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Everything posted by galahad911

  1. Tesla not giving 3 hits on 6's when you're snap firing is very likely
  2. Wait... Wut?? 215... Wut? Please tell me this isn't serious. Please?
  3. Like I said, we're just not going to agree on this. It is what it is.
  4. KFF is worse. Painboys taking HQ slots is worse. Mob rule hurts everything except for ardboys and meganobs, so worse imo. Bikers having to jink for the same cover they got before for nothing. I'm not sure how this isn't worse, but I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. The Tyranid book was out a couple months before the new edition and had a formation with ObSec. Trying to claim it's not a 7th ed book seems silly to me. I'm not going to say it's weaker than the one before it, but it got a ton of options taken out of it with very little added, much like the GK book. This definitely seems to be a trend to me and if I had an army with a book to come out soon I'd be more worried than hopeful at this point.
  5. 7 strength with rending and shred isn't good enough? The secondary gun is actually meaningfull, where the stubber really isn't. 24" range with a 12" move on a model that wants to be aggressive isn't short ranged, much less very short. A lower strength twin linked flamer that if you take a wound your unit get -1 toughness. Yeah, just a heavy flamer. smh And you completely ignored that the damn thing is considerably harder to hurt with shooting. Yeah, because that clearly doesn't matter. /sigh So, again, clearly better than it's point cost to begin with. A roughly equal main gun, a vastly better secondary gun, a rad flamer, and better AV against shooting for 20 more than already too low? Sure, why not?
  6. lol wait, so criminally undercosted knights aren't good enough, so let's give them a better shield and multiple shooting weapons for 20 more points! Are Oh Eff Ell GG Forgeworld!!
  7. Do Orks make 7E sense to you? Not to me, at least imo Tyranids? smh Hoping/thinking warriors are going to get an overhaul when they do their job well enough compared to most troops in the game seems unlikely to me. Hoping/thinking wracks are going to move to troops is, again imo, unlikely at best. I have a Tyranid book that has several melee units that fall down because of a lack of any way to get to melee. I'd be, literally, shocked it GW thinks you need anything more than access to DE assault vehicles. When I look at genestealers and hormagaunts and hear someone asking for run then assault on demonstrably better units that have access to assault vehicles... I mean, really?
  8. Given how the codexes have come out since SM, I'm not sure what would make you guys so hopeful that DE are going to end up "stronger" when the only ones getting that treatment are Imperial armies. All of the xenos post Eldar have been somewhere between bad and underwhelming.
  9. Same faction allies allowed? You can at the GTs but it's not mentioned here.
  10. Ack, this guy could be my brother if I had one. Too similar to me... O.o
  11. Okay then, fire all your weapons in overwatch against AP, got it.
  12. And the specific rules for having multiple weapons tells you how to use them. I quoted those rules in my last post. Typically does not equal always.
  13. As far as multiple weapon overwatch goes... An Overwatch attack is resolved like a normal shooting attack (albeit one resolved in the enemy’s Assault phase) and uses all the normal rules for range, line of sight, cover saves and so on. Unlike a normal shooting attack, Overwatch cannot cause Morale checks or Pinning tests. Any shots fired as Overwatch can only be fired as Snap Shots. Games Workshop Ltd. Warhammer 40,000 (Kindle Locations 6738-6741). So all the normal rules, then they list some of the rules, and then just to make it so very clear what they mean there's that "and so on" tagged on there. Monstrous Creatures can fire up to two of their weapons each Shooting phase – they must, of course, fire both at the same target. They may never Go to Ground, voluntarily or otherwise. Games Workshop Ltd. Warhammer 40,000 (Kindle Locations 7466-7467). Yes, it does say shooting phase in there doesn't it? Hmm, but it also says it here... Unless otherwise stated, if a model has more than one shooting weapon, he must choose which one to shoot – he cannot fire both in the same Shooting phase. Games Workshop Ltd. Warhammer 40,000 (Kindle Locations 6556-6557). So,you either have to decide that using all the rules means you use all the rules, including the ones that call out the shooting phase, or everyone should be firing all their guns in overwatch since they don't have to choose which one to fire as it's not the shooting phase. So you decide that the MC rule and multitrackers work in overwatch, or everyone should all be firing ALL their weapons in overwatch. There's no reason to choose which one to shoot as it's not the shooting phase. One of these 2 conclusions breaks the game far more than the other, but I don't see how you can say that things called out in the shooting phase only apply to that phase and not come to the conclusion that you can fire as many guns as you like in overwatch.
  14. WOW, and I thought I was a jerk... lawl
  15. If this is/was for the Open and not the actual OFCC team event then you wouldn't be able to have 2 formations.
  16. I'd run a couple of these. Been using a couple t-fexes and something cc behind those, usually a pair of fexes or something in a self-allied 3 flyrant list. These would be a better option in general.
  17. The shot originates from the center for wound allocation and determining cover saves. If you're onto allocation of wounds you've already progressed past the point of hitting things inside the shield.
  18. There has been a very recent movement among the bigger events that if you consistently time out and games aren't ever completed they do take note of it and will act against you intentionally playing that "tactic." There is a reason why ToF has a check box for whether or not the game came to a natural completion.
  19. With the Tyranid book, and this is just my own opinion, there isn't much difference between a "tourney" list and a list designed to at least put up a fight to make for a good game. Crones aren't doing anything but going after troops in general so the only things that are truly dangerous are the flyrants and whatever HS bug he decides to take. On the other hand, if you take those away a Tyranid list is just going to get roflstomped by any "balanced" army unless the guy behind the wheel is an exceptional Nid player. How does one make a list from this codex, with the list building restrictions, that is going to be able to put up enough of a fight to make for entertaining games and not end up looking like something you'd take to a local tourney?
  20. As long as you're cool with the lord running around solo it'll do well enough to not be a bad game unless you run into a nasty tournament army.
  21. If there's a way to make this work without it just being a link I can't figure it out. SFW and awesome. http://instagram.com/p/ov11YCnw-U/
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