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New Knights


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Oh goody! So I love the idea of the detachments here, and I appreciate the loss of the +1 to ion shield until you hit the 5 Knight level. Now to decide overwatch capabilities or objective secured...


I guess it would depend on the load out for the Knights, and if they can use multiple weapons during their overwatch. I mean if the Knights have flamers equipped, then I think overwatch might be a more solid option. But if not... then Objective Secured is super awesome. Especially on models with 12" movement.

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So, they are all Lords of War now. Big time difference for event players.


Yep, and it frankly cracks me up.  Massive changes coming to Eldar, and now an entire codex army will be unplayable.  What's more ridiculous, some tournaments that had full knight armies last year now will ban them - not because they've changed mind you - but because they've been re-labeled as LoW. Tournaments have officially jumped the shark.  


People need to learn that if you want to control the field of play for tournaments, you don't do it by altering the game, you do it through scenarios.  

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You do what the fantasy community has been doing for a number of years and create special scenarios for your tournament.  Some events have gone so far as to seal them, and you only learn about them minutes before your round.  


Here's one, it's a version of Fantasy's watchtower.  "The winner of this mission is whoever controls X building at the end of the game.  You control a building by occupying it.  Only foot infantry may occupy the building for purposes of this scenario."

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You do what the fantasy community has been doing for a number of years and create special scenarios for your tournament. Some events have gone so far as to seal them, and you only learn about them minutes before your round.


Here's one, it's a version of Fantasy's watchtower. "The winner of this mission is whoever controls X building at the end of the game. You control a building by occupying it. Only foot infantry may occupy the building for purposes of this scenario."

You have to be alive to capture the building.
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That was a bit tongue and cheek. But Swedish Comp technically doesn't change units, or ban them, it just creates a rating for how much of a good thing you've packed into a list

Which is really not that much different than banning or restricting units. It just does it by making it unfeasible to take them. We could do the same by saying 'sure you can take low and GC but you can't win anything'.
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I guess it would depend on the load out for the Knights, and if they can use multiple weapons during their overwatch. I mean if the Knights have flamers equipped, then I think overwatch might be a more solid option. But if not... then Objective Secured is super awesome. Especially on models with 12" movement.

I'm thinking the baronial for 3+ shield to the front early game/first turn and the over watch. Avenger gatling should get a couple hits. While obsec is awesome I'm not trying to crush people and it seems most tourneys I would want to increase my game winning abilities for won't allow them...

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If knights as multiple LoW armies become legal, then we can finally see the super heavy mech armies that should have been legal since they released the first escalation supplement


Hey buddy, any time you wanna play with Escalation-as-written, just tell me. I'll be happy to bring a Transcendent C'tan or perhaps a Revenant Titan (though I'd have to proxy for the latter) and we can have ourselves some "fun" as I watch you clean your models off the table.

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Which is really not that much different than banning or restricting units. It just does it by making it unfeasible to take them. We could do the same by saying 'sure you can take low and GC but you can't win anything'.


There is nothing really unfeasible in Swedish.  You have a pool of comp points, and you spend them.  More than anything it discourages spam, which frankly with elder would be a good thing.  I don't fear 1 unit of scatter bikes nearly as much as 3+ units of them.

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Example from trolling the fantasy threads, if I wanted to take a wraith knight id have to take a crap ton of guardians or shining spears to make up for it making it not worth really taking a wk.


And some people like redundant units, especially in 40k. I think battleforce style armies with a little of everything don't look as good as a coherent force with redundancy and symmetry.

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Granted, I don't play fantasy but... It's my understanding that certain unit types, combinations, items, etc are so penalized that they are nigh impossible to take in any serious list.

Ive comped up several list ideas for my Nagash End Times list at 2500 points,with Nagash being one of the most taxed units in Swedish Comp and I have no problem coming up with a rather nasty list that would likely be in the 3-6 range(that being very hard).Of course I wouldn't have all the toys I would like to see but I could put my cannon fodder wall up for a couple of turns and that should give me the time needed to get some summoned forces tailored to the list if facing.So yes,It actually does work pretty well in fantasy...now if we could just get the game designer to insure they will continue to support the game all would be fine on that front.


Anyhow,not to get too far off track here on the topic of 40k comp I actually found a rather interesting one over at Da Waaagh which I will start a new thread on.


As for this Knight release stuff,its looking pretty cool but I would much rather play a regular army while occasionally using just my House Terryn Knight as a LoW.I really groove on walkers and all that stuff but only having 5 big robots to fight with just doesn't sound fun at all to me...my Battletech days are over.

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You do what the fantasy community has been doing for a number of years and create special scenarios for your tournament.  Some events have gone so far as to seal them, and you only learn about them minutes before your round.  


Here's one, it's a version of Fantasy's watchtower.  "The winner of this mission is whoever controls X building at the end of the game.  You control a building by occupying it.  Only foot infantry may occupy the building for purposes of this scenario."



So, rather than tell someone before hand that an all Knight army just isn't allowed, you would just put in a scenario that the all Knight army simply can't win. I'm more than sure I'd just rather not waste my time going to event to find out after the fact that my army was banned by a mission.

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