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How many gyros is too many

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Thinking about escalation league, and building a new army, I'm wondering how people think of Dwarf gyros, both copter and bomber.  How many is too many?  At what point is it no longer cool?  I really like the idea of a dwarf air force, especially with some of the Titanforge dwarf zeppelin models thrown in.

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As long as you can legally field them, go for it. They really do start to have depreciating returns and I wouldn't be worried about being "too effective" as they're not much better than Dark Riders and definitely nowhere near as abusive given how slow the rest of the army is.


As far as what is actually helpful, I wouldn't go above three. More than that and you're trading power for chaff and quite a bit of the game is built for chaff deletion these days.

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from personnel experience, i say 4 is when it gets annoying for opponents in a fun game.  i use 4 when i play competitively(and it works quite well)... 2 can easily be dealth with by pretty much any army with ranged magic and shooting.  3 is about perfect really.  dwarfs direly need copters is what ive found during my time playing them.  they are M3 across the board so they need the redirectors.  oh and bombers have never got their points for me.  i have poundered doing a full out 6 copters and a bomber regime for sillyness.   

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