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Everything posted by Frowbakk

  1. I know, wrong thread for December, but I wanted to post the tank I'm planning to paint before WarPorch at Fluger's on December 9th. A kitbashed Repressor: ...and since the proof of concept worked, why make just one when you could build three more at triple the price?
  2. According to the Chapter Approved leaks my Sisters of Battle Repressors just went up in price by 20 points, but the Exorcists each dropped by 25, so...H'ray?
  3. Besides, what else would he do with a condom full of quarters? (pulls pin on pun grenade, runs)
  4. More time to convert Rhinos into Repressors for my Sisters, then Maybe even get 'em painted...
  5. I went to this one, with my 8 year old daughter in tow. They had a paint-&-take for reaper miniatures, so she was occupied as I sorted through bags of bitz and two large rubbermaid totes of spues for the ones I deemed necessary of the $1/sprue cost to finish off my Sisters of Battle Repressor conversions. PFC Games and Mugu Games had some large set-ups,the multiple storage boxes of Rogue Trader miniatures from Mugu (Squats $10 each, most else 3 models for $5 or $2 each) I picked up some 25 or so Rogue Trader plastic Imperial Guard and a few matching lead models to add to my trade bait for $15 Then picked up an old copy of Outburst for kids and a magnet chess set for $5 I was tempted to get ten Plastic Goliath gangers from the original Necromunda set for $15, but decided not to. It was held at a nice community center, pretty easy to find but I had to park two blocks away. The next one is January 27th, I believe. There should be more info on their facebook page.
  6. My vote is to bring the leftovers to share and game after Thanksgiving.
  7. I'd be up for one at long last. Plus it would give me a goal to finish up some conversions.
  8. I recall Skaven had a rule like that with Skavenslaves,which I used to good effect around the time everyone else was Great Horned Rat and Plague Monk obsessed. I also miss the Looted Vehicle rules, but keep the theme going with a Looted Wagon made from a Rhino (and wooden planks nailed over the holes by the Snakebites using the thing.
  9. The last one overlapped with OFCC and I missed it, and I remembered one day too late about the one previous to that in the spring. Third times the charm, I hope. At least I can drag in my tote of trade-bait for just $3.
  10. I haven't even got the Index: Xenos in order to do 'Roight Proppa Orkzesez' once the Codex comes out. However, given the lack of "Marine HQ on Bike' and other conversion-centric entries missing from the actual released Codexes so far, I might have to rethink that particular strateegery... On the other hand, I've still got that tote with three and a half (only partially built the one whose arms ended in a Mega Deathrolla) kitbashed Stompas from before the official kit came out, and am looking forward to spreading spores wherever i Waaagh soon. But given the decade between the 3rd Ed Ork Codex and their next official release, I'm not exactly holding my breath for when it'll come out. I'll keep building Rogue Trader Rhinos into Repressors for my Sisters and kitbashing Age of Sigmar Stormfallen into Grey Knights/Thunder Warriors (hey, the iconography works, alright....) until then.
  11. Are you going to do the ol' cut-down-Shoulderpad-as-Psychic-Hood trick?
  12. Guys... re-read the last sentence of the Mount Up! rule. It specifically prohibits using it on a unit which disembarked in the preceding movement phase. No disembark, double move, double shoot and re-embark for you...
  13. Back to the Good Ol' GW not understanding their own rules: "You can use rule A and B together!" When Rule B specifically says it can't be used with Rule A.
  14. I forsee someone misreading the Grim Demeanor rule to claim their Valhallan vehicles have 2x the wounds of non-Valhallan vehicles, rather than if a vehicle has 3 wounds remaining it counts as if it had six wounds left ONLY for determining how far it can move/how well it can shoot, etc.
  15. As long as a vehicle has a Rapid Fire or Heavy weapon, it'll get the extra 6" range (per the Scout Sentinel example.) Ordnance, you're out of luck.
  16. Am I reading this right that with Mordian's Parade Drill & Defensive Gunners they'll be able to Overwatch on a 4+?
  17. Plastic Escher with conversion kits... Lessee... get an extra $20 a week in cash when buying groceries and stash it away, give or take ten weeks until the release. Hmm. Yep, I'm STILL gonna be broke.
  18. Time to start saving in order to get two sets on release and trade away the Goliaths.
  19. What about some ObSec 5 BSS with 2 Flamers & (optional) Superior w/CombiFlamer to ride along with the Dominions in their Repressors? Dominions crack open the shell, BSS flambe' the meat formerly inside the transports, and/or provide a charge-discouraging Wall of Flamey Goodness from inside the Repressors in the charge phase while the Dominions melta out during the shooting phase. Still getting used to Sisters vehicles with sufficient fire points. I got in the habit of making wedges from Rhinos/Immolators, deploying shooty Sisters inbetween the tanks and shooting through the 1.99999" gap between to receive no charges in return. Previous edition hangovers are a bitch.
  20. Now I can convert even MORE Dreadknights out of Aegis Defense Lines and bitz. Good thing I made some bitz trades at OFCC which will help in that direction.
  21. Yep, I just with they could still do a Celestian and Command Squad all with jump packs. In 8th Edition terms (wishlisting::ON) it would be like having a jump pack on an Imagifer able to quickly move around and dole out the Faith points when and where needed. (wishlisting::OFF) I am thinking of taking a "Death Blossom" Rhino with five units of two Death Cult Assassins to scoot up the board and MIRV the opposition while their (empty) Immolator dedicated transports also light up enemy units lives.
  22. I have to say having five Immolators advance and flame everything was quite fun. Even the two Knights I played each were burn victims.
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