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Everything posted by Talapas

  1. I thought there was an FAQ that said it was in modified weapon skill that gets passed to the troops.
  2. Awesome. Those guys are good people. Evan will be a good fit.
  3. Soulgrinder size if over 8 wounds. 100x150 is how I would run it.
  4. Snake armor, hang glider, water moccasin, sky havok, and maybe a few others. Tf, I have some mini fig bots like warpath and parts of superion.
  5. Some dinobot weapons. No mean dog or shuttle. Debating whether I will be bringing Bruticus.
  6. Mint figs and some vehicles. Some with boxes.
  7. A bunch of random stuff pre 90's. And yes, I have a few transformers.
  8. Come by this Sunday, September 14, to the Vancouver Red Lion at the Quay and reminisce over vintage toys. I will have a table there and will be slinging Star Wars, G.i. Joe and other random items. Swing by and say hi from 8:30 am till 5:00.
  9. What type of magic item is it? Enchanted. Arcane, or ?
  10. Talapas


    I don't drink very often, but have always wanted to try mead. Problem is, I do t know whee to go to get it, and have no clue about what is good or not. Can anyone give me a crash course in meadology 101?
  11. Most of what I have heard and read seems to point to this as not an optional supplement but to treat it as new rules.
  12. 2400 points for me too, for many of the reasons Iraf stated.
  13. I have. Not a fan of combined armies, or of all armies having access to summoning undead or of character percentage increases. I also don't like removing the crumble from losing the general. I don't mind occasional games with those rules, but not them being a regular part of the game.
  14. I am one of the few who don't like the end times that much. I think it would have served the community better if it was an optional rule set similar to storm of magic, but it is what it is so we have to get used to it I suppose.
  15. Looking to build my old Star Wars collection up. Mainly looking for toys and figures, but interested in anything made before the 90's. Willing to buy or trade warhammer stuff. Lmk what you have and let's make a deal.
  16. I get that, but after playing the scenario, it feels like it hits too hard, One roll can get it into your lines and almost end a game before it gets started. There should always be a chance for "the eye is closed" type of result IMHO.
  17. Does the wandering tower always move, or does it stay put on a hit roll?
  18. A couple of the Black Sheep have posted tournament reports. Check them out if you get a chance. http://orderoftheblacksheep.blogspot.com
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