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Everything posted by Frowbakk

  1. So, I just bought a can of primer for my miniatures last night. Woke up early to start priming... Discovered one of my kids (or the that invisible ghost 'NotMe' from the Family Circus) ripped off the spray nozzle. Yay......
  2. Well, lack of room and a wife who'll go down to the swanky boutique chef store in the mall to buy a marble rolling pin to hit me upside the head with if I leave her to put three kids to bed by herself before abandoning her for three days of gaming, that is. Run-on sentence for the win! So, back-up status it is.
  3. I am heading down Friday in the early AM from Lynnwood, north of Seattle. So I can be a backup if no one else answers your call. I don't have a room for Thursday evening, which is why I'm departing in the pre-dawn hours before gaming all day Friday and getting my room for Friday night and Saturday.
  4. Probably the same reason I'm bringing my Rated '1' Inquisition/IG list to the Friday event: practice and the challenge of it all. Par for the course for when I was a Sisters player. I have no iPad, so the digital Codex might as well not exist for me.
  5. If I knew they were leaning this way I would have made my 'Guaranteed to be a 1 Rating' OFCC list to be the old Codex Ghazghkull TellyPorta list with as many Deep Striking units of Grots as I could cram in. But I thought because folks stopped using Green Tide since it wasn't in the newer Codex Ghazghkull that un-reprinted Codex Formations were verboten. Guess I was wrong.
  6. I'm almost finished building all the stuff I have left to paint. Just gotta slap a ridiculous amount of purity seals on a land raider when I get home, and then the priming shall commence!
  7. I remember the speech my Probability and Statistics professor gave on the first day. "There are those of you here who are Math majors, you'll end up getting a 'B' in this class. Then there are those of you recognize you can use this knowledge to screw over other people for the rest of your life, You'll get an 'A' in this class." I got an 'A'.
  8. Most of my team is driving down early Saturday morning. When is the Team Event scheduled to start so I can let them know when to show up?
  9. And someone on my Team had to drop, but we've got a replacement lined up. So: whowhatwherewhenwhyhow?
  10. I challenge all comers to take on my Inquisition/IG list! Practically no models with better than a 5+ Save! (OK, Servitors and Inquisitors, but other than that....) Arcoflagellants in a Land Raider! Flyers? Who needs 'em! T3? You bet!
  11. First ruling on page 1 about Techmarines with enough bonuses auto-repairing flies in the face of "a 'one' always fails" from the main rule book, but whatevz
  12. Gee, if only there was someone who gave you a ride back from OFCC before who could do chauffeur duty again... Oh yeah... me (if you need it).
  13. Or a nice, friendly Umbrella Corp logo while you're at it.
  14. A box with three new Space Marine flyers! And they're even more streamlined than usual.
  15. Instead of 'Krump all Beakies' you could use the same thing for 'Calm reasonable debate'.
  16. I'm planning to go to the Friday event and get some experience with my OFCC Inquisition and IG list (can have a rating negative 1 for an Army List?) and see if I can be the Cellar Dweller of the day. Least number of battle points, here I come!
  17. Remember this was asking about re-rolling the 'extra' Gets Hot dice for Plasma Cannons. Regular plasma with a re-roll would still get their re-roll due to Prescience, Preferred Enemy, etc.
  18. Do you know what the armies are for the rest of Team Null? I want to know whether or not we can have a viable theme and if they're all 'Bad Guy' armies then I'll swap to the multiple units of potentially-deepstriking Gretchin and Kaptin Badrukk with a unit of Flash Gitz backed up by Trukk Boyz. Or if there's an Imperial theme, do you have a copy of the most recent Codex: Inquisition? After I posted I realized I only have the old Grey Knights Codex, not the latest digital-only version.
  19. Being as I've been to OFCC before, we could Voltron on up, (Megathrusters are on, Dynatherms are go) and I'll form the head. Fluger or you or others who remember me could second my Captain-cy and we'd be good to go. Since I didn't have a team name, I put 'Null' in the Team name space when I bought my ticket, so guess we could all wear grey and be "Team Null." I can probably even drive down to Olympia between now and then and give the kids a Grandma Day so we can all meet in person. Hmm, I'll have to take a Level 1 list and eat a few bad match-ups so the rest of Team Null has a good first OFCC experience, so at least that means I can field that unit of Arcoflagellants I've always wanted.... And since I live North of Seattle and plan to drive down I can probably help them carpool as well.
  20. Just paid for the weekend, so add me to the 'Looking for Team' list as well.
  21. I've been to four OFCC's and have been procrastinating buying my ticket because my old gaming group splintered. I play Orks, Grey Knights/Inquisition Skitarii/Ad Mech and Sisters of Battle Does any of that fit your needs?
  22. The Orks languished for a decade without a codex, but I would like to see a new hardcopy Sisters Codex. I was an 'early adopter' and kitbashed models with the Axe of Retribution and other unique wargear options back when maximum unit sizes were 7 models.
  23. I was hoping to use that FOC to have a random number of teleporting units of Grots at OFCC. 150 deepstriking grots... I see zero problems with this plan. ...except the FOC is fom an oler book now. Oh well....
  24. I'm annoyed with the amateur hour of 'Nothin'-but-Beekies' players trying to tell us about how to use the new rules on the big clickbait popular commentary/news sites.
  25. I may show up at this one. Here's a silly list 'Looted' from the TSHFT winner: Ork CAD 1: 550 HQ/LoW - Big Mek special character w/Mek Stompa and all the upgrades 110 HQ - Big mek w/4++ KFF 70 TROOPS - 2x 10 Grots 225 HVY - 3 x 5 Mek Guns: Kannons 150 FORT - Full Void Shield Generator w/Aegis Line Ork CAD 2: 60 HQ - Big Mek w/Fixxer Uppers 70 TROOPS - 2x 10 Grots 225 HVY - 3 x 5 Mek Guns: Kannons Formation: Mogrok's Bossboyz 85 HQ - Big Mek w/Shokk Attack Gun 85 HQ - Big Mek w/Shokk Attack Gun 85 HQ - Big Mek w/Shokk Attack Gun 65 HQ - Warboss w/Bosspole 70 HQ - Weirdboy Warphead (Lv 2 Psyker) 1850 points on the nose. All I need is the 3rd SAG Mek, and to kitbash the VSG.... and all 30 Kannons... and all the Grot Krew.... and the Mek Stompa. But, other than that....
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