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Everything posted by galahad911

  1. Wasn't that Valedor book an Apoc book? I know there are Tyranid formations or something in there that aren't allowed in normal 40k games.
  2. Wait, so you would rather there be no ruling until there's some arbitrary margin of victory on a vote? Having things that are not universally accepted ruled on so that you know what the rules are before you decide whether or not you want to participate is the point of the entire endeavor. Here, think of it this way, hypothetically there's a tournament in February some place out of state. You don't know whether or not your paint score is going to affect overall scores enough to make it a really important part of your score. Wouldn't you rather know the answer to that question before you go? Wouldn't it be good to know that the same answer is going to count for most any event you go to so that you can get better paint done, or not go at all? Not every question addressed is about shenanigans. In fact, I would venture the statement that the vast majority of them are not. Acting like they are just because you don't like what they're doing only makes you appear petty. Not getting a ruling on things like the combined arms question before you go to an event just because there wasn't a super majority pretty much defeats the purpose of doing the thing in the first place.
  3. I already bought the reprinting of Fortress America. Why couldn't you have posted this like a year ago? hahaha
  4. Wait, what? Advancing and getting objectives? Reserve them? O.o
  5. Just what the world needs, another Battle Company list. hahahahahaha
  6. In this edition, shooting firepower has risen so much that roughly 150 AM wounds is really only likely to hold out for a few turns. When opposing armies are commonly throwing out 100 or so strength 6+ shots a turn and you really only have those heavy weapon teams to do anything outside of melee, it seems to me an army like this is just going to take it on the chin just about every game.
  7. This is the list of allowed Superheavy/Gargantuans. If it's not on this list, then it is not legal. https://www.frontlinegaming.org/community/frontline-gamings-independent-tournament-circuit/itc-2015-season-40k-tournament-format/
  8. You had a fort. I thought Aaron won.
  9. Really? You want to restart with a personal attack in a completely different thread? That's the action you want to take when this has been dead since Monday? Okay, I guess I'll respond in kind... Grow the [big bad swear word] up.
  10. Yeah, I'm there too. I dropped it into their actual rules question form since their forums are generally dead most times. We'll see if I get a response.
  11. Pg. 33 of the PDF of the rules I've been using since 7th started.... Last paragraph of Generate Warp Charge It, after resolving a psychic action - such as manifesting a psychic power - the player the player whose turn it is has 0 warp charge remaining, the Psychic phase ends. The Psychic phase also ends if you either cannot, or choose not to, resolve any more psychic actions. When the psychic phase ends, all remaining Warp Charge points belonging to both players (if any) are lost and the Shooting phase begins. So, if the end of the phase is a defined point in time, then this paragraph, in the much more specific psychic phase section of the rule book, tells you what to do during that point in time. In that point in time, all warp charge points are lost, and the Shooting phase begins. That's it. Nothing about manifesting powers or anything else.
  12. I swear, someone who has been playing as long as you have, and been on as many forums, and been in as many rules discussions as you must have by now, I don't understand how you see that sentence and aren't reminded of several rules arguments over the years where the entire point a person was standing on was, "Well, if they meant that, they would have just said that!" I can't even count the number of times I've read that line.
  13. Wow, way to not even address the actual question. Why not ask them if the conclave works the way you insist it does. Or, you know what, don't. I'll take care of that for you. It's so funny. Years and years ago, a guy went to thr ard boyz finals and wanted the rules to work a certain way in his own favor and framed his question to the rules judge very,very carefully to get the answer he got. Great job being like that guy.
  14. Actually, West Rider aaid you'd only get one casting and you were Johnny on the Spot with that paragraph. No one asked for it. But you sure had it ready to show everyone the loophole you found that, if read a certain way, would let you summon twice. So in fact, all this is about you wanting to cast a single power multiple times. I don't know anyone who natively speaks English that would feel the need to look up what until the end of the phase means. That you did speaks to you wanting to find it to mean something other than until the end of the phase.
  15. Did you really need to look up what until end of phase meant? Or did you go looking for advantage? Nevermind. Cast your spells twice. You and I won't ever play anyway.
  16. That you don't see that as the duration of an effect is mind boggling to me. It says what happens and for how long.
  17. In fact, when I get home I'll use the FLG rules question form and act shocked when it turns out that you can't cast your spells twice in ITC events.
  18. So no. Okay. Whatever. Cast your spells twice against whoever lets you get away with it.
  19. So, "until the end of the phase" isn't the duration of how long they cannot manifest powers? Is that not what it says?
  20. Gonna quote myself, which feels really odd. lol? One of you answer this? How are the secondary guy using something the nominated guy has until the end of the phase?
  21. Why would casting a different power be relevant? If it works the way you and IK say it does, then you are able to cast anything you have twice.
  22. It doesn't read like that though. Those things give you explicit instructions. This is the duration of an effect ending. Nominated guy takes their powers until end of phase. Effect... Duration. If he's got their powers until the end of the phase, how are they using stuff he has until the end of the phase?
  23. You are, in my opinion, manipulating the rules to cast spells twice that you only have one of when, again in my opinion, that is not an intended effect. You want to cast your spells twice that you only rolled once and are shocked that I'd call it lawyering? It doesn't matter what you intend to use it for. If you only rolled 1 invisibility, and cast it with the nominated guy and then at the end of the phase want to cast it again, on a different unit with the libby who actually rolled the power, that sure as hell seems to be to be above and beyond the intended effect of the formation.
  24. Okay dude. Have at it. If your friends are okay with this level of rules lawyering then good on you. If you can find an event where the guy running it is cool with this. Great!
  25. Because they do dumb [big bad swear word] like that all the time. And it causes dumb discussions like this one.
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