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Everything posted by Talapas

  1. Chaos dwarves are also an official GW army, though they are made by forge world. It says it right in the rules for them. Not pinning someone or marking them down solely based on the army they played or because it seemed stronger than you feel comfortable playing ironically seems like bad sports to me. That's just my personal opinion.
  2. I was told that retailers were told by their reps that end times is not just a campaign book. I think this will probably be as official as we will ever get from GW, unfortunately.
  3. Can you run units of 1? Use them to redirect and charge block.
  4. Incorrect. You can overrun on the crumble. It was that way for a short period of time but we changed in more recent faqs
  5. Same. Not hard though sine I lost three of my games.
  6. I had one hit a block of 20 chaos warriors and over the course of a few turns reduce them to a single rank. My warriors eventually won combat, but were basically taken out of the game for all intents and purposes.
  7. And snickers if you are someone who swings that way.
  8. I need metal goblins! Night goblins preferred, but will trade for or buy most any metal goblin infantry model. Lmk what you have and what you want. Thanks
  9. lol. I was paraphrasing what my buddy heard when he was walking through an airport a few years ago. I know I am still around.
  10. Indians don't exist anymore do they?
  11. Yeah, but more can handle a bigger unit. It may be better to 1x 1x 2x Play around with it a bit. See what works beat for your playstyle.
  12. May be worth while to consider this. Beasts can stand up to just about anything with 4+ armor or more. Better saves than the 4+ can turn into a grind clock for you.
  13. At low level games I would run Tzeentch over metal. You can grow that unit of horrors larger and also potentially affect more units on the battlefield.
  14. Not fully reading posts, yet another Ordo tradition.
  15. Orcs and goblins are one of the best armies in the game when it comes to low points battles. Your characters are cheap and war machines/rare voices are as well. Mangler is a must for me at that point level, and a few level 1 night gibbons wizards are nice. Have fun, and stay away from typical army build tactics when you I play below 2k. You should do well.
  16. I have seen it used and wanted to run one myself if I ever did vc. I don't remember much about it off of the top of my head right now, but I believe it functions similar to all chariot mounts in that it fulfills a combat support role rather than trying to win on its own. Use monstrous infantry to provide cannonball screens and pick a target to multi charge.
  17. I was perusing my 3rd edition wfb army book and saw that there was an entry for chaos goblins. Did they ever make models for them? Does anyone have any they can post a pick of if they do exist?
  18. These look pretty awesome.
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