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Everything posted by mojoslayer

  1. There is also this scibor one, a little work would need to be done to his hair to make it work. http://sciborminiatures.com/en_,shop.php?art=852#i/lato_2009/big/dwarf_2axes_02.jpg
  2. Rangers help you get your vanguards. Copters, well they help dictate the field so my slayers have a better chance to get into combat.
  3. List I'm considering for the Rose city Wrath, if I can manage it. 1 Runesmith: Shield, Stone, Passage, Spell Breaking, Ring of Thori 1 Thane: Shield, MR Grungni, Strollaz 42 Longbeards with shields, Full command and Stubborn and MR 1 (I know it does not stack but this is to meet the core) 1 Daemon Slayer. Might, ASF, Grudge 1 Daemon Slayer, Might, Flight, Grudge 1 Daemon Slayer, Alaric the Mad, Furry, Grudge 37 Slayers, Mu and Standard with Strollaz, two Giant Slayers one with Grudge one with AP, Flaming and +1 Int 1 gyro 1 gyro 5 Rangers 5 Rangers
  4. I have had some success with daemon slayers, they do die, but they also kill stuff, and if built right they kill a lot of stuff. I like them in groups of three. I will arm one giant slayer with a grudge rune, then all three daemon slayers will have a grudge rune, so I can mark 4 things and all of them get the bonus against all four things. 1. ASF, Double strength vs T5 and Grudge. He is hitting most monsters one 2's and Nurgle deamon princes on 4's and other non nurgle lords on 3's, most likely he will have character re-rolls for hits, then re-rolling failed wound rolls with grudge, forces re-rolls of ward saves and does d3 wounds on monsters including daemon princes. Not once has a monster of any kind faced this daemon slayer and lived more than one round of combat including Nagash. 2. Hammer toss, Double strength and grudge. Monsters hate this one because all of the close combat rules that apply to slayers apply to this long distance attack once it has been thrown, this one is also good to use against those nasty death magic daemon princes that like to try to purple sun your flanks. Don't forget you can stand and shoot with it too. 3. No Armour saves, +1 Attack and Grudge. This one is really good at taking out knights, sometimes I will swap out the furry with parrying but I like the extra wound potential on T3 elfs. (This is the one I drop when I take Ungrim, his high strength and killing blow help to negate armour enough to where I'm comfortable not taking it) The trick is getting these guys into combat, a strollaz's slayer block helps, but it is no guarantee.
  5. One thing to consider, in one of the Slayer units is to give the giant slayer a flaming rune, and AP rune. This gives you the flaming option to kill regen before your unit swings, the penetration helps against chimera who have an armour save. You can even have two, one with flaming, AP and an Ini boost.
  6. I have seen some really good kit bashes of the Belegar, with the new Slayer hair, and a longbeard champions axe that looks amazing. http://www.bugmansbrewery.com/topic/42712-ungrim-ironfist-alternative-or-conversion/
  7. YES!!!!, The runesmith is nice to give the longbeards AP, not sure I would drop it, although two dragon slayers can be nice to jump out of units.
  8. I'm so sick of the Elven Master race complex, so dwarfs had two incarnates, lost them both, and gave one of them to the elves who now have four? Bite me, the only good elf is a dead elf!
  9. You can't steel my idea don't panic. Ungrim and his slayers will be in my list, oh yes, they will be.
  10. Well get that comp number in for Ungrim for the Brawl please Iraf, I think I need to include him, even if every daemon prince on the planet will have a 2+ ward save against him. :)
  11. Missed opportunity to give Daemon Princes out of the Warriors book the unstable special rule and why not the Daemon Prince out of the Daemons book has it now.
  12. Hey Burk, were you going to release the scores? :)
  13. I think it is all in the title. http://www.blacklibrary.com/Downloads/Product/PDF/Warhammer/Wood_Elves_v1.0_Sept_2014.pdf
  14. I just want to say thank you to all of the people who worked their butts off at OFCC, the organizers, paint judges, the whole crew. As always, it was a lot of fun!
