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Everything posted by indytims

  1. Yeah... as I mentioned, I understand what Mantic is doing. It's all good. :) I still like the game and will certainly still play it. I'm not upset or anything in the slightest. I've actually bought more Mantic stuff in the past 4 years than I have GW stuff. I am all sorts of eager for Mantic to be successful! :) As for the two 'surprise' races... one theory is that one of them will be the 'Mars Attacks' martian race from their Mars Attack game. LOL -Tim
  2. 64 pgs for 9 armies sounds a little... light. I was hoping for a bit more 'space' for each one, but I understand what Mantic is doing. It's also fun reading some of the comments at the bottom. Sounds almost like an extension of Dakka. -Tim
  3. I really disliked the Squat line back when GW was selling it, and when they axed it, I admit... I smiled. Now, many moons later, I love dwarves (well, some dwarves), and as the others have mentioned, Mantic makes some pretty awesome space-dwarves, especially the ones in armor. Most reasonable folk would probably be fine with you using your space dwarves to 'count as' Marines, as long as you make it clear what each unit was ahead of time... but some people get touchy about stuff like that. If you play with friends, just ask if they'd be ok with it. If most of your games are pick-up games, I figure you'd still be ok for the most part. For tournament play, check with the TO first to see what level of proxy is allowed. Good luck!
  4. Basically, AI (ALEPH) and EI (CA) have them because they're both, like, SO intelligent! :P And yes, as Peanut says - you're not approved to move away. Sorry! :)
  5. Pssst.... Dp, combined -do- have a netrod equivalent. They are called Imetrons. One of the first CA packs i picked up. ;) Love reading your thoughts and ideas! Thanks for sharing!
  6. Yeah, its hard to argue that DLC isnt an attempt to nickle-and-dime a player base, but if there is a demand for it, software publishers are gonna keep doing it. I rarely ever buy DLC. Usually either the product is good enough to stand on its own, or its bad enough i wouldnt waste another penny on it.
  7. Yeah, prepainted in this case is nice. I've seen plenty of games with 'prepainted' stuff that looks like it was painted by a blind one-armed monkey (which is about my normal level of painting, to be honest). But the pre-painted Star Wars stuff (Xwing and Armada) all looks pretty darn spiffy, I think. I do know some folks who aren't satisfied and paint over it all anyway, for a more 'personal' look...
  8. Is it sad that I received a pack of 3 W&N Series 7 Brushes for Christmas last year... and I've never opened them? It's like, whenever I look at them, I'm afraid I am going to -ruin- them... just like my airbrush. I am sure there is a 'phobia' associated with this somewhere. -Tim
  9. Words so true, LH had to say it -TWICE-! :P I look forward to these terribad Scarabs! :)
  10. Yeah.... be careful there, Sam. The first time I met Eben, I called him, "Evan" by accident. He gave me a cold, steely glare... then proceeded to kick my butt 4-2! So be careful with the guy's name. Afterall, he is a BETRAYER, like it says under his pic!!
  11. I know what you mean. This tournament will be my first game with my chosen army, as well. If you're gonna get spanked, might as well do it right and go big! :) -Tim
  12. They actually crashed a few ticket sites last night, including Fandango. The wife and I could not buy our tix. LOL. Will try again tonight after work. I love the mystery surrounding Luke, though... Why is he not on the poster? Why only one sign of him in any of the trailers (a split second of him reaching out to lay a hand on R2)? So many conspiracy theories floating around, it's awesome.
  13. Splinx will you be putting up a full list somewher sometime?
  14. Still cracks me up that a -Titan- is 12/12/10. LOL. Interesting stuff, though.
  15. Copied this over so that the Facebook-only people in Van can see it. :) -Tim
  16. Actually, within a few hours, it looks like everything was sold out - except for the old sculpt of Uxia... which was so horrible, I doubt they could GIVE that away. LOL. -Tim
  17. If you look along the left-hand side of the screen, you can sort by manufacturer. Vallejo has about 2 dozen paints all at $1 each.
  18. MOO!! Lots of GREAT memories of this game!!!! I hope it does well!!!
  19. Last i spoke to sam he mentioned armies needed to be painted.... Not sure if thats different now, or i could have misunderstood.
  20. I would love to, but 4 games... I'll have to see as we get closer. And panda.... Check your pm's! :)
  21. Seth is so good, he gets TWO scores! :P Good job you all! Keep it going! :)
  22. Crimson Peak I love Tom Hiddleston, and Jessica Chastain. And in this movie I thought they did pretty good. The movie is advertised as a sort of 'Gothic Horror/Haunted House' type movie, but there was really nothing 'scary' about it. No real 'tense' or suspenseful moments to note, and the plot was fairly predictable. That said, the acting was pretty good, and I didn't even know Charlie Hunam was going to be in it. LOL. He did ok, too, convincing as a 19th century physician. All in all, I felt it was a bit above average, though a bit too long at almost exactly two hours. My wife said she'd give it another star because you get to see Tom Hiddleston's butt, so... there you are. 6/10
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