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This Is Not A Test Campaign


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You can do your skill rolls and purchases in whatever order you want.

All rolls (and card flips) that occur during Warband creation and the campaign phase must be witnessed by or made by another campaign player. 

The honor system applies to the fact that I’m not going to require the submission of Warband rosters or the reporting and accounting of warband ratings, BS, EXPs, injuries, etc.

In the past, if I didn’t have time to make my my rolls during game night what I did was post requests for rolls or texted other campaign players. Posting here can clutter things up, so PMing or texting is preferable.

Anyone can PM me the rolls they need and I’ll reply with the results.  Tell me which models need rolls and the table(s) to roll on.  


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I want to clarify the random skill rule for players who are new to TNT.  The Optional Skill Table rule (aka random skill rule) does not completely supersede the Models Choose Skills rule found under Warband Creation on page 69 of the main rulebook. If a model's Special Rules section states that a model begins with a particular skill or skills then that model begins the campaign with those skills.  Skills are rolled randomly only when the model's Special Rules section indicates that the player may choose skills or during campaign play when a model gains a skill advance.

In some rare instances a model's Special Rules section gives the player the choice between two specific skills. In these instance the random skill rule does not apply to that selection.  The player selects between the two skills as normal.  For example, the Peacekeeper's Line Breaker entry reads: "Starts with either the Brute or Strong Point skill (choose one)."  Since the player is given the choice of two specific skills, the random skill rule is not applied.  Instead, the player selects either Brute or Strong Point as the Line Breaker's starting skill.

I apologize for any confusion.

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The stated purpose of the new Warband Ranks rules is to "tone down the effect of too-powerful leaders in the game."  The preamble to the rule states that a leader "must divide their attention between improving themselves and their warband," but that's now how the rule is written.  The Level Up rank states that a leader can purchase this rank multiple times, "but it may only be purchased every other game."  In essence, a leader can continue to buy nothing but advances, so long as those advances are bought every other game.  And since gaining 10 xps in a single game is rare, the 'every other game' restriction doesn't do much to slow down the rate that leader's normally gain advances.  Under the current rule a leader must spend 8 xp to gain an advance, so one can argue that by increasing the cost of an advance by 2 xp, the rules does slow down advances.  In theory the advances are further slowed by the appeal of the other choices, but many of the ranks, especially those in the Atomic Punks level, aren't very appealing.

The intro to the Warband Ranks states that players may modify the rule,  so that's what I'm going to do.


For this campaign, replace the 'Level Up' entry with the following language:

Level Up (10 EXP) - The leader may buy an advance.  Contrary to the usual rules for Buying Warband Ranks, this rank may be taken multiple times.  However, this rank cannot be purchased if the last rank purchased was 'Level Up'.  In other words, a Leader may not select this rank twice in a row.



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1 hour ago, JMGraham said:

Ah! April, not March.

Yes, the plan is to start April 3rd.

I began this thread early in order to give everyone plenty of time to prepare and clear their calendar.

If you ask, I'm certain that Sherbert or Joey would be happy to play a demo game with you. I'd play one with you, but between now and the end of the month I will be madly working on SAGA stuff in preparation for Adepticon. I could probably swing demo game on March 27th.


Have you picked your warband?


If you are looking for a relatively low cost warband, you may want to check out Warlord Games' Project Z range.  The male and female survivor boxes are out of stock but if you go to ebay and type in "project z survivors" you'll find both male and female survivor boxes for $22.50 + free shipping.  The models are 28mm, but they are true scale, so the guns are tiny, but properly scaled.  Each box includes one frame with10 survivors plus heads, arms, and weapons, and a second sprue that's all weapons and equipment. 








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Including myself, we currently number 8 players. 

If you have agreed to play but you haven't received access to the TNT resource Google Drive Folder, PM me your email address and I will give you access.

Models #1 and #2 have not been claimed yet, which means we have room for at least 2 more players.

Jim Graham, are you still on the fence?



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If you want to play a TNT demo game, I will be at Dark Tower at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, March 27th.  I recommend that you bring your 400 BS campaign warband with you.  This will give you feel for how it plays and allow you the opportunity to make some last minute changes to the warband list prior to the start of the campaign on April 3rd.

If you don't yet have a warband assembled, don't worry,  I will bring a couple of demo warbands with me.


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So thanks to Shawn's awesomeness I now have my own Tribals Warband. This has inspired me, along with the fact that we have three Peacekeeper warbands including mine, to switch my warband to Tribals. Therefore, here is the new warband that I'll be running:

  • Brendan
  • Tribals
  • Protectors of the Word
  • Model #4 (Same as before)
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I think you can get the scrap power armor for cheaper. 4 guys can work but each loss will be felt very keenly. Up to you. My raiders will end up at around 7 or 8 members to start but I will have very little protection. You might have only 4 dudes but it's hard to kill you.

The mutant cannibals are in their own separate supplement.

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In TNT, quantity often trumps quality.  

Opposed d10 tests can produce some pretty dramatic swings, so a model in power armor can be taken down by a scrub with a rifle.  

Also, a Warband generates most of its income by sending models out into the wastes to scavenge. After each game you can send up to four models to scavenge.  Since you can’t send out your leader, a warband with only 3 models will only be able to send out 2 models.

And remember, when a model dies, you lose all of its equipment.

I recommend that you start out with as many models as you can afford.  Renegade Reclaimers make this difficult because you are required to buy most model types armor, but your Indentured Wastelanders are an exception to this rule, so I recommend adding 2 or 3 to your list. Give em rifles, SMGs, or rifles and nothing else. 

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37 minutes ago, JMGraham said:

One last question, as I look at options ... where can I find these hillbilly mutant cannibals I here so much about?

Tomorrow, I will add the Mutant Cannibal Warband rules to the TNT Google drive folder. 

If you are still shopping around for a Warband, the rules for the Remnants Warband are already in the TNT folder.


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