol
  10. So, they are all Lords of War now. Big time difference for event players.
  11. What I said was in response to your own post bringing that game up, but you're right, you guys were both having a rough time of it. I only said what I said because that re-remembered comment was making it look like things went on that I'd have a hard time believing. In any case, that's between you and him, and I'll not bring it up again.
  12. And having heard the other player's side of this particular story, you were just as unreasonable and combative from his perspective. And that re-remembered comment... You claiming that the guy in question would cheat to win at 40k is, well, questionable at best.
  13. I should've known better than to say anything about this here. There is no schools of thought on terrain outside of your own mind. I don't think I've ever had any real disagreement on terrain pregame other than the 2 times I've played you. People outside of a tournament aren't, generally, going to be so worried about winning that they're going to argue that terrain should be something based solely on their own advantage. And any event you go to, it's either going to be predefined or you can have a judge tell you what is what if you simply cannot agree.
  14. There is no "shrine of the aquila" on page 109. I just don't understand why you would elect to not use rules for rubble, but at the same time, use the rules for a crater and the rules for walls and barricades. Hell, there's no rules for an Aegis Defense Line giving cover saves without the defense line rules on pg.109.
  15. In response to defining rubble as only difficult.... Why would you do that when they give you clearly written rules for rubble right there on the next page. Just last Wednesday you told me rubble doesn't do what it says it does on that page. You really seem to think that all of the stuff on 109 is somehow less valid than what's on 108 and I don't see how you came to that conclusion.
  16. Again, how is it that you just ignore an entire page of rules on pg. 109?
  17. How it again that the terrain types on 108 are cool to use, but the battlefield debris on 109 isn't? I don't see anything written on either of these pages that makes either of them more important than the other. To take a stance that there is literally no terrain types in the game aside from ruins and generic "difficult terrain" is silly at best. Can you show me some piece of text somewhere in this terrain section that says to ignore the entirety of page 109 for "reasons"?
  18. Where in the GC rules does it say they get cover saves differently than MCs? MCs get cover in the same way as infantry, for example, being in ruins or rubble only requires your model be partially standing on the terrain piece to get a 4+ cover save. The GC rules state that a GC is an MC but with the changes listed in that section. I do not see anything in that section that refers to cover saves. As much as Reece, the guy who all but runs the ITC, complains about InControl's barbed heirodule with it's toe on some rubble and in a shrouded bubble getting 2+ cover saves. I'm very certain that if you could point him in the direction of the rules that say GCs don't get that he'd greatly appreciate it.
  19. I read in a rumor somewhere, so it may have been BoLS or some other equally unreliable source, that with their new codex they are going to be called super heavy lords of war. Which, admittedly, doesn't mean much to the casual/garage gamer crowd, but at any ITC event, that would limit them to just 1 per army unless the format is changed. East Coast events would be even more affected since NOVA doesn't allow anything that is a SH LoW.
  20. They... Both... Were... Talking... With... Long... Dramatic... Pauses... So irritating.
  21. Yeah, you beat me to it.
  22. Rampage? On a knight? Seriously? I really, really hope that's appropriately expensive.
  23. This plus mawlocs is a big tournament winning army type, believe it or not. :D
  24. In my experience, they don't do well in singles. I use a pair or I don't bother with them. Just my own observation, your milage may very.
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