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Everything posted by Ish

  1. The Forgeworld Avatar is definitely a nicer model than the new plastic Avatar.
  2. Jes Goodwin is, without a doubt, one of the greatest artists in the miniature hobby of all time. The perfect mix of uniqueness of individuals, yet uniformity across a range; detailed without being cluttered; fantastical yet practical... He’s Jack Kirby in pewter. I do like this new Avatar. It really feels like an update instead of a revamp...
  3. I am kinda impressed that the new Warlock appears to be a kit with two models in it. I really expected it to be a single model.
  4. And yes, the Flash and Wonder Woman did help the kid find his dad.
  5. I’m just hoping that Wargames Illustrated eventually adds a subscription plan for North America.
  6. I haven’t even read a White Dwarf in at least six years and I only glanced at a random issue now and then for the four-ish years prior to that. The magazine used to be filled with useful hobby content, but has been little more than a glorified catalog (and not a terribly useful one) for twenty years now…
  7. Obviously, you forgot about the involvement of this chap.
  8. On this day, in 1789, the battle of Roarke's Drift ended in a blaze of Martini-Henry smoke as 156 desperate British soldiers showed what fortified positions and brass cartridges could accomplish against thousands of attackers armed with spear and shield. Valor was present in overwhelming numbers on both sides that day. Eleven Victoria Crosses were won that day. In that day the VC was not awarded posthumously, and so the count would have been higher. This was the most number of those awards won by a single Regiment in a single action in the history of the Royal Army. Before you feel too bad about the spear and shield armed Zulu warriors, one should remember that the Zulu's had been winning the Anglo-Zulu War at this point.
  9. I wonder if anyone makes a paint can shaker, for home use, that could hold a bottle of resin?
  10. You could probably run a decently close approximation using a “counts as” combination of Craftworld and Dark Eldar. Zealots counting as Howling Banshees or Striking Scorpions; High Templars counting as Warlocks; Dark Templars counting as Mandrakes; The Archon counting as the Avatar of Khaine; et cetera.
  11. I’m a simple man. I see good heraldry for a good price, I click the Back this Campaign button.
  12. Another review and testing, this time of the full range.
  13. I wonder if these guys are going to be monopose like the new Orks.
  14. I don’t need another army, but I want to wish you luck on your interviews. Also, offering a “New Blood Discount” is just a class move. A gentleman and a scholar.
  15. Just noticed that Army Painter has opened up pre-orders for the Mega Set. $99 for a set of twenty-four colors… So about $4 a bottle. I’m sold… Probably not this week, but probably my next payday.
  16. Vampires can be a real pain in the neck. 🧛‍♂️
  17. Ach! I gotta get off me arse an get me laddie @scottshoemaker tae print me wee men so I can shoo yae how Dwarves fight!
  18. The Adeptus Custodes “Combat Patrol” is a bit north of 800 Points if you used only the contents of the box to make a battle forged army.
  19. Ish

    Reign in Hell

    Damn right! Oathmark for life!
  20. Ish

    Reign in Hell

    Well, my dead tree copy of the rulebook arrived a few days ago (but my kids didn’t tell me and it sat unopened on the counter for days… Teenagers. Sigh.) From what I’ve read, it seems like a really fun game. A bit more “meaty” than WarCry, but still a pretty fast-paced and rules lite game. I also managed to finagle my way into a full-time, fixed-schedule position at my new job. So hopefully, come February or March, I can start getting my butt to game days again!
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