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Everything posted by Justjokin

  1. Thanks for this guys, it was my 3 units getting barbecued in the example above, and if I remember correctly, most of the models were within 9 inches anyway. :)
  2. Very clean looking ships, great job. What is the red 12 with wings decal?
  3. I couldn't find anything on Uturn templates... what's up with that? I mean those... er them?
  4. I don't think I can work it out this weekend, but... soon!!!
  5. I had heard that about ammonia before. I understand that it depends on the type of airbrush and whether there are rubber seals in the brush. Neither of my badgers, nor my old no name airbrush have those seals. The main guy at Badger says he uses ammonia based cleaners: http://youtu.be/tsW-vN0_lHw?t=58m15s Also, here is an older post on airbrushing: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/19387-90-minutes-of-badger-airbrush-knowledge/?hl=%2Bbadger+%2Bairbrush
  6. Windex is my cleaning kit... :)
  7. Agreed, yet somehow kind of a let down after the last two episodes!
  8. Find a 40% off coupon for Michael's. Someone posted a great Amazon deal for a SOTAR not too long ago. You don't have to break yourself for a descent dual action airbrush.
  9. 1000xYes!!! I just airbrushed my new Terran battleship and starer set in the last 30 minutes. First base coat of Somber Grey. I had primed these last night before bed. I used a Badger Krome and my small HomeDepot compressor. I make my own primers now too! Which is so easy, I'll never buy a can of spray paint again. I'm not particularly good at highlights and glowing with my airbrush yet, but "Practice Improves Performance". All I've done is read and watch youtube videos to get this far. I'd love to spend some time painting with someone who actually knows what they are doing!
  10. Here you go! Cool pic, thanks for sharing!
  11. Beautiful break down. Thank you for sharing. I truly hope that a good portion of my backing goes to you Original Dreamers too, at least in the long run!
  12. Testing how to share pictures from G+/Picasa:
  13. I thought I would start a thread for inspiration for building Firestorm Armada Terrain such as asteroids and planetoids. Up first an APOD: NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day: Then some terrain using the FSA terrain blister pack: I have one of these blister packs, but never knew quite what to do with it...
  14. New Sorylian Destroyers and Gunships getting painted up right now...
  15. Ha! My very first need for the spoiler tag! Yeah theOatmeal! NSFW - Frank Language Oh wait... http://theoatmeal.com/
  16. Only if it came from 3 different torrents!
  17. Cool work man, love to see the step by step. Envy on your carving skills.
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