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New Tau - Giant Fethin' Riptide with Missiles, New FireW and Stealth Riptide


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That is a very expensive toy to add to an army.  Kind complicated also, but I think I get where they are going with it.  My guess is, this Tidewall Rampant may be the replacement for the old Firebase cadre ability to get Monster Hunter etc...?


I note that it only bounces COVER saves so interestingly if you choose to use your 3+ armor save, the Shieldwall wont do anything for you.  On stuff that ignores cover, it also doesn't bounce things at you.  So thats important to note.

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On 2nd reading, the shadow strike kill team formation sounds pretty nifty If I understand it correctly. Scouts are good, vanguard that can assault the turn they arrive would make them pretty scary considering they can take assault goodies without paying through the nose.


Edit: never mind, I guess they are actually kill team rules. Boo urns.

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I lack the time to post them all but there are new pics of the upcoming White Dwarf in this Gamestrust.de gallery:
These are old and new pics - I guess at the end are the new ones (not sure)
The campaign book (60 EUR like the Shield of Ball books)
LE Codex
And a few more WD pics - Commander
Unboxing of the Rampart Tidewall
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Okay regarding the recycled Codex cover, wow that's a new thing 

This Codex is officially an updated book - basicall 6.5. Also the Campaign book contais all the new stuff for Tau, so if you have the old Tau Codex you can skip the new Codex and just buy the campaign book - I'm not kidding you. These are Games Workshops words in the item description. 

The Tau detachmant is called Hunter Contingent and there are nine formations in the Codex/campaign book.

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Okay regarding the recycled Codex cover, wow that's a new thing 

This Codex is officially an updated book - basicall 6.5. Also the Campaign book contais all the new stuff for Tau, so if you have the old Tau Codex you can skip the new Codex and just buy the campaign book - I'm not kidding you. These are Games Workshops words in the item description. 


The Tau detachmant is called Hunter Contingent and there are nine formations in the Codex/campaign book.


Huh, so it isn't a new codex per se.  That's odd.  

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Rough translation of the Pinion Company formation powers: 

For every Scout squad and Scout Bike squad from this formation placed in reserve, choose another unit in the formation and place it in reserve as well. When the Scout/Scout Bike squad comes in from reserve, its partner unit comes in as well. If the Scout/Scout Bike squad uses Outflank, its partner unit does so as well, appearing on the same board edge, even if that unit can not normally Outflank. The partner unit has the Stealth special rule on the turn it enters the board, as long as it is placed within 9 inches of the partnered Scout unit. 

In the shooting phase, every Scout Sergeant and Scout Veteran Sergeant in this formation can choose another unit from the formation within 9 inches. The weapons of the chosen unit have the Ignore Cover special rule until the end of the Shooting Phase.

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Rough translation of the Pinion Company formation powers: 


For every Scout squad and Scout Bike squad from this formation placed in reserve, choose another unit in the formation and place it in reserve as well. When the Scout/Scout Bike squad comes in from reserve, its partner unit comes in as well. If the Scout/Scout Bike squad uses Outflank, its partner unit does so as well, appearing on the same board edge, even if that unit can not normally Outflank. The partner unit has the Stealth special rule on the turn it enters the board, as long as it is placed within 9 inches of the partnered Scout unit. 


In the shooting phase, every Scout Sergeant and Scout Veteran Sergeant in this formation can choose another unit from the formation within 9 inches. The weapons of the chosen unit have the Ignore Cover special rule until the end of the Shooting Phase.



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Apparently the Hunter Contingent detachment has two benefits: 

- All markerlight hits are doubled 

- Units can use regular markerlights to benefit themselves at double the cost of spending them normally (basically makes them networked markerlights when combined with the doubled hits above) 

Take this with a Dead Sea's worth of salt for now, I'm still trying to verify the source.

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There is also this translation that was listed by Mauler for the Burning Dawn

**Rough** translations of the Burning Dawn SRs:




Master of Beckoning: Once per game Aun'Do can use Invocation to choose two elemental powers instead of one.

Infiltration Cadre: All units in this Formation have the Scout USR. Units that already have the Scout USR gain Infiltrate instead.



Tireless Hunter (Piranha):

+1BS (BS4)

Supporting Fire (Gun Drones only)


Pathfinder Team Aurora:


Relentless (Shas'ui Starshroud only) - ((only really benefits firing the markerlight while moving?))

FNP? (Shas'ui Starshroud only)

Bonding Knife Ritual? (mentions ICs so may not be)

Supporting Fire



Stealth Team Shadows Flood(?)


Precision Shots

Same Bonding Knife Ritual(?) as above

Supporting Fire



Exemplar of the Selfless Cause



Invocation Of The Elements




Homing Beacon

Hover Drone (not slowed by terrain when moving & charging, may move over intervening models and terrain but may not end movement upon either and automatically passes dangerous terrain tests).



I see the Markerlight rules for ignoring cover still has a cost of 2 tokens which, even as a Tau player, makes me a sad panda - the old 1 token removes 1 point of cover save was far more reasonable. :(
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I wonder what will be in the hunter formation. I hate to say it, but in the current codex, commander with marker drones or skyrays are the only real marker light sources I use, because despite loving the pathfinder models, they die real fast!


Stealth suits needed a bit more then precision shots, assuming they are part of the stealth formation.

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Yeah I'd say so, the markerlights in the formation might be nice, but in all honesty I don't find myself lacking in that department currently. I was hoping for formation benefits like scout/make the devilfish a fast vehicle if they aren't going to reduce its cost.


More effective markerlights, well if you really want cost effective markerlights, FE mandatory 3 man crisis suit unit with missile pods, target lock and two marker drones each, FE commander with same and velocity tracker. Then ally in a buffmander with marker drones and drone controller. Pricey and a large footstep, but buffmander can be made tanky and drones are fairly expendable.


Better then pathfinders, even with formation bonuses! (Imo)

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