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When is the right time to pare down a collection?

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I'll start this off with the fact that I think 9th edition really bled me dry a bit. I got all the books for the armies that I have and had hoped that it was going to be my final edition. Of course 9th ended up being so convoluted for me that I have moved on to 10th. The thing is, I like my models. I like that I have options for armies. But honestly, due to gamer ADD, I rarely stick with one long enough to get more than a single game in during an edition. The solution to this seems simple....drop most of my armies. Focus on one or two and just play those from now on. Seems logical. That way in any edition, I only have one or two books to get. I can focus on that army, learn the rules, learn how to play them, and it would definitely help reduce the amount of new stuff to get each edition.

My problem is though that I like my stuff. And every time I drop an army...I eventually end up regretting it, or worse, getting it again at a higher price as is the way of the GW hobby. I probably should get rid of probably half of my armies...but it seems like a huge disservice to all the work I did getting them in the first place.

So basically I have a problem if I keep my armies, and I have a problem if I get rid of some of them. #1stWorldProblems

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someone should start a "group" for this... like (not to make lite of an addiction problem" - but AA or something ... because I am sure there are lots of folks with this... "addiction"... myself included.


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the joy of de-cluttering / thinking about ways to start NEW projects / moving on (gasp) is generally followed up with despair over figuring out money invested vs money obtained from selling off / heartfelt affection for the old models / delusional "i'm sure it'll come back" in terms of game play / etc.

at least for me

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance are the five stages


i sold off probably 90% of my comic collection recently.  all the "high-end" stuff that wasn't Batman related.  All the years of collecting gone, the money, the good times, just having it around, etc.    seriously took a while to just get over it and move on


totally get how you feel.  for 40k, i played competitively in THIRD edition.  been stockpiling since with the delusion that i'll play.  i retire next year so we'll see.  but until then it's just a massive amount of space and thoughts of time sink / money spent / what's the point / etc.     but to unload it all now would be silly were i to actually have time to play once i retire and have to replace it all... but then again, that's why i'm so butt hurt about the firstborn.  i have zero primaris.  tons of other armies, sure but scale creep, usable models, the list goes on and on...

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I think it's simple. I've played Necrons since 4th ed, I'll always play them (good or bad).


  • Never declutter, nerds forever!
    • Unless you don't have storage space for it (or need cash, but sell when it's hot).
  • If forced to declutter or choosing to, sell those things you have never used, or haven't used in many years. That's how I viewed it.
    • I sold an entire painted Dark Elf army and entire Space Marine army recently. I might sell off my Orks too, but we'll see.


However, you do you. 😁

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I believe happiness lies in hacking what kind of person you are.

I can't stand losing stuff I've painted. So I don't. I instead budget money into buying storage solutions. I plan my conversions and don't "cheat" to get to the table faster, because I'll spend the money someday anyway. 

My solution? Don't really have one, but my 5 year old loves creepy and Gothic, so someone will probably inherit my Night Lords coming up. 

But bits boxes are forever. 


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