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Everything posted by doc

  1. I'm reminded of the "talkie toaster" sketch from Red Dwarf...
  2. See, being Canadian (ish) is good! Thanks Joel; you ran an amazing show.... Tag; you're it for next year!
  3. Absolutely! Nothing. Bloody perfect weekend!
  4. Hey Joel, any timeline for posting the rankings (and the actual points if you feel comfortable)? Burk posted over in the WFB forum and I can only rant so much over there! We need our own 40K drama...
  5. Coming from the 40k side, I can endorse this thought. I played a list that SHOULD have been a fail, but the LRC was not deep enough to recognize its power. I happen to know the army and the list well (as I play it!) and it is NOT one for OFCC. I am not alone on the 40k side in this assessment... I guess next year I need to be on the LRC.
  6. A-Clubers (my car-full) made it to various parts of the Lower Mainland by 5:15pm; one stop for gas, and a parcel pick up in Blaine. Also visited the "new" Guardian Games store on the way out - awesome place!
  7. As a numbers person I'd like to see the raw data, but I understand why you would not post them. WFB players, especially Canadian ones, get riled up easily. Any idea when Joel will be posting the 40K stats?
  8. I enjoyed exceeding the scoring expectations of AgentP!
  9. I'm going to be packing the following: NIB FW Ork glyphs ($12) NIB FW Games Day Boarding Marine ($25) x2 NIB FW Cadian Upgrade pack - Shotguns ($15) NIB FW Inq Chimera Upgrade ($8) NIB FW SoB Rhino Rear Door ($8) x2 NIB Dark Eldar Ur-Ghul ($15) NIB Necron Trazyn ($15) NIB Callidus Assassin ($15) Culexus Assassin ($15) NIB Steel Legion Lascannon ($10) Steel Legion HB ($10) Steel Legion Missile ($10) x2 Bag of Legion of the Damned - first gen - 15 models (inc some special weapons), backpacks, bolters and shoulder pads ($50) may have a couple of other things... let me know if you want to purchase these an I'll be looking for you!
  10. I'll some stuff that seems of interest to this list. Some SW stuff, maybe some RT marines that I have kicking around... Can't bring as much as I would like to though... Your border guards might get miffed!
  11. He has beaten me all games but one (and one tied) we have played for the past 15 years!
  12. I have a team nominated "to be thrown under the bus" player. Every. Round. Guaranteed.
  13. Sounds like fun. Look forward to it.
  14. OK, so we'll be playing 6 on 6.... With tal's team split?
  15. So we are playing against 2 half teams?If this some Monty Python skit?
  16. I guess their play armies will be a lot smaller than their list armies then!
  17. Nothing. Was done with the army 2 weeks ago, and the display board last week.
  18. Is this still sitting at 12 teams? I hope teams are just behind on paying as it will be rather disappointing if so few turn up for the "grand event"!
  19. Crap.I was hoping you would run away.....
  20. AClub Overachievers challenge Betty's Fighting Havenicans. No idea who playing what, but who cares!
  21. Overachievers submitted (yesterday)...
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