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Everything posted by Frowbakk

  1. I just realized that the Triumvirate of the Imperium has the AdMech Carnifex guy, new Inquisitrix and Living Saint (and back-up singers) all together. I may actually buy it now for conversion fodder.
  2. Oh, it's out? I thought this weekend was pre-order and it was coming out next weekend.
  3. Can't we just go back to complaining that twin Heavy Flamer Immolators aren't fast anymore?
  4. Good thing I just painted up those Arcoflagellants for the last OFCC. Although I am interested in the Grey Knights formation since it might allow me a way to bring back my Dreadknight conversions without the GK Librarian Tax. I'm also interested to see if the Techpriest Enginseer in the Acolyte Blob can bring along Servitors (Heavy Bolters, baby!), or if my shooty Acolyte squads are no longer relevant.
  5. Time to dig out the big box of lead sisters I've traded for over the past decade. Plus the full army in storage.
  6. Still have to get it because it's got Inquisition and Sisters in Dead Tree format. Unless the resin sister has must-have special rules, I'll give it a pass or just kitbash something if it does.
  7. PFC Games in Lynnwood, WA has 30% off for members
  8. There's the Looted Wagon rules, you could use those
  9. Phlogiston was trademarked already
  10. The reason I'm thinking of fielding it is with the bump to S8 the mega template is worthwhile against T4 multi-wound models.
  11. Time to upgrade my Plasma Obliterator, I guess. Or even build it in the first place, for that matter.
  12. That's the main drawback of the Mega Armored Nobz in plastic as well. Despite being in plastic, the torso and legs are mono-pose and the arms single purpose to boot. So despite having 39 MANz, only 3 of them are plastic.
  13. That, and the fact that Space Marines are all castrated, lobotomized, brainwashed slave-soldiers of said Emperor doesn't even enter in to it....
  14. Maxed out Sternguard Combi- Plasmas in a Drop Pod with Smurfs 'Re-roll 1's' Chapter Tactic... Or Terminator Heavy Flamer shooting twice on a mob... Or 4 Twinlinked Lascannon shots from the Landraider... or Two Multi-melta snap shots, two Melta and Two Combi-melta shots from the Tactical squad who upgraded to their own Drop Pod... Someone would have to math-hammer if the Las-Plas Razorback is better with extra shots than the Twin-Linked Assault Cannons Nah, who'd want more shots from ALL of that guaranteed to come in first turn... With a Flyer on the board first turn as well. Plus this is halfway to Zen's old favorite "Null Deploy" army, but where everything comes automatically in the first turn. Just like the first special rule for the formation says.
  15. Yes, and can behave 100% under your control, just as if they rolled snake eyes on their morale check. Except for things that Fearless disallows, like Going To Ground, etc.
  16. Yeah, but not with the guy who was so drunk on Friday I had to remind him his phone was not lost, but instead charging behind him three times in two minutes.... That's just inspirational.
  17. Now I don't feel as bad having three boxes of unbuilt skitarii just sitting there mocking me
  18. I wonder how many of those flyers will be modelled to have Jump Pack marines exiting like that old Rogue trader picture... ....yeah, totally do-able.
  19. I'm glad I could drink the last of your Vodka, give you some trail mix to mellow out your buzz, remind you that your phone was not missing but instead plugged into the wall behind you three times in two minutes, and ALSO ruin your record with a win. Too bad about the travel seat, though. More people came up to me during the weekend to ask 'Didn't you have more of these kitbashed robots?', so I guess for next year it's bringing enough kitbashed robots to run a Knight "Squire" list.
  20. That link takes me to the the old document with typos. "Opponent read to play", etc.
  21. Most of my team is driving down from Olympia on Saturday morning, so let me email them and see if they're willing to schlep the swag.
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