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Everything posted by Talapas

  1. We want whatever team Marks playing in, but will throw down with pretty much any group of Canucks
  2. Normally you are correct. But the wording of supporting attacks negates this as the predatory fighter rule doesn't specifically overrule the brb and supporting attacks uses the phrase "regardless of the source or rule" (paraphrasing as I don't have brb in front of me).
  3. Supporting attacks rule in the brb says that models in the second rank only ever get one attack. It even says that this overrules any special rule that may grant more than one attack.
  4. Seems to be recent competitive tk build from what I have been reading
  5. Drop a stank and I would feel better about it personally for this event. Double stank is rough even in a non comp environment. I am digging the theme and would love to see the army.
  6. I think I have hands for a chaos giant and a ton of mauraders. Well maybe a unit. I will check this week
  7. Anyone have some good tips for painting black feathers? I want to stay away from too much grey use and am looking for a crow type feather paint job.
  8. I think the list seems good as is. I wouldn't worry too much about making a bunch of changes unless you really want to. I would say submit it and see what the rating committee says.
  9. Lol. My captain may be throwing down the gauntlet to a few teams in the next few days. So we will see. And fire is dumb, lol.
  10. I wouldn't call this list too soft, though I can see where you may feel that way. Warriors is an easy list to power up, and I like this build. You have some good combat and support units and can do some damage with the right tactics. I personally would try to squeeze another wizard in for some more support, but is probably not essential at this event.
  11. I don't know of our teams will meet up again this year Mark, but I would love to throw down against that list. I really like this build and could see it providing a reasonable challenge to your opponents.
  12. I understand that no marching is bad, but you aren't marching without monsters either. They can't kill everything, and you will get beat up by a gun line regardless of what type of list you decide to roll with.
  13. How come I don't see many monster mash lists? It seems like a blast to play. What stops you from going all in on the thunderstompers?
  14. That's a real good list. I wouldn't mind going up against it.
  15. Reminder to get lists turned in. Hope to see you guys there.
  16. I won't be making this one. Hope you guys have fun. And remember, the winner of this one receives an asterisk because they didn't go through me. :lol:
  17. Do lists need to be turned in, in advance? Are scenarios posted beforehand?
  18. Can anyone recommend any good rule set for a civil war minis game? I have seen pretty cool models for that era, but don't know anyone who plays games based on it. Any help would be appreciated.
  19. Definitions from the desk of Talapas: Bus: Unit designed to get Characters into combat. Classic bus is Bret Knight unit with lord, sorceress, and double hero. Screening unit: Unit designed to cover, draw fire, and redirect. Also used to protect main units from being flanked. Composition depends on army and purpose. Skink skirmishers are an example of a screening unit. Deathstar: A very large unit that is the ultimate in points denial and destruction. It may or may not include characters. Usually is 40+ of elite infantry troops, or 15+ or monstrous troops. Sometimes appears as a horde.
  20. I have been running them and attendance has been variable the past few months. You can expect to see between 6-10 players. I am hoping we can get 8 again this month.
  21. Cheesebeard! But that is how I feel about all the short grumpy ones.
  22. But not all diseases are viral in nature. And bacteria are indeed living organisms. Also I could argue that humanity is an organism that is unsustainable as we too are devouring our host, Earth, though at a slower rate than the typical bacteria cell. As for being off topic. I don't mind as I enjoy spreading the gospel of Nurgle whenever I can.
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