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Everything posted by galahad911

  1. What's up with the single crone in that list?
  2. You've taken 3 harvest formations and a CAD just to get more spiders and fliers. So, like I said, you're spamming harvest formations and playing someone with a completely casual list. So what I said is what I meant. Posting bat reps about games that are this lopsided in the list building phase seems silly to me but you're going to do your thing so w/e.
  3. Spamming canoptek harvest formations and playing people with casual lists... smh
  4. I think we're saying the same thing here. I would take 6 squads of 5 bikes, for 810 points, less then half the army's total points in most tournaments, and then I would take 3 squads of either wraith guard or fire dragons in serpents, a couple jet seers should out you at or near 1850. Anything I can not kill with my 120 scatter laser shots would get d weaponed/meltagunned down. What I meant is that just focusing on the bikes and not considering the rest of a list, or looking at the bikes in a vacuum, is pointless.
  5. So the scatter bikes torrent things with str 6, and the things you fill your elites slots with kills what str 6 can't. Just looking for things that can deal with less than half of an armies' point allotment in a vacuum isn't relevant. So, yeah, scatter bikes wouldn't be an issue in the least if they didn't have access to squads in which every member of the squad is carrying d weapons/meltaguns in the elites section, that may be short ranged but have access to one of the more resilient transports in the game which also happens to be a fast skimmer.
  6. Because the VAST majority of tournament players don't like the effect they have on the game.
  7. I cannot imagine spending the money on the chickenwalkers, and it looks to me like they're much taller than Sentinels, enough so that using sentinels at an ITC event for them is likely a no go.
  8. I would think this would perform better than the SoB army above. At least imo
  9. Balesword DPs with access to Biomancy and a 2+ cover save isn't lackluster against anything but a Waveserpent. Not everyone is playing serpentspam. What I posted, was in response to a very specific thing, getting nurgle DP into assault. Since they can be very hard to kill with he right set of powers rolled, and can glide around with a 2+ cover, there's not really any need to be swooping unless the world is covered with serpents. So my comment was very different than yours. That you cannot see that is why I called you a jackass.
  10. No, I wasn't entirely serious, since you decide to pick and choose what parts of a post to reply to, I'm picking and choosing what parts of you I'm bothering to pay any attention to. I am aware that you travel around now. But your post in response to 1 sentence I wrote was crazy condescending, so I gave it back to you.
  11. So you pick that one part out of context, oh nevermind. I played in a little 3 round tournament at OCC a few year back. I lost a very close game to Josiah, and then obliterated the other 2 people I played. Your sandbox is not somehow superior to any of the others around here, but you sure do make sure you stay in it yourself.
  12. Okay, so what exactly is a nurgle player going to do with a swooping DP? My comment was in response to the one above it. A Nurgle DP with it's 2+ cover and no access to guns isn't going to accomplish anything swooping. I know you have a reputation to uphold, but being a jackass *all* the time isn't necessary.
  13. Wait, so we're talking about a battlepoint tournament, which was formatted so terribly that he was far enough ahead going into the final game that it didn't matter. Also, Nanavati was only running Fateweaver for FMCs. Nova last year, Eldar went 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th, and 9th. Only Daemons in the top 10 was 3rd, with zero FMCs. LVO had 2 Chaos players in the top 8, but one had zero FMCs, and Nick only ran Fateweaver. Admittedly there was only 1 Eldar player, but he was at least running 4 serpents. With nearly zero daemon FMCs in the discussion. I mean, really, I don't know what tournament coverage you've read that's telling you Daemon FMCs are tearing up the meta, but I can't find it going back through all of 2014. Being someone who has all of nothing to do most days, I've done more than my share of reading forums and FLG, 3++, etc. and it's pretty clear that the vast majority of the overall community feels that Serpents with scatter lasers are too good. /shrug
  14. Nurgle DPs with wings shouldn't really ever be swooping.
  15. Because maybe the people in your sandbox aren't good Eldar players? At any rate, local players not being able to handle their Serpents isn't really all that meaningful. Having had 2 years of large event experience pointing to Serpent Spam being a strong tournament list, and no one outside of Nanavati having any real success with a Daemon list would seem to point to an, overall, different conclusion than your own.
  16. Blew through first 2 seasons of Orphan Black last week. Changed FB cover photo to Helena. lol Cannot recommend it highly enough.
  17. It won't do anything after the cut scene or whatever is going on when you leave the first ruin you hide from the wind in for me. I see the guys, and hear the noise, but nothing happens and it just sits there until I go to task manager and kill the process. Frustrating as hell since I loved the old Baldur's Gate games and even the tiny amount i'very even able to play was nostalgic.
  18. With Daemonology, any doubles is a perils unless you're the 1 specific faction that it doesn't do that to.
  19. Hmmm, tough crowd. Not that I was even approaching serious, but assuming that all 7 of them have to swoop the entire game? Yeah.... Besides, a list like that intends on removing it's opponent's ability to score points more than score them itself. Combined with you having people make their own decks, I'd have 18 cards not calling for numbered objectives, and stack the ones I have to be, for instance, 4 cards for Obj1, 4 for Obj2, and 2 for Obj3, knowing what numbers I have, try to place those myself in far flung corners. I mean, thinking it wouldn't work in this instance. Well, I'm more than sure I could do it. Again, not even approaching serious. lol?
  20. Hmmm, so would 2 CADs and a Hive Fleet detachment, taking 7 flyrants, 2 sets of 3 rippers, and 5 mucolid spores be okay? lol?
  21. Ap2 hellstorm? Really? What game are you playing? I'm sorry that you're not going to get to play with your model, I know that sucks. But I very much am not sorry that it's gone. The Lynx on a landing pad was just about unkillable, and it gets to delete a target a turn. The Lance is a pain, but at least they have to get to CC to throw D around. I mean, come on. If you're playing Eldar, and you can't stay out of CC with stuff, then the problem is in the mirror.
  22. I remember playing against 4th ed Eldar armies, and serpents were not nearly the problem that the holo skimmers were. Falcons were far more common at Adepticon and local events I went to in 4th.
  23. I know I was overstating it, but still. It's clearly an outlier as far as power levels go, given the releases of this edition.
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