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Everything posted by Ish

  1. I still think GW dropped the ball by not just making the new Primaris-scale models regular Marines. I think the fan base would have been a lot more accepting of them had they just been new models. Personally, I like them just fine, but the NERDRAGE!!! they engender in a certain percentage of the fans is epic. Had they just made Tactical Marines, Devastator Marines, and Assault Marines into the new taller models, but otherwise left the army's organization alone, I think they'd be better liked.
  2. Well, one is more commonly made of corn and the other more commonly of wheat... But you can find examples of the other easily enough.
  3. Crazy Random Idea: Blood Bowl Roleplaying Game Player Characters would be a rag-tag bunch of athletic misfits, in the grand tradition of sports movie cliches, who’d be the “stars” of the team and/or maybe the coaches, team medic, and so forth. NPCs would have to be recruited to fill out the roster. Set it in the Warhammer Fantasy universe, but don’t worry too much about canonical whatevers and serious whozits. Embrace the silly puns and satirical violence of Blood Bowl. Maybe go full Eighties Sports Movie with it: “The Orphanage of St. Ditka, run by the church of Shallya the goddess of healing, was always a bit of an oddity. Willing to take in human children from across the Old World, as well as lost Elves, Halflings, Dwarfs, and other stranger things. Despite the diverse and unusual nature of the place, the raggamuffin orphans that grew up there all loved the place.” “But now, the local elector-count, Graff von Greedyguy, has decided that he needs the land the orphanage is on to build a new hotel-casino-brothel. Better tax revenue.” “Faced with only a few months time to raise the gold needed to save their beloved home, a band of scrappy (former) orphans sets out to battle their way to the top of the Blood Bowl League.”
  4. Crunchy or soft? Because a soft taco is definitely a sandwich.
  5. The debate I’ve been having all week with my children: Is a taco a sandwich?
  6. Wait... That makes it sound like a limited edition release. But it isn’t a Primaris Lieutenant!?
  7. I need those bikes, a couple of those quads, and some Necromunda gangers. I’m totally making 32 mm scale Gaslands.
  8. Black Legion have pretty much always been the Ultramarines of Chaos. They have a history, they have named personalities, they have their own iconography... But they’re also the <Insert Your Dudes Here> generic place-holders.
  9. 32 mm scale Gaslands, here I come!
  10. Probably not an option right now (“Not in the box, not in the book!”) since they don’t have a Seraphim Superior model for that... Maybe if/when a plastic kit gets released. (I’ve always wanted a Seraphim with a power maul, just because I think it would look cool.)
  11. I’m thinking that dedicated squads, like four meltagun Dominions (tank hunters) or four heavy bolter Retributors (anti horde), will be better served sticking to their dedicated task. But on general purpose squads, it’s a definite enticement to make sure to put one of each weapon type into the mix.
  12. Maybe if you knew you’d be facing an opponent with a single, high-Toughness artillery unit in the backfield... But, honestly, it’s probably enough just to drop the standard double Inferno Pistol Seraphim Squad back there.
  13. Ah, nice catch... Still, for a mere 1 CP, this is going to be a very useful Stratagem. I mean, every Sister and her Sister is carrying a boltgun, you were probably already going to put some combination of meltagun/multimelta/flamer/heavy flamer/combi-whatever into the squad as well... So to take full advantage of this, all you need to do is mix the types to ensure that between the squad’s Heavy, Special, and Superior you’ve got one of each.
  14. They’re protected by void-shields and by the fact that this is an artillery unit, so they should be well behind the frontlines.
  15. The Repressor (if GW continues to support the OOP model) has a Storm Bolter and a pintle-mounted Flamer... Put a squad of Meltagun Dominions in the rear and go proselytizing!
  16. You will need movement trays to move all your movement trays! I like it.
  17. All of us are half centaur on the upper half. A lucky few of us have a bit of the centaur’s lower half too.
  18. GW doesn’t usually do promotion for licensed properties... ...maybe a sequel to the CGI movie they put out a few years back?
  19. They’re bringing back the real Ultra-Marines! The Third Founding Chapter from the Rogue Trader era, detailed in the Index Astartes article.
  20. Pikachu used Exterminatus. It’s super effective!
  21. It’s a longstanding family tradition that we listened to this song, every Thanksgiving, on the ride to my grandparent’s house. My grandparents aren’t around anymore and I live on the opposite side of the continent now, but, still... You can get anything you want, at Alice’s Restaurant...
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