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Don't Panic

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Everything posted by Don't Panic

  1. rudra, your snails will be crawling back into their shells leaving trails of whatever they excrete next time! ML i dont think you need another paint job after the holes and gashes my army put into them. raindog, im surprised you didnt give your woodies skirts and holding lollipops to display how they are in CC. MN, i cant really dis my own kind so ill just go after your DE... how do your like your helbrone cooked? medium? i prefer mine a wee bit charcoaled... canadians, donuts are TERRIBLE and Tim Hortons are worse than starbucks(this is how i start fights with canadians...)!
  2. hello all, sooo i totally airheadedly forgot that my wife is working super late saturday night(and of course has my car...). curious if anyone lives on the SWish side that would be willing to drive the M3(and probably slower after the tournament day) dwarfs/me home? i would be willing to compensate of course.
  3. i think those heads split to avoid my canons last game ;)
  4. raindog, 9 gyrocopters would probably be the scariest thing a wood elf player could face. picture all the fast cav getting bombed to death and killing probably 3-4 of them before they get into you and delete half your army turn after turn... and then you have about 2100 points of other dwarfs probably doing something lol. l
  5. from personnel experience, i say 4 is when it gets annoying for opponents in a fun game. i use 4 when i play competitively(and it works quite well)... 2 can easily be dealth with by pretty much any army with ranged magic and shooting. 3 is about perfect really. dwarfs direly need copters is what ive found during my time playing them. they are M3 across the board so they need the redirectors. oh and bombers have never got their points for me. i have poundered doing a full out 6 copters and a bomber regime for sillyness.
  6. if you have an infantry heavy list i think you'll be fine :) this list lost to beast men very heavily so horde units with buffs will hold their own against dwarf infantry. especially since most my stuff is ASL, you'll eliminate a lot of attacks back
  7. do you still have the grudge thrower? and which metal copter is it? 3 blades or 2 blades guy holding a bomb? I'm only really interested in the old old copters. i basically threw the 3 blade one away after assembly nightmares lol.
  8. hmm yea most the models aren't great. i like the old cartoonish ones. but i just found this one... and i may buy two lol you'll find out that copters are very important for this army. we have no chaff and nothing beyond M3 so they are very great assets. http://www.titan-forge.com/fantasy_miniatures_metal_beards_ancestral_zeppelins
  9. TEAM DICE AGE – Dwarfs Nate Roberts – Nater LORDS [ 0 / 0%] HEROES [ 452 / 16.1%] Thane, Battle Standard Bearer, shield, Master Rune of Gromwil, Rune of Ironx2, Great Weapon [171 points] Runesmith, shield, Rune of Stone, Rune of Spellbreaking [93 points] Runesmith, GENERAL, shield, Rune of Stone, Rune of spellbreaking, Rune of Passage [103 points] Master Engineer, Rune of Stone, Brace of Dwarf Pistols [85 points] CORE [ 703 / 25.1%] (37) Longbeards, standard, musician, champion, Great Weapons, Rune of Strollaz [583 points] (10) Quarrellers [120 points] SPECIAL [ 1114 / 39.8%] (30) Slayers, standard, musician, 2xgiant slayers, Rune of Strollaz, Rune of Sanctuary [454 points] (1) Canon, Rune of Forging [145 points] (1) Gyrocopter [80 points] (1) Gyrocopter [80 points] (1) Gyrocopter [80 points] (1) Bolt Thrower, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Seeking [95 points] (15) Miners, Standard, Musician, Prospector [180 points] RARE [ 530 / 18.9%] (20) Irondrakes, standard, musician, champion with Trollhammer Torpedo upgrade, Rune of Slowness [385 Points] (1) Organ Gun, Rune of Accuracy [145 points] TOTAL: 2799
  10. ha those counters are AWESOME. are you bringing any copters?
  11. man, guess there just wasn't enough smack talk here... i must have missed this forum :)
  12. yea i didn't know hence the question mark :) seems silly that a bound spell creates flaming attacks that aren't magical. so does the WP go around with a box of matches lighting all of their weapons on fire? ;) hehe seems silly that runes make an artillery magical, even if it doesn't affect the attack, yet a spell effect on weapons is not magical. oh gw..
  13. the centigors got into my artillery in our game. I'm sure that made up their points :) i like the hydra. looks like a fun list. I'm going to start up beasties after ofcc. really want to try and make minotaurs work... will be difficult cause i think they are a bit overpriced.
  14. well MN is right that states are crap with that banner(i think he was just making a joke of how bad they are lol)... cause why would u take that when you can have a WP do the same thing for a turn, plus that one is magical right? :)
  15. im so sorry man, that really sucks and i hate hearing about things like this :( id be interested in the giant and minotaur pending the price. just pm what you want for them. wish you the best!
  16. have some slayer commands and few characters i don't need: these are all old metal, no bases, unprimed 3x slayer musicians 2x slayer standards 5x daemon/dragon slayers(i've seen them used as both and i actually use them as giant slayer champs, generally) 1x joseph bugman- has base and gromwil is painted. i also have a ton of dwarf pieces in general that id be willing to sell for a price, just let me know what you are looking for. need to trim down my army pieces... shoot me a pm with a price if interested or if you are looking for something.
  17. hehe new dice. id take on the cowboys next week if you feel up to taking on the little guys with giant weapons, ML. i need some experience against the good ol boys anyways. only played them once.
  18. i think im going to do beastmen for this. really depends on my time schedule though when school starts :/
  19. yeeeea... someone needs to pick him up. you couldnt ask for a better teammate.
  20. my niners lost to the horrible bears... really REALLY glad i live in portland rather than the midwest right now :/
  21. peanut! hey can you bring my arty die next week when ya come to play? this seems awesome. now gives me motivation to paint my beastmen this fall... and redo the movement trays
  22. initiative order, pg50. as typical with GW you have to work rules from back and forth instead of them being straightforward >:( very annoying... so attacks are done simultaneously at initiative order. immediately refers to a point in time, but you cant break up something that is simultaneous in time. you do, however, take deathblows from things at different initiative orders. that is where the word immediately comes into play. for example, a character at I5 and his unit is at I4. wounds from the character will be deathblowed before the unit strikes. things like this will very rarely matter though. like if there is just a character and 1 unit piece left would be one of those few instances.
  23. deathblows are down in sequence after each initiative step. not after every single attack. the only dicey part really with deathblows is when you have a character heavy unit attacking the slayers. then the opponent needs to specify where he is attacking so the dwarf player knows where he can put his deathblows back. cause there will generally be many slayers base to base and they do NOT have to put it back into that character unless its a challenge to a giant/dragon/daemon slayer or if the model attacked is completely covered by the attacking character.
  24. in scenerio 3 with meeting engagement, (reading) elven waystones give a +1 to wizard channeling attempts... im assuming that will not include runesmiths for dispell channeling?
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