  15. Those that want Chaos Dwarfs out, they are heavily comped in the swedish system, and honestly their power is overrated, I know, I play against them all the time. I love playing at the OFCC and always have had great time and I don't mind forking out money for such a great event, but I will draw a line in the sand, I understand no SOM or other monsters, but if Chaos Dwarfs are out (even though I don't play them) I'm out. Not trying to be confrontational, just being honest.
  16. I think having a max of 18 is a HUGE mistake. I just made a list that is far from soft, it is just not considered optimal for the race, and therefore clocks in at an 18.4. If I tweak it to make it come in at an 18 it actually gets softer and destroys some of the synergy of the army. I think the max cap needs to be a 20, or better yet, not have one at all. BTW I would take on any list with this list, it won't wreak face, but it will compete against most thing. I used a "softer" version of this list at 2800 points at OFCC and went 4-1 and could have won that one loss if I did not make two big mistakes. I'm also not trying to beat the system by taking softer hard choices, I'm just trying to put a list that is one fun, and two works together but according to the Swish system dwarfs with no warmachines will always fall short.
  17. I think having a max of 18 is a HUGE mistake. I just made a list that is far from soft, it is just not considered optimal for the race, and therefore clocks in at an 18.4. If I tweak it to make it come in at an 18 it actually gets softer and destroys some of the synergy of the army. I think the max cap needs to be a 20, or better yet, not have one at all. BTW I would take on any list with this list, it won't wreak face, but it will compete against most thing. I used a "softer" version of this list at 2800 points at OFCC and went 4-1 and could have won that one loss if I did not make two big mistakes. I'm also not trying to beat the system by taking softer hard choices, I'm just trying to put a list that is one fun, and two works together but according to the Swish system dwarfs with no warmachines will always fall short.
  18. I pm'ed on June 29th and still did not get in, I sent another pm just now, I have three Borderlands teams to post lists for. Thanks.
  19. I just noticed I still don't have access to the captains section, I have three Borderlands teams that I'm trying to submit lists for and I'm not sure how.
  20. This is NOT an overpowered list, and I think would be perfect for OFCC, and I would be happy to play against it. Some people might focus too much on what the list can do, but not on the weaknesses. Firstly, you don't have a second wizard that can bait spells. Second, there is no BSB, and no re-rolls seriously weakens this list. Third, Fire Glaives are not nearly as good as Great Weapons, they are nice but not overpowered by any means. Also, this unit is not stubborn, most of the time chaos dwarf players put a hero level character who is very hard to kill and grants stubborn to the large core unit. Fourth, Bull Centaurs are fantastic, but by no means broken. They may be T5 but they only have Two attacks base and a stomp, where MC typically have one more attack plus the attack for the rider, so they are not as powerful as some people think. Personally I would go with great weapons over extra hand weapons, too much armour out there. Fifth, No war machines. Chaos Dwarfs with no war machines is without doubt a gamble, but one that can pay off. Sixth, No chaff. Chaos dwarfs do have access to cheap chaff units to help dictate the battle, and you have taken none. Seventh, you have taken only one Kadii Destroyer when you could take two at 2800. I don't see how anyone can call this list hard, in fact I would say it is a bit on the soft side. If this is not an OFCC list, then I don't know what would be. I say go for it, I really like the style you are pushing with it!
  21. Here are the Three Borderlands teams: Borderlands Team Scylla: Captain: Moses Jones, mojoslayer Army: Dwarfs Player: Ryan Williams Army: Daemons of Chaos Player: Chaz Bogner Army: Wood Elves Player: Thaddius Crevier Army: Warriors of Chaos Borderlands Team Charybdis: Captain: Nate Jones Army: Vampire Counts Player: Dan Jones Army: Daemons of Chaos Player: Matthew Riley Army: Ogre Kingdoms Player: Dustin Boyd Army: Dark Elves Borderlands Team Charybdis: Captain: Chad Jones Army: Chaos Dwarfs Player: Aine Anderson Army: Wood elfs Player: Jason Batz Army: Daemons of Chaos Player: Jerrod Ragsdale Army: Vampire Counts
  22. What is the official due date for OFCC lists? I have heard a couple of conflicting numbers and I would like to make sure that our teams have it right. Thanks.
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