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Game Night! August 31st! Game On!

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It's an empty set of rooms above a teriyaki restaurant and a distillery (no joke).   Other than gaurdian games I'm blanking on the other stores in town.  Ancient wonders, Dice age games (in Vancouver), Boarderlands (in Salem).


For selection GG is the best stop though Dice Age Games has a fantastic selection of third party stuff and terrain and bits. (At least the last time I was there it was.) But GG is the Only shop with no WHFB game time. Love GG but still can't believe it, the outer rim stores are more active with the WHFB crowd.
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Wow, good show for tonight. 9 players, and even though I was the odd man out it was fun. Seeing Lion of Flander's army and Chappy made it worth the trip. Got some great ideas for my Sorceress and inspiration for painting.


Can't wait till Chappy gets time to paint his army, his test model looks like a fantastic color scheme. And I forgot to mention the Chaos Chariots, best chariots in the game.


WarhammerT like I said, MSU that army of yours with your Dryad anvil in front of your True Flight Arrows. And even though I love seeing Dragons on the board while you are learning the game it might be best to leave it out. It is a huge point sink that is hard to manage for beginners. Cannons will bring it down in one shot more than you would care for.

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Thanks for all the help and thanks for the learning game Warhammer T. The Scions of the Blood Father reaped many skulls for the skull throne today. I look forward to learning more and more as we move into the wintertime. I have a lot coming up so I hope to do more WHFB in November timeframe. See you all at OFCC.


Blood for the Blood God.

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usually takes at least 2 shots to bring down a dragon :) unless you're super lucky(which im generally... not)!  dragons are great and fun.  yea usually not the power move because they can get shot/magic'd to death quite fast, but they are pretty fearsome against infantry in the flank and with a combo charge you shred things.  a dragon was probably the main reason i lost tonight tbh.  scared to take a side charge and fled.  didnt rally on ld 10 and 400 point drakes ran off the board lol. so they definitely can impact a game quite positively as well!  my opponent used his very effectively :)

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What a great thing y'all have up there! I was glad to be able to get in for a game and meet some new people. Big thanks to Eric for organizing under difficult circumstances.


I had a good game against (Sean? Apologies...I am terrible with names) and his high elves. Thanks for putting up with my slow play as I get 8th edition in my brain. We both had some rather wierd dice rolling, but the game came down to the fact that the Witchlocks are really freakin good and Sean only realized how good after they had rolled up his flank and generally f'd his elves up.


@Chappy (sp?). What was your paint site again?

